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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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All we need to illustrate the preposterous nature of socialism....or Obama's "social justice" (which is NOT socialism, but something else)?


Art. Yes...art. The thing liberals claim to know all about. Art comes from the mind...not the teacher.


But...ask the artist to share the credit, or the cash, derived from their work sometime. Tell them that they didn't build that themselves....and that most of what they did came from their influences, or the guy who made the paint/keyboard, and not from them....and see the hypocrtical tears tears start to flow.


:lol: Why are they so quick to sue over royalities....if they had help, and "it takes a village", and they needed their precious governement to do what they have? :rolleyes: Even somebody with an NEA grant...did the grant come up with the art...or did it just pay for lattes....while you were coming up with the art?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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All we need to illustrate the preposterous nature of socialism....or Obama's "social justice" (which is NOT socialism, but something else)?


Art. Yes...art. The thing liberals claim to know all about. Art comes from the mind...not the teacher.


But...ask the artist to share the credit, or the cash, derived from their work sometime. Tell them that they didn't build that themselves....and that most of what they did came from their influences, or the guy who made the paint/keyboard, and not from them....and see the hypocrtical tears tears start to flow.


:lol: Why are they so quick to sue over royalities....if they had help, and "it takes a village", and they needed their precious governement to do what they have? :rolleyes: Even somebody with an NEA grant...did the grant come up with the art...or did it just pay for lattes....while you were coming up with the art?

What is a latte. Just give me a black coffee and move along!




bull ****. Any system that does not allow ownership will inherently be violent because no one will ever willingly give up what they own so you are forced to take it from their cold dead hands.


Seriously have you ever formed an opinion in your life that didn't finish with, well I'm 50/50 on this issue.

You are exaggerating things. I like to look at options and from different angles, but if you read my posts, you can find plenty of opinions. You just can't pigeonhole them as democrat or republican, which isn't a problem to me.



Read the whole article.


Also, the problem with those systems is that they enable their leaders to have the power to execute such atrocities. Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. would have been stuck with thumbs up their asses if they tried to ship people to concentration camps. Let's get congress out of the way, consolidate power in a monarch, and see how long our individual liberties are respected. Remember, these ideologies that lead to genocide are almost always rooted in a "greater good" argument and usually start off as populist movements to help the poor or middle/working class.

I have a busy schedule this week, but I will take a look tomorrow if the opportunity presents itself.

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What is a latte. Just give me a black coffee and move along!



You are exaggerating things. I like to look at options and from different angles, but if you read my posts, you can find plenty of opinions. You just can't pigeonhole them as democrat or republican, which isn't a problem to me.



I have a busy schedule this week, but I will take a look tomorrow if the opportunity presents itself.


I'm sure you like black coffee, coffee with cream and maybe coffee with cream and sugar. Have you ever taken a stand?

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this topic degenerated into a debate as to whether Obama is a socialist. Do you guys read your posts? Pretty embarrassing on both sides. Once posters use "townhall" or Mother Jones to back up extreme ideological views, it's a good indication that this isn't the forum for a rational conversation.

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this topic degenerated into a debate as to whether Obama is a socialist. Do you guys read your posts? Pretty embarrassing on both sides. Once posters use "townhall" or Mother Jones to back up extreme ideological views, it's a good indication that this isn't the forum for a rational conversation.


Is there something wrong with being a socialist?

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Here is a poll in the battleground states of LIKELY VOTERS not just registered ones. JA noted that Romney is losing the independent voters, I argued that no way no how does Obama win those voters come November. If you look at the findings here, among likely voters, Romney is up + 10


Things are definitely within very close striking range for Romney to win this election, and the idea that mainstream media "conventional wisdom" that Ryan will lose Florida for the campaign is a shallow observation. Will Romney win Florida? Who knows. Are their risks associated to picking Ryan for the senior vote? sure.


Someone posted a GALLUP poll regarding Ryan's medicare plan, and you know what demographic supported his plan the most?


Above 65 years old.


And guess what? They supported Ryans plan more so than Obamas. Now is that a static number? Of course not, and over the next couple months there will be a fight to demagogue each others plan, so we'll see how those numbers turn out. Be wary of polls going forward, it's all in the way they word itYou know who supported it the second most?


Ages 55- 64


It's perfectly logical. It is so easy to make the point. Here goes.




It is so simple to make this point, its easy to understand, and you can place it on ads. Like I said earlier, Rubio ran hard on Ryan's plan, and he would say this over and over, and he won in a landslide with senior voters.


Below is the poll, and sorry I can't "quote" it, but something happened to the format to where I don't have the option to do so.





