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Trayvon Martin Case


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Just checking here, but this all means we don't need to give a **** about KONY 2012 anymore, right?

That is correct, but KONY 2012 reserves the right to be back in the headlines as soon as Al Sharpton is running around naked on the streets of Orlando, beating his meat, and yelling odd statements before explaining he was dehydrated and tired.

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That is correct, but KONY 2012 reserves the right to be back in the headlines as soon as Al Sharpton is running around naked on the streets of Orlando, beating his meat, and yelling odd statements before explaining he was dehydrated and tired.



Well, in the meantime I hope he at least sent Mr. Zimmerman a thank you note, or a fruit basket or something.




p.s. I meant KONY, but I suppose that could also apply to the even less relevant Mr. Sharpton.

Edited by KD in CT
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Really, dude? This isn't even fun any more. It's like beating up a half empty punching bag. You're not a worthy !@#$ing adversary. I might as well be at war with a bunch of fig eaters with towels on their heads trying to find reverse on a Soviet tank.


I feel like I'm arguing with a second grader. You spend the entire thread bitching about how the Treyvon Martin case is not about racism and then though this movie quote out there.




I know you did, Im just commenting on the sanitized version of a 5 foot 8 trayvon martin in a hollister t-shirt that the media keeps shoving down our throats when in fact he was 6-3 and glorified the thug lifestyle on his face book page.




Oh my god!! If I saw a black man wearing a hooded sweatshirt walking down the street on a rainy night in a white neighborhood I would think he must be a criminal and chase him down with a gun!


I wouldn't think he has hood up because it's cold and rainy. Not to mention I think on the call to his girlfriend he says he didn't put his hood up until he was being followed.


You might want to take this link down since it's about as racist as it gets.

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I feel like I'm arguing with a second grader. You spend the entire thread bitching about how the Treyvon Martin case is not about racism and then though this movie quote out there.






Oh my god!! If I saw a black man wearing a hooded sweatshirt walking down the street on a rainy night in a white neighborhood I would think he must be a criminal and chase him down with a gun!


I wouldn't think he has hood up because it's cold and rainy. Not to mention I think on the call to his girlfriend he says he didn't put his hood up until he was being followed.


You might want to take this link down since it's about as racist as it gets.



Make schit up and then claim racism because he hasn't swallowed the made up media frenzy? You might just want to wait for the facts before running off and joining the next OWS pillaging of their surrounding area to demonstrate their solidarity with Trayvon.


Is the following accurate? I don't know, but I'm willing to let it play out.



what happened on the …


Family of slain teen hears 911 calls


The family of a black teenager fatally shot by a white …


Published : Friday, 23 Mar 2012, 5:47 PM EDT


ORLANDO - A witness we haven't heard from before paints a much different picture than we've seen so far of what happened the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.


The night of that shooting, police say there was a witness who saw it all.


Our sister station, FOX 35 in Orlando, has spoken to that witness.


What Sanford Police investigators have in the folder, they put together on the killing of Trayvon Martin few know about.


The file now sits in the hands of the state attorney. Now that file is just weeks away from being opened to a grand jury.


It shows more now about why police believed that night that George Zimmerman shouldn't have gone to jail.


Zimmerman called 911 and told dispatchers he was following a teen. The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to.


And from that moment to the shooting, details are few.


But one man's testimony could be key for the police.


"The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.


Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.


The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.


His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.


"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.


Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.


Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains

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I think that it important to point out that this witness's story, that described Martin on top of Zimmerman was published back on February 27, 2012, long before this became a national story.


but it continues to be discounted in national media reports..


WOFL Fox35



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I think that it important to point out that this witness's story, that described Martin on top of Zimmerman was published back on February 27, 2012, long before this became a national story.


but it continues to be discounted in national media reports..


WOFL Fox35



doesn't matter. The media isn't about journalism, it is about ratings. That story isn't nearly as inflammatory and won't get the same ratings.

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I think that it important to point out that this witness's story, that described Martin on top of Zimmerman was published back on February 27, 2012, long before this became a national story.


but it continues to be discounted in national media reports..


WOFL Fox35




It doesnt match the MSM's narrative so it must be tossed down the memory hole.

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The legacy of this story and this kids death will be one of media malpractice, rush to judgment, and race baiting.


There is a pattern emerging here and I suspect we'll see others in the coming days, of media hyping up stories to stoke passions along the lines of identity politics. First the media latched on to the Sandra Fluke non-story which amounted to little more than: OMFG, a conservative radio guy called a political activist a slut!!! This obviously means there is a nationwide war on women.


Then, in this Trayvon Martin case the media knowingly and willfully cherry picked the facts to make it appear as racailly charged and inflammatory as possible without any regard for the truth, their obligation to report the truth, or the impact it would have on the people involved. And many, including posters here, were eager to jump head first into their conclusion and swallow it whole without pausing to ask what's in the syrup.


This is also a glaring example of media bias being not only in what they report but what they conveniently omit.

In both stories, when the truth came to light, largely invalidating the premise behind the faux outrage, the outlets that so dutifully pushed the agenda...er, um, story, i mean reported the story, when it was politically convenient, simply go silent and walk away as thought there's nothing further to see.


