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Aurora Shooting: Does Tighter Gun Control Change the Outcome?

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Dude had military grade armor on. A person in the crowd with a pistol wasn't going to help. That person would take one shot that would bounce off the armor -- and then get filled with bullets from the auto's.


(and I'm generally pro-gun rights, but not because I'm delusional enough to think gun-rights would have helped in Aurora)


So nice to have you back making stupid comments that aren't accurate. He did not have "military grade" armor on. His vest was a shooter's vest, similar to a fisherman's vest, designed to carry schit. Obviously, your hiatus didn't make you any smarter.

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Dude had military grade armor on. A person in the crowd with a pistol wasn't going to help. That person would take one shot that would bounce off the armor -- and then get filled with bullets from the auto's.


(and I'm generally pro-gun rights, but not because I'm delusional enough to think gun-rights would have helped in Aurora)


Here are a couple of links saying that he wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest at all.


One was already posted in this thread:



Chief Executive Officer Chad Weinman said despite its name, the urban assault vest is not bulletproof, but is simply a vest made for carrying accessories.




And here's CBS getting it wrong:




A receipt from TacticalGear.com shows on July 2 -- two-and-a-half weeks before the shootings -- Holmes purchased a bulletproof vest and other equipment. He paid extra to have it shipped by 2nd-day air.



So unless I read a police report somewhere of exactly what he was wearing, I don't believe your statement is true.

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Dude had military grade armor on. A person in the crowd with a pistol wasn't going to help. That person would take one shot that would bounce off the armor -- and then get filled with bullets from the auto's.


(and I'm generally pro-gun rights, but not because I'm delusional enough to think gun-rights would have helped in Aurora)

Where do you get your info ? That couldn't be more wrong and misinformed.


He did not have military grade body armor.


He had a Frigging vest on that had pockets to hold extra magazines /tools /maps etc...with no ballistic protection.


A 9mm or .40 caliber pistol round would have shredded the front and back of his vest with exit wounds.


More garbage from ill informed media and people who have an agenda to take guns because they are ignorant


And no, I don't even own a single gun.

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Now please. In defense of Conner. He wasn't there and didn't know the guy. All he's got are his preconceived notions and biases to go on along with sloppy reporting by a media that's hurdling over themselves to get a good angle on the "story" so they can sell more papers, ads, or gain the ultimate prize - get a Pulitzer!


However, I've noticed in the past few days there's been a distinct shortage of news about this case in the media. I really think some of the useless shop-at-home informercial stations could be taken over (albeit temporarily) to offer reporters, correspondents and other professional pundits the opportunity to fully voice their opinions (professional and otherwise) to the vacuous sponge that is the great American unwashed who so dramatically show their need to know more about a worthless **** of an individual that snuffed out the lives of twelve innocent people and slaughtered the innocence of hundreds more.

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Scary that's the kind of get up the TBD Alamo would have everyone wearing rather than simply getting rid of the almighty gun. Covered head to toe except for a sphincter opening. Not for taking a crap, as you see that comes out of their mouth. Its so they can "grease the barrel"

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Wassup !@#$wads.


Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates : "ballistic helmet, a tactical ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat and a groin protector, black tactical gloves, and a gas mask"



Do you think they will admit they were wrong? more likely they will just slink away.

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Wassup !@#$wads.


Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates : "ballistic helmet, a tactical ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat and a groin protector, black tactical gloves, and a gas mask"




"Military grade armor".


Only you could demonstrate everyone wrong, while simultaneously having no !@#$ing idea what you're talking about.

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Do you think they will admit they were wrong? more likely they will just slink away.

You keep calling for eliminating guns as though it gives you some sense of moral superiority but you have yet to propose a method by which this can be realistically accomplished. Do you actually have a plan or do you just have utter disdain for those who chose to acknowledge reality?

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The vest he was wearing. Doesn't look like armor to me.





Conner and buds, wrong again.

Logic and reason doesn't apply to connor. I stand by my statement that these vests had no ballistic protection. I suppose to someone easily frightened by words like gun or tactical they would quickly jump to misinformed conclusions to push an anti gun agenda.


