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The Mitt-stakes continue

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Willard went 3 for 3 on his foreign trip. First he insults the British over his Olympic comments. Then in Israel he insults the Palestinians about their culture and throws gasoline on the fire by saying he'd move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, while giving the right-wingers in Israel carte blanche to attack Iran and start another war in the Middle East, and of course it would be up to the U.S. to clean up the mess and suffer the economic consequences.


And for the hat trick in Poland, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Willard's aid told the press to, “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” So it appears that he believes that kissing his ass at a holy site is a sign of respect to the Poles. :doh:



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And the small-ball Mitt-picking continues. Let's hope employment numbers rise significantly this Friday so you guys have something important to discuss.


You have to love what passes for a scandal, though: While Romney was in Poland, someone who wasn't Romney offended people who weren't Poles.

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You have to love what passes for a scandal, though: While Romney was in Poland, someone who wasn't Romney offended people who weren't Poles.

You'd think he did something REALLY stupid, like referring to the Polish Death Camps while giving a Medal of Freedom to a Polish resistance fighter. Or telling the Polish prime minister that he has a little Polish in him simply because he comes from Chicago.

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You'd think he did something REALLY stupid, like referring to the Polish Death Camps while giving a Medal of Freedom to a Polish resistance fighter. Or telling the Polish prime minister that he has a little Polish in him simply because he comes from Chicago.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore that the media looks after their own and gives BO another pass. They make a bigger deal about Romney being honest about the Olympics but ignore Obamas blunders

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore that the media looks after their own and gives BO another pass. They make a bigger deal about Rodney being honest about the Olympics but ignore Obamas blunders

Could you imagine a reporter yelling out at Obama "Mr. Obama, do you think your reference to Polish Death Camps is hurting your trip to Poland?"


Please. A reporter from the Daily Caller asked him a question at a freaking PRESS CONFERENCE at the wrong time and the guy was all but flogged on primetime TV.


On the upside, more and more people are starting to put two-and-two together where the media is concerned.

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Could you imagine a reporter yelling out at Obama "Mr. Obama, do you think your reference to Polish Death Camps is hurting your trip to Poland?"


Please. A reporter from the Daily Caller asked him a question at a freaking PRESS CONFERENCE at the wrong time and the guy was all but flogged on primetime TV.


On the upside, more and more people are starting to put two-and-two together where the media is concerned.

Holy revisionist history. The thing is, I know you believe that's what happened too.


It's amazing.

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Holy revisionist history. The thing is, I know you believe that's what happened too.


It's amazing.


Please refresh my memory. I am being serious. I remember some conservative reporter being filleted but I don't remember the specifics, just that he supposedly spoke up at an inappropriate time or made inappropriate comments.

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Opinion of a Pole you may have heard of

In May, Walesa refused to meet with President Obama, who had invited him to get together in Poland after the G-8 Summit in France. Obama did not invite him this year to a ceremony awarding a posthumous Medal of Freedom to Jan Karski, a hero of the Polish resistance in World War II. The two have nothing in common. Walesa fights tyranny. Obama appeases it.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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You have to love what passes for a scandal, though: While Romney was in Poland, someone who wasn't Romney offended people who weren't Poles.

His comments about giving Isreal a blank check for war should be the only thing we are talking about. It's a huge issue

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Please refresh my memory. I am being serious. I remember some conservative reporter being filleted but I don't remember the specifics, just that he supposedly spoke up at an inappropriate time or made inappropriate comments.

Obama came out to tell us some story he probably felt he hadn't told enough times for the dumbass masses to understand, and a reporter asked an ill-timed question. Period. Nothing more. Nothing less. But the dude was destroyed in the press for days.


But someone from the press yells a question about Romney's "gaffes," his aide tells the report to shut the hell up during the moment they were at some solemn place in Poland, and the story is all about the aide.


The entire event was embarrassing, especially for the reporters. You should hear the audio. It was genuinely pathetic. But it gives the press something to do before unemployment numbers are released on Friday.


Then they'll shut up again.

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Willard went 3 for 3 on his foreign trip. First he insults the British over his Olympic comments. Then in Israel he insults the Palestinians about their culture and throws gasoline on the fire by saying he'd move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, while giving the right-wingers in Israel carte blanche to attack Iran and start another war in the Middle East, and of course it would be up to the U.S. to clean up the mess and suffer the economic consequences.


