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Trayvon Martin Case


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On the blood from the nose, maybe its just me, but I find it hard to believe all the blood went down his throat or backwards down Zimmermans nasal passsages when you take into consideration the sheer volume and imediate swelling/blockage that would occur


Stating something and explaining something are two very different things.


You can state it all you like, but you haven't explained why you're right.



I've explained why I think he was negligent numerous times, the track down was unwarranted because no crime was commited to begin with, and Zimmerman should have taken the dispatchers instructions, instead, he took the law into his own hands,



Edited by dog14787
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No. If what has been paraded in front of the jury box is all the evidence the prosecution has, then this is an incredible waste of tax payer dollars flushed down the toilet of race-baiting and political headway.


If Barack Obama had a politically/racially motivated nothing-burger trial to distract the minds of America, it would look like Trayvon Martin's trial.

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I don't know if you realize it or not, but you just admitted there is no evidence to support the conviction of GZ. You lose.



Is a drunk driver thats killed somebody breaking the law while hes drinking?


No, he is not, but when he gets behind the wheel of a car his negligence sets forth a series of events that causes loss of life



Zimmermans not a cop, hes a neghborhood watch, its not his job to track down and interigate , his job is to report suspicious activity to the proper authorities so this kind of thing doesn't happen

Edited by dog14787
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Is a drunk driver thats killed somebody breaking the law while hes drinking?

I am going to play along, because it's fun. It's like throwing things at the tards in class.


In most cases, a man drinking before he operates a motor vehicle is not breaking the law. If he is drinking in public or otherwise not allowed to consume alcohol - then he is legally allowed to drink alcohol and as much as he'd like.


Whats your point, nitwit?

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On HLN after dark last night 11 out of 12 jurors don't find Zimmermans story credible.


How do you explain them kind of numbers If the lead investigators testimony is coming across so strong?

HLN handpicks people to make whatever statement they want. And the MSM has been calling this a racial killing since day one.


And regardless -- you do realize that "11 out of 12 jurors don't find Zimmerman's story credible" means he's found not guilty, right? ;)

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Is a drunk driver thats killed somebody breaking the law while hes drinking?


No, he is not, but when he gets behind the wheel of a car his negligence sets forth a series of events that causes loss of life



Zimmermans not a cop, hes a neghborhood watch, its not his job to track down and interigate , his job is to report suspicious activity to the proper authorities so this kind of thing doesn't happen


That's a really poor analogy. Again, you've merely stated that you don't understand what manslaughter is, what negligence is, and how negligence applies in the context of manslaughter.


It's like you're arguing that in your opinion a receiver scores a TD if PI is called in the end zone. And your drunk driving analogy is like supporting that theory on the grounds that holding penalties can result in a loss of yards..

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I've explained why I think he was negligent numerous times, the track down was unwarranted because no crime was commited to begin with, and Zimmerman should have taken the dispatchers instructions, instead, he took the law into his own hands,



OK, wait...


You believe that all points of inquiry should report, retroactively, to if a crime had been commited before the inquiry about the commission of said possible crime? What kind of !@#$ed up and completely unworkable standard is that?


Additionally, and I'm not sure why you're making me repeat myself, but I'll present for the third or fourth time now that: a) dispatchers are not police officers and don't have the authority to tell someone to stand down, and b) the dispatcher told him "he didn't have to", not "do not do".

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