The race for the White House remained in a dead heat just before Mitt Romney announced Paul Ryan as his running mate, a new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground poll finds.


The poll, conducted in the days leading up to the Ryan announcement on Saturday, finds that despite the unprecedented millions of dollars being poured into the contest and the non-stop attacks from each side, the top line numbers are essentially unchanged from a previous Battleground poll in early May.


Obama takes 48 percent of likely voters in the new poll, compared with 47 percent for Romney – a statistical tie and well within the margin of error. In May, the numbers were flipped: Romney was at 48 percent and Obama was at 47 percent. The poll found 5 percent of voters are undecided.


"The overall sort of broader scope of the ballot is that there's been little to no movement," said Republican pollster Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group, who helped conduct the bipartisan poll.


Both candidates also maintained their previous advantages among specific demographic groups. Romney leads among independent voters by 10 points, 47 percent to 37 percent, the same margin he had in May. And Obama continues his advantage among female voters by 15 points – also similar to his May margin.





Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz23R2ql7OF

Edited by WorldTraveller
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To be clear, the issue is not that Romney is losing the independent voter--it's that he needs to dominate this demographic to win. That's why the Ryan addition may help him.


I hadn't known Ryan's plan had a grandfather clause for Medicare. That's politically savvy for Florida's sake.


Hope the dialog starts to shift to budget and spending...and the polls follow suit.

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this topic degenerated into a debate as to whether Obama is a socialist. Do you guys read your posts? Pretty embarrassing on both sides. Once posters use "townhall" or Mother Jones to back up extreme ideological views, it's a good indication that this isn't the forum for a rational conversation.

New media isn't embarrassing. Those two you posted above provide ways for you to further investigate opinions and news. Watching TV or reading Print is mostly taking what they say as factual. Join the online community and learn that there are more than two views to every issue.


I wish the left would just get over the fact that Obama is indeed a socialist/Marxist and quit getting all butt hurt when someone calls him what he is. Nobody is saying he's Stalin or Hitler and wants to murder millions who disagree with him (at least not literally).


To be clear, the issue is not that Romney is losing the independent voter--it's that he needs to dominate this demographic to win. That's why the Ryan addition may help him.


I hadn't known Ryan's plan had a grandfather clause for Medicare. That's politically savvy for Florida's sake.


Hope the dialog starts to shift to budget and spending...and the polls follow suit.

Not only does Congressman Ryan's plan have a grandfather clause, once implemented it has an option to go with the medicare the way it is now.

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To be clear, the issue is not that Romney is losing the independent voter--it's that he needs to dominate this demographic to win. That's why the Ryan addition may help him.


I hadn't known Ryan's plan had a grandfather clause for Medicare. That's politically savvy for Florida's sake.


Hope the dialog starts to shift to budget and spending...and the polls follow suit.


I agree to an extent. I fully expect GOP turnout to be considerably higher than the D's, relatively speaking. I believe that if Romney wins independents by + 5 or more in states like Ohio, Florida, Iowa and Virginia, he wins. Voter registrations are pretty close to equal in these states, so turnout is key. Also, I see a new electoral map for Victory for Romney. In all maps he needs to win Florida, PERIOD!However, Ohio is not necessary. Obviously if he loses Ohio, it becomes much more difficult. But he can Wisconsin (which is definitely possible and take states like Iowa AND Colorado and win. Latest polls in Colorado and Iowa have been showing with a slight lead, so this is certainly possible.

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Is there something wrong with being a socialist?

That's not an easy question, Meazza, and I've read enough of your posts to realize that you are rational enough to know that. It wouldn't work here, except in small aspects, but it can be good for other economies. It is merely a tool- if it can be a useful tool, it should be used. In this country, it should be used with great discression, because it can do great damage, if we veer to far that way, which may explain the great fear directed towards it.

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That's not an easy question, Meazza, and I've read enough of your posts to realize that you are rational enough to know that. It wouldn't work here, except in small aspects, but it can be good for other economies. It is merely a tool- if it can be a useful tool, it should be used. In this country, it should be used with great discression, because it can do great damage, if we veer to far that way, which may explain the great fear directed towards it.


Come and live in Quebec for a year and then you'll know why I hate socialism.

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I agree to an extent. I fully expect GOP turnout to be considerably higher than the D's, relatively speaking. I believe that if Romney wins independents by + 5 or more in states like Ohio, Florida, Iowa and Virginia, he wins. Voter registrations are pretty close to equal in these states, so turnout is key. Also, I see a new electoral map for Victory for Romney. In all maps he needs to win Florida, PERIOD!However, Ohio is not necessary. Obviously if he loses Ohio, it becomes much more difficult. But he can Wisconsin (which is definitely possible and take states like Iowa AND Colorado and win. Latest polls in Colorado and Iowa have been showing with a slight lead, so this is certainly possible.


