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USADA to strip Lance Armstrong of Tour titles, ban him for life

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It's not exactly a life or death fight though that would keep him out of jail or anything serious like that. The only thing he loses if he's ever proven to be guilty of doping is some endorsements, but is he even getting much in endorsements anymore? He made a ton of money over the years thanks to those races and they're not going to take it away at this point. They may has well be accusing him of peeing in a pool when he was 10. It has very little impact on him moving forward in life.


My friend, you dont know LA very well. The guy has LIVED to win those tours. That was his LIFE. His reputation is shot. AND...he cannot race moving forward, something he was trying to do, getting back into Triathlons. He was scheduled to race the Kona Ironman this year before he was banned. So he did have a financial stake in this. Being stripped of his titles and being banned from future racing is BEYOND huge to him.

Edited by RkFast
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My friend, you dont know LA very well. The guy has LIVED to win those tours. That was his LIFE. His reputation is shot. AND...he cannot race moving forward, something he was trying to do, getting back into Triathlons. He was scheduled to race the Kona Ironman this year before he was banned. Being stripped of his titles and being banned from future racing is BEYOND huge to him.

Is it true that the USADA cant strip him of his titles?

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I have followed LA for quite awhile and want to believe he did not juice. I recently visited with a friend who is in the top three amateur cyclist/triathletes in his age range in the world. He knows amateurs that are juicing and believes it is impossible that LA did not. It is known that doping has been going on in cycling since the tour began in 1903 and before testing was ever performed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_at_the_Tour_de_France

This is still all hearsay and I am not 100% convinced that LA did but if it is true than I am ok with it after hearing some of the other competition doping tales that my friend relayed. This guy is a straight shooter and I believe him. Regardless, LA is still an amazing athlete. Doping is fairly common on the Tour and the riders are looking for that extra edge. If many other riders along with him were doping and he still won 7 tours, that is amazing. If he won that many without doping, well...they should do some testing to determine if he could be an alien.

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Is it true that the USADA cant strip him of his titles?


It looks like WADA granted the USADA power to do it. And then if the UCI, the "NFL" of cycling goes along with the ruling, its all but done. And the UCI WILL go along with it becuase if they dont, then WADA can tell the UCI that cycling is out of the Olympics. Crazy political stuff.

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You had absolutely zero idea what youre talking about. None. Go do some research. I have. Im telling you I follow this sport closely, have read a lot about it and have follwed LA's career closely. Not his apperances on The Tonight Show. His actual racing career. But you just dismiss my opinion like I have no clue? So OK......go do some research on your own and get back to me. Google is your friend.




Tom, there is sworn testimony made against LA.






Federal prosecutors dropped that case in February of this year[/url], however, and Gazzetta reports that the evidence from Padova related to Armstrong’s alleged $465,000 payment to Ferrari “was not ready” at that time.]


You are making my point. All allegations, zero proof.

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. Did you even bother to click?




Jim, i'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to support RkFast on this one....I have suspected Jim in Anchorage of being a non-clicker since 1999. Although Jim has never been caught directly, based on some of his vague and often incomplete responses, one is only left to assume that he is guilty as charged. I hope that Jim will take this opportunity and set the record straight, but until that time comes, I have to conclude that Jim may in fact be a non-clicker.

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are you suggesting we strip him of his clicking? that's pretty drastic....


Jim, i'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to support RkFast on this one....I have suspected Jim in Anchorage of being a non-clicker since 1999. Although Jim has never been caught directly, based on some of his vague and often incomplete responses, one is only left to assume that he is guilty as charged. I hope that Jim will take this opportunity and set the record straight, but until that time comes, I have to conclude that Jim may in fact be a non-clicker.

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I was listening to a radio program this morning and they were saying we should let all athletes dope. They said imagine 700' homers. 200mph fastballs, 5 sec 100 meters, guys lifting 3000lbs until they crushed their ankles and knees. And I though, you know, that would be pretty cool. :lol:


Oh I also heard they will give the titles to the next finisher behind Armstrong. Unfortunately this is the first guy they found that also wasn't doping.




Edited by Chef Jim
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Jim, i'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to support RkFast on this one....I have suspected Jim in Anchorage of being a non-clicker since 1999. Although Jim has never been caught directly, based on some of his vague and often incomplete responses, one is only left to assume that he is guilty as charged. I hope that Jim will take this opportunity and set the record straight, but until that time comes, I have to conclude that Jim may in fact be a non-clicker.


Bravo. I think we should strip Jim of his posting records.

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Jim, i'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to support RkFast on this one....I have suspected Jim in Anchorage of being a non-clicker since 1999. Although Jim has never been caught directly, based on some of his vague and often incomplete responses, one is only left to assume that he is guilty as charged. I hope that Jim will take this opportunity and set the record straight, but until that time comes, I have to conclude that Jim may in fact be a non-clicker.


Furthermore, my cousin met a man once who said I was a non-clicker.Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, you must find find him guilty on this iron clad evidence.

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Bravo. I think we should strip Jim of his posting records.


You don't have ANY proof what-so-ever of Jim not clicking. All you have is hearsay. End this cruel witch hunt NOW!

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You don't have ANY proof what-so-ever of Jim not clicking. All you have is hearsay. End this cruel witch hunt NOW!


azjeep is allegedly willing to testify that he believes Jim failed to click back in 1999. That's good enough for me.

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Money can't buy you love, But, it can buy the best masking agents on the planet. I was a believer in Armstrong's witch hunt theory early on. No more though. The use of PEDS is a epedimic in all sports. But, really does it matter anymore? It is just a form of entertainment.


I went and watched Bonds in his last year. At least 40 games in SF. Everyone knew he was juiced, and as important a douche. But, it was fun watching pitchers jam him and Bonds knocking it into the drink. It was entertaining and i got my $$$$ worth. What segment of sports, or business, or politics isn't filled with phonies, and cheaters anymore? I'm used to it now.

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azjeep is allegedly willing to testify that he believes Jim failed to click back in 1999. That's good enough for me.


ajzepp is the Rod Landis of TBD. C'mon man, you gotta have proof.

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Money can't buy you love, But, it can buy the best masking agents on the planet. I was a believer in Armstrong's witch hunt theory early on. No more though. The use of PEDS is a epedimic in all sports. But, really does it matter anymore? It is just a form of entertainment.


I went and watched Bonds in his last year. At least 40 games in SF. Everyone knew he was juiced, and as important a douche. But, it was fun watching pitchers jam him and Bonds knocking it into the drink. It was entertaining and i got my $$$$ worth. What segment of sports, or business, or politics isn't filled with phonies, and cheaters anymore? I'm used to it now.

So any above the crowd athlete is on junk? What do you think the Babe was on?

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I think there should be an investigation to find one single person who finished in the top 100 in any recent Tour de France who did NOT cheat and award this person $250 million and a golden trophy that says ALL TIME bicycle racing champion. And then all professional bicycle racing should be banned forever.

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ajzepp is the Rod Landis of TBD. C'mon man, you gotta have proof.

I hope you aren't suggesting that ajzeep is to be considered anything but a model witness.


Just because ajzeep has spent his posting career in Jim's long shadow and some of Jim's stripped records would become ajzeep's is completely irrelevant.

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