Perhaps this is an effort to try to energize Obama's base. If you can't run on your ideas and accomplishments run on identity politics. It's nothing new to the left. And the leftward media came out of the closet last time around, so there's no reason to think they'd have any shame at all this go round. I just have to think if this garbage keeps up by the time November rolls around they will have spent all their credibility on this bull **** and won't have any left with which to sway the election.

Edited by Rob's House
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doesn't matter. The media isn't about journalism, it is about ratings. That story isn't nearly as inflammatory and won't get the same ratings.



I agree regarding the ratings, but I also think that more is involved.


We are seeing a tactic of advancing stories that can be used as a goad for one core Democrat constituency after another, the goal being to energize them for the November elections.


First the phony "War On Women". Now, blacks who clearly lacked their 2008 enthusiasm have their own manufactured crisis. I expect hispanics and gays will shortly see their own emotional story line.



Perhaps there will be a rotation among them until November. The Democrats are very much aware of the lack of enthusiasm, and are ramping it back up with the help of their supporters at CNN and MSNBC.





Edit: for my liberal friends, my use of the term "manufactured crisis, refers to the hype by the media (and dems) to the exclusion of similar stories, I am well aware that it is tragic that this young man lost his life.



Edited by B-Man
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I agree regarding the ratings, but I also think that more is involved.


We are seeing a tactic of advancing stories that can be used as a goad for one core Democrat constituency after another, the goal being to energize them for the November elections.


First the phony "War On Women". Now, blacks who clearly lacked their 2008 enthusiasm have their own manufactured crisis. I expect hispanics and gays will shortly see their own emotional story line.



Perhaps there will be a rotation among them until November. The Democrats are very much aware of the lack of enthusiasm, and are ramping it back up with the help of their supporters at CNN and MSNBC.





Edit: for my liberal friends, my use of the term "manufactured crisis, refers to the hype by the media (and dems) to the exclusion of similar stories, I am well aware that it is tragic that this young man lost his life.



are they for the democrats or do they just find them easier to incite? Most media types are for whatever suits their purpose. Which is fine with me, but it is good to remain aware of that.

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I agree regarding the ratings, but I also think that more is involved.


We are seeing a tactic of advancing stories that can be used as a goad for one core Democrat constituency after another, the goal being to energize them for the November elections.


First the phony "War On Women". Now, blacks who clearly lacked their 2008 enthusiasm have their own manufactured crisis. I expect hispanics and gays will shortly see their own emotional story line.



Perhaps there will be a rotation among them until November. The Democrats are very much aware of the lack of enthusiasm, and are ramping it back up with the help of their supporters at CNN and MSNBC.





Edit: for my liberal friends, my use of the term "manufactured crisis, refers to the hype by the media (and dems) to the exclusion of similar stories, I am well aware that it is tragic that this young man lost his life.



Notice how in both instances the perceived victim is portrayed as being as young and innocent as possible. In Sandra Flake's case a 30 year old professional activist who went back to school to get a law degree is portrayed as a young college kid, and Trayvon Martin has his pre-teen picture plastered all over the place with a great emphasis on the fact that he had skittles, because only care-free innocent young kids have skittles.

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are they for the democrats or do they just find them easier to incite? Most media types are for whatever suits their purpose. Which is fine with me, but it is good to remain aware of that.


Most media types are democrats, so when it comes down choosing sides, they unconsciously side with whoever they identify with. It's the same "us vs. them" judgement everybody does...they just get to report it.

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Most media types are democrats, so when it comes down choosing sides, they unconsciously side with whoever they identify with. It's the same "us vs. them" judgement everybody does...they just get to report it.

If that is the case, wr should be seeing that influence start to wane, as more people are using social media to report news as they see it. Being someone who works with the media, I am very interested in seeing how this bears out.

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If that is the case, wr should be seeing that influence start to wane, as more people are using social media to report news as they see it. Being someone who works with the media, I am very interested in seeing how this bears out.


Actually, I think that's going to just make it worse, since "social media reporting" amounts to "whatever retard shouts the loudest"...and for the foreseeable future, the "social media" stories that will get the most attention are whatever retard the mass media tells us is most important.

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Actually, I think that's going to just make it worse, since "social media reporting" amounts to "whatever retard shouts the loudest"...and for the foreseeable future, the "social media" stories that will get the most attention are whatever retard the mass media tells us is most important.

that could be the case. I am hoping it evolves beyond that.

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There is a lot that still needs to be clarified about their confrontation. But because Zimmerman went against police admononition, and the confrontation occurred thereafter, I view him (at present) as presumptively at fault.


The picture thing is ridiculous. You're presuming that the media had ANY say in the pictures that were made available to them. The media didn't choose the same 3-5 pictures that are looping around this story; the parents did. The family didn't give the media carte blanche to go though their picture albums and I doubt that the media said "do you have a better, more sympathetic, picture?" when the family volunteered their mementos.


Maybe those are the pictures that are most endearing to their family. Maybe these are the pictures that the family cherishes most and that provides the most lasting memory and affection.


If it were you, what would you do when asked for a picture of your son or daughter? Would you provide a picture that you're indifferent to but that more accurately conveys your loved one's most recent size, weight, and general phenotypical characteristics or provide a picture that at least carries with it some modicum of poignance to you?


Y'all are fishing.

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