This is the counterattack from Team Obama in the battle for Independents--to shed light on Ryan's idiotic social positions.


In an interview with the conservative Weekly Standard in 2010, Mr. Ryan, an observant Roman Catholic, played down the possibility of a truce on social issues, which had been suggested by Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a Republican.


“I’m as pro-life as a person gets,” Mr. Ryan said then. “You’re not going to have a truce. Judges are going to come up. Issues come up, they’re unavoidable, and I’m never going to not vote pro-life.”


In nearly 14 years as a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, Mr. Ryan has not only voted for legislation that would cut off federal money for Planned Parenthood and the Title X family planning program, but also backed bills to establish criminal penalties for certain doctors who perform the procedure known as partial-birth abortion.


He is a co-sponsor of a bill that would define fetuses as people entitled to full legal protection, a proposal that has become the latest focus in the battles over abortion. The bill declares, “The life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, irrespective of sex, health, function or disability, defect, stage of biological development, or condition of dependency, at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”


Mr. Ryan, speaking on gay rights, has said, “I believe fundamentally that marriage is between a man and a woman.”


He voted in 2006 for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. And, as he said recently, he supported an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution, approved in 2006, that denies official recognition to same-sex marriage.


“Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state,” the amendment says. “A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state.”




Edited by John Adams
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I don't see this as any factor whatsoever in the elections. Those simpletons who vote on social positions weren't going to vote for Romney as it is, and he isn't such a hard right social conservative to where he'll scare women to voting for Obama. Actually, I believe he will attract women to the campaign, he's young, smart and good looking, and believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter.


This is a complete non issue, that only matters in publications such as the NY TIMES.

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This is the counterattack from Team Obama in the battle for Independents--to shed light on Ryan's idiotic social positions.


I genuinely hope there are cameras rolling the very moment it hits the Obama campaign that with 25 million people out of work, a stalled economy, and debt and deficit for as far as the eye can see, that virtually no one gives a flying ratsasshair about gay marriage and abortion as important issues.

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Yet another poll that shows the enthusiasm is clearly on the conservatives side, and this was before the Ryan pick. I guarantee you that he energizes the base even more so than this poll indicates.





More Republicans than Democrats are engaged in the presidential contest and voter turnout could decrease compared with the 2008 election, according to a Gallup poll on Monday.


Seventy-four percent of Republicans said they’re thinking about the election “quite a lot,” compared to 61 percent of Democrats, the USA Today/Gallup survey found.


“In most prior election campaigns, Republicans have typically paid a higher level of attention to the election than Democrats. However, the current 13-point Republican advantage is larger than Gallup has measured in recent presidential election years,” Gallup wrote. “That may be because Republicans had a competitive nomination contest this year, while on the Democratic side, President Obama was not challenged for the nomination. In the early part of 2008, when Democrats had a prolonged and competitive nomination contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton, Democrats led Republicans in thought given to the election.”


Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/79665.html#ixzz23RP4ol54

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I don't see this as any factor whatsoever in the elections. Those simpletons who vote on social positions weren't going to vote for Romney as it is, and he isn't such a hard right social conservative to where he'll scare women to voting for Obama. Actually, I believe he will attract women to the campaign, he's young, smart and good looking, and believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter.


This is a complete non issue, that only matters in publications such as the NY TIMES.


So wait: People who care about social issues are simpletons but Ryan will help Mitt because he's cute?

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So wait: People who care about social issues are simpletons but Ryan will help Mitt because he's cute?


What I said was:"Those simpletons who vote on social positions weren't going to vote for Romney as it is"and then I also said:"Actually, I believe he will attract women to the campaign, he's young, smart and good looking, and believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter."There is no contradiction in there whatsoever. By saying "Believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter" I'm implying that this is also a shallow reason to vote for someone.I'm surprised you didn't catch that, it really wasn't that encrypted.

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What I said was:"Those simpletons who vote on social positions weren't going to vote for Romney as it is"and then I also said:"Actually, I believe he will attract women to the campaign, he's young, smart and good looking, and believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter."There is no contradiction in there whatsoever. By saying "Believe it or not, there is a segment of the population of women voters where these things matter" I'm implying that this is also a shallow reason to vote for someone.I'm surprised you didn't catch that, it really wasn't that encrypted.


You didn't need to explain it. It was clear the first time too.

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