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So glad we didn't hire SHANAHAN


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McNabb has always been a dope which the rest of the league outside of Philly is finally starting to see over the last few years. This isnt anything new


if McNabb is blaming his failure in Washington on Shanahan and his son what happened in Minnesota last year?



McNabb was never a pure drop back west coast QB though. The one thing McNabb did have was his legs as well as a canon for an arm. IMO he never fit that system even though he did put up decent numbers at times but everyone that plays for Reid seems to do that


My brother lives in Philly and I've very familar with their fans. They love saying McNabb sucks. Right, because Philly was a powerhouse before him and went to 5 championship games with the likes of James Thrash and Todd Pinkston. And if Reid made McNabb, what have they done since him?


McNabb has a 2 to 1 td to int ratio. That's excellent and he played with some of the crappiest wrs any good QB has ever played with. He never got the credit he deserved. He was a very good player for a very miserable fanbase.

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I love Elway, but I think even he would admit, neither he or Shanahan would have a ring, without Terrell Davis...


There's no question about that. What I wanted to say was that Shanahan has been looking for the next chamiopnship QB since Elway retires, and he has had no success.

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I love Elway, but I think even he would admit, neither he or Shanahan would have a ring, without Terrell Davis...

True, but Shanahan was the first guy in Denver who realized they weren't going to win a SB running the offense through an aging Elway. Shanahan revamped the offensive philosophy and he selected Davis to be the back in this scheme. When Davis went down, it was Mike Anderson and Shanahan was able to make the playoffs with Brian Griese at QB.

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Mcnabb is a classic passive/agressive with that thin veil of polite "nice guy" act. I wouldn't trust a word that guy said.


That's why most of his team was on Terrell Owens' side after the Super Bowl run. Fat Andy sided with DM, though, so that was that.


That said, Shanny is a bit overrated. But it must be hard to win with Snyder running the show.


I agree with every word of this post. Spot on.



I have zero interest in anything McNabb has to say.

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Actually, I think Shanana took Donovan to the woodshed and then sent him packing. The coach has more cred than that particular player. I for one am glad we never lifted a finger to get DM. He was washed up in Philly and they threw him away like an old shoe. He had nothing left in DC and Shanny exposed that. Good luck getting a job in TV Donovan. You'll need it.

If that Frankenstein-faced, arrogant bag o' crap Tedy Bruschi can get a TV gig, I'm sure NcNabb can. ESPeNis doesn't seem too selective when it comes to their 'analysts'.


Me too, hiring your son in a business you don't own is a recipe for disaster. If the son fails you both get fired.

I think I was in the minority who were hoping the Bills wouldn't get Shanahan. I've always thought he was more sizzle than steak. I said when L'il Dummy Snyder hired him that Shanny would be canned within three years. The arrival of RGIII may change/prolong that, but I still firmly believe that 'The Lord of The Overbite' will never be successful in DC.

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I love Elway, but I think even he would admit, neither he or Shanahan would have a ring, without Terrell Davis...

Terrell Davis was great, no doubt. But that O-line deserves more credit than it gets. To see Terrell Davis, Mike Anderson and Olandis Gary all have equal success there, that tells me the line was doing a kick-ass job. But TD was a special back, without a doubt.

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My brother lives in Philly and I've very familar with their fans. They love saying McNabb sucks. Right, because Philly was a powerhouse before him and went to 5 championship games with the likes of James Thrash and Todd Pinkston. And if Reid made McNabb, what have they done since him?


McNabb has a 2 to 1 td to int ratio. That's excellent and he played with some of the crappiest wrs any good QB has ever played with. He never got the credit he deserved. He was a very good player for a very miserable fanbase.



The Eagles quick turnaround was more about their defense under Jim Johnson then McNabb and its no coincidence they havent had the same success without Johnson running the defense


look at how QBs like AJ Feely and Vick have performed in that system...Feely played so well they got a 2nd round pick for him...what exactly has he done since?


the rest of the country is finally seeing the real McNabb that everyone in Philly has seen since he entered the league

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I love Elway, but I think even he would admit, neither he or Shanahan would have a ring, without Terrell Davis...


Broncos could do it without TD. Even when TD was on the bench against Green Bay, the Broncos fell behind and did not get the lead back until TD was able to resume.

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Completely disagree. McNabb has had BS lobbed his way his whole career and always took the high road (that fat idiot Rush and team cancer TO). He put up better numbers than Jim Kelly and played with crap receivers most of his career. The year before he got to Washington, he had a good year in Philly.


He's 100% right. Waht has Shanahan done since Elway? He has a giant ego and doesn't tailor his offense to his talent. That, IMO, is one of the biggest strengths of Gailey. Plus when you add how awful Washington is with draft picks and FAs, it could very well be a bad situation for any young QB to go into.

McNabb didn't take the high road with Rush. In fact he was pretty passive aggressive about the whole situation, if I recall.


It's also worth looking at the context. Rush Limbaugh and some other football commentators were discussing McNabb. The comment was made that, while McNabb was talked about as though he was an elite quarterback, his stats were mediocre. The commentators discussing him formed a consensus that he was significantly overrated. The question was then raised as to why the media often described him as elite despite his mediocre stats. At that point, Rush opined that the media built him up because it liked the idea of elite black QBs. Because Rush's remark involved race, people reacted emotionally rather than rationally. They also ignored the fact that Rush was criticizing media bias, not McNabb.


Not only did McNabb not take the high road in that situation, he didn't take the high road with respect to TO. McNabb was winded toward the end of the Super Bowl. Terrell Owens did have an absolutely spectacular game that day, and almost singlehandedly kept his team in the game until the very end. None of which stopped McNabb from quietly working behind the scenes to get rid of TO after that game. McNabb never made it to a Super Bowl again. Nor did he deserve to.

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Terrell Davis was great, no doubt. But that O-line deserves more credit than it gets. To see Terrell Davis, Mike Anderson and Olandis Gary all have equal success there, that tells me the line was doing a kick-ass job. But TD was a special back, without a doubt.

I didn't realize Anderson and Gary had 2000 yards seasons. Maybe the success wasn't that equal after all...but the line did do a kick ass job. It's when I first heard of the zone blocking schemes.

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I didn't realize Anderson and Gary had 2000 yards seasons. Maybe the success wasn't that equal after all...but the line did do a kick ass job. It's when I first heard of the zone blocking schemes.


zone blocking wasnt anything new at the time, Broncos were just good at it and according to some were even making illegal blocks


the system def helped all the backs there but TD was obviously a special back


shame when you see a players career like his or Bo Jacksons that were so much fun to watch end way too early


Bo Jackson would have broke the single season record if he ever played a full season and i think he would have done it easily

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