And for the hat trick in Poland, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Willard's aid told the press to, “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” So it appears that he believes that kissing his ass at a holy site is a sign of respect to the Poles. :doh:




This is pathetic even for this board. I hate to break it to you, but Obama has been a colossal failure. In a few short months, Romney will blow the doors off Obama. I suggest you either try to deal with it, or at the very least refrain from starting an idiotic thread in which you call a politician who's telling the truth, a person who's just made a gaffe. Face it, you have nothing on this guy and every time you try to cook up a plan to ruin his chances with a fake scandal, you end up looking like a chard and smoldering Wile E. Coyote.


I'm shocked that there are still people with functioning brain cells in their head who still support this loser. It reminds me of the feuds with the Dick "it's hard to win" Jauron supporters. The unqualified, inexperienced and unknown Obama was given a huge chance and he proved his harshest detractors right. Romney is the next person in line to be given the chance.

Edited by 1billsfan
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His comments about giving Isreal a blank check for war should be the only thing we are talking about. It's a huge issue

How is that really all that different than obama? Camp Romney has a key platform agenda item to be viewed as a better friend (more like lapdog ) to Israel than Obama, but unless he actually commits US to unconditonal war on their behalf, he won't be able to out lapdog him on policy. Thats why we're seeing all the added kosher culture love out of romney

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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See what happens when you don't go to Germany, rent a soccer stadium and offer the crowd free rock music, beer and brats?

That, and you have to counter the United Steel Workers twisting the arm of Solidarity to issue a diss in a contrived press release knocking your "anti union" views. Guess they forgot or forgave Regan for firing the air controllers, 'cause they sure were buying what he was selling.

Edited by Nanker
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Please refresh my memory. I am being serious. I remember some conservative reporter being filleted but I don't remember the specifics, just that he supposedly spoke up at an inappropriate time or made inappropriate comments.

The President was giving a statement about immigration in the rose garden. In the middle of the statement the reporter interrupted by asking why the President was focused on that rather than job creation for citizens. The question was not inappropriate but the timing of it (mid-speech at the White House) coupled with the reporter's continued attempts to ask it during the remainder of the speech was completely inappropriate.


This wasn't a pool reporter attempting to ask a question to a politician as he walked in or out of a plane/limo/campaign event. This was a reporter standing in the rose garden interrupting the President (twice) during a prepared statement.


Politics aside, respect the office -- especially when you're AT the White House in a professional capacity. It was a bush league move that should have embarrassed the reporter and his newspaper but instead, it galvanized both in the eyes of the right.


This is pathetic even for this board. I hate to break it to you, but Obama has been a colossal failure. In a few short months, Romney will blow the doors off Obama. I suggest you either try to deal with it, or at the very least refrain from starting an idiotic thread in which you call a politician who's telling the truth, a person who's just made a gaffe. Face it, you have nothing on this guy and every time you try to cook up a plan to ruin his chances with a fake scandal, you end up looking like a chard and smoldering Wile E. Coyote.


I'm shocked that there are still people with functioning brain cells in their head who still support this loser. It reminds me of the feuds with the Dick "it's hard to win" Jauron supporters. The unqualified, inexperienced and unknown Obama was given a huge chance and he proved his harshest detractors right. Romney is the next person in line to be given the chance.

Wait... PastaJoe is running the DNC now?

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Politics aside, respect the office -- especially when you're AT the White House in a professional capacity.

I really get tired of this whole "respect the office" thing. It's ridiculous. The moment you give respect to something just because you're told you're supposed to is a very, very dangerous trip to take.


And let me know when we should respect the office of the president more than, say, we should respect Poland's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the Romney issue took place, just because "we're supposed to."

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The President was giving a statement about immigration in the rose garden. In the middle of the statement the reporter interrupted by asking why the President was focused on that rather than job creation for citizens. The question was not inappropriate but the timing of it (mid-speech at the White House) coupled with the reporter's continued attempts to ask it during the remainder of the speech was completely inappropriate.


This wasn't a pool reporter attempting to ask a question to a politician as he walked in or out of a plane/limo/campaign event. This was a reporter standing in the rose garden interrupting the President (twice) during a prepared statement.


Politics aside, respect the office -- especially when you're AT the White House in a professional capacity. It was a bush league move that should have embarrassed the reporter and his newspaper but instead, it galvanized both in the eyes of the right.



Wait... PastaJoe is running the DNC now?


Yes, the timing was inappropriate.

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I really get tired of this whole "respect the office" thing. It's ridiculous. The moment you give respect to something just because you're told you're supposed to is a very, very dangerous trip to take.


And let me know when we should respect the office of the president more than, say, we should respect Poland's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the Romney issue took place, just because "we're supposed to."


You're right. Respect and civility are things to be wary of. They serve no purpose in our lives.

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