These vests are the same type used by airsoft players to SIMULATE a tactical/military look but having no ballistic protection properties. There is no !@#$ing armor in his vest. Average citizens CANNOT buy body armor in stores.


Do you think they will admit they were wrong? more likely they will just slink away.

I'm not wrong connor is.

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While calling Dane Cook a "comedian" is a stretch, in the comedy world there isn't really such a thing as a hard-line "too soon." Comedians have to test the waters and figure out when something becomes funny. There were people laughing in that video; he's doing his job.

Edited by LeviF91
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While calling Dane Cook a "comedian" is a stretch, in the comedy world there isn't really such a thing as a hard-line "too soon." Comedians have to test the waters and figure out when something becomes funny. There were people laughing in that video; he's doing his job.


I agree.


But Dane Cook sucks so I don't think he's relevant.

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Right, like this ditty from the currently active righty Obama beat-down thread:


Rob, on 17 July 2012 - 04:29 PM, said:


You didn't take that ****. Someone else made it happen.


DC Tom, reply:


Probably the corn farmers. Which is why our tax dollars go to their subsidies.




So here you are defending education grants cuz you drank at that trough, while at the time same bitching about farm subsidies.



Some further musings from Tom and other members of the TBD Alamo (with helpful imagery):


ROB'S GUN HOUSE: "That emotionally weak liberal JFK got it wrong trying to lecture us about freedom and responsibility. Instead of telling people to ask themselves what they should be doing for their country, should have been telling them to ask what they can do for their country with their guns."


DEV/BRAIN/NULL&VOID: "If guns don't kill people, but people kill people, that means we can all have nukes too. Works for me, so long as they ain't buying nukes with food stamps."


DINGLEBERRY TOM IN HIS OFFICE: "If they didn't want to run the risk of being shot in a theatre, why did they go to a theatre in the first place? Idiots :wallbash: "


Meh, I laughed a bit...

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Logic and reason doesn't apply to connor. I stand by my statement that these vests had no ballistic protection. I suppose to someone easily frightened by words like gun or tactical they would quickly jump to misinformed conclusions to push an anti gun agenda.


These vests are the same type used by airsoft players to SIMULATE a tactical/military look but having no ballistic protection properties. There is no !@#$ing armor in his vest. Average citizens CANNOT buy body armor in stores.



I'm not wrong connor is.



The vest doesn't even come together in the front. Conner and lyrbob will slink away now like they usually do. JTSP won't slink away, he'll just step in it one more time.

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While calling Dane Cook a "comedian" is a stretch, in the comedy world there isn't really such a thing as a hard-line "too soon." Comedians have to test the waters and figure out when something becomes funny. There were people laughing in that video; he's doing his job.


I know.


Though I wouldnt be surprised if he got his ass kicked over that. Or maybe worse. Just say'in

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It's humourous, technically.


I wonder if the young father laying in our ICU donwstairs who lost an eye and sits in a COMA with perhaps permanent brain damage, whose wife just gave birth to their child, would find it funny or not?


I have a great joke about his mutli-million dollars hospital bills and how his wife is scrapping money together to stay in denver to take of her husband while nursing the baby-


Funny, Dane, Funny....

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It's humourous, technically.


I wonder if the young father laying in our ICU donwstairs who lost an eye and sits in a COMA with perhaps permanent brain damage, whose wife just gave birth to their child, would find it funny or not?


I have a great joke about his mutli-million dollars hospital bills and how his wife is scrapping money together to stay in denver to take of her husband while nursing the baby-


Funny, Dane, Funny....


I really believe comedy has gone into the "whatever works" mode and from what I recall, older generation comedians had limits.


Oh well, plenty of people will make jokes about this guy once he blows his brains out.

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I took it as him making fun of how much the movie sucked rather than laughing at the people who got shot.


I find it funny how a few years back it was cool to like Dane Cook & now everyone thinks he sucks. I guess it's because even though he has some funny bits, too much of his routine is just him being super high energy acting absurd & making sound effects instead of saying anything funny. I will say, it'd be super funny if someone told that joke in front of JTSP.

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