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Guys and gals, I'm really starting to feel it...


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Pats* -- will always be a menace while Brady is still playing, but they certainly don't seem invincible any more and have a LOT of work to do on defense. Granted, they have the draft picks to address it, but it's a work in progress. Bottom line -- they don't strike fear into the hearts of their opponents like they used to.


Jets -- no playoffs last year puts even more pressure on the loudmouth and his gang of bickering idiots. Their defense has taken successive steps backwards since a #1 overall finish in 2009 (#3 in 2010, #5 in 2011), and their offense saw a huge drop from 2010-2011 (11th to 25th). Oh, and Stevie can beat Revis.


Fish -- front office is a mess; can't attract any FA talent and will likely have to settle for Alex Smith or Matt Moore as opening day QB. No Brandon Marshall. New coaching staff and schemes.


It's a completely different feeling as a Bills fan, now that Nix & Co. have re-signed their key FAs, added Mario, and have a boatload of draft picks. And of course, the move of Wanny to DC.


I'm with Chan -- the division is ours to take. As usual, lots of things have to go our way and there are still holes to plug, but this is no longer a 3-year rebuilding project. The time is now.

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I sure hope so, because here is our record in the AFC East since Nix and Gailey took over:


Pats: 1-3

Dolphins: 1-3

Jets: 0-4


If the Bills want to make the playoffs this year, they will need to at least sweep the Dolphins and split with the Jets and Pats.

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Alex Smith scares me a little bit If he goes there. I personally think he's better than most think.


You are correct about the rest of this in a big way. The Pats don't scare me anymore. A Buddy of mine that's been a big Pats fan (not a bandwagon fan) called me to talk smack after the Mario signing. In the end, he admitted to not being excited to go up against our DL and was jealous that we got him.


The Jets are a bunch of chumps and don't scare anyone. Rex is a loudmouth coach and can't backup his ego. They actually believe that Sanchez is a franchise QB and that's laughable. We argue about Fitz being a true franchise guy and he's infinite times better than Sanchez.


The Phins are and will always be a joke. It's from the players, coaches, all the way up to thier make shift bunch of owners. That part is the bugfest joke IMO. How many owners do the Phins have? A bunch of people that probably font know a thing about football. Ricky Martin, Jimmy Buffett, who else, Gloria Estefan maybe. I don't remember but it's a joke.

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The Pats will prob win the div again but the Phins are going to struggle next year and the Jets are on the way down


if the Bills can stay healthy and play any type of decent defense I dont see why they dont compete for a wild card spot

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Jets still have the #5 Defense & Patriots are coming off of Superbowl. Slow your roll.

We are getting closer tho.........



The Pats got better, if anything. And we haven't hit the draft yet. The Jets look about the same, and again, haven't hit the draft yet.


The Fins, they look to be a mess, but they might pick up Alex Smith, a huge improvement in the area of QB.


We got better with Mario, but that's just one player, we're closer, but there's no guarantees.

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That ONE thing, you know like in City slickers. The one thing isn't honesty for the Bills,Its staying healthy.


Jauron had a boat load of injuries every year he was HC. Gailey came in and changed a bunch of S&C coaches and the Bills still have so many injuries every year.


Is it bad training, not enough warmup, bad luck, bad equipment, not enough strength training, bad turf?


I have no idea what the problem is, but this franchise needs to hire a S&C training specialist to figure it out.



Perhaps they all need to follow "sweetness" routine...RB the toughest position in the NFL to play, and sweetness used to run over tacklers





Walter Payton's football pre-game warm-ups were energetic and definitely didn't follow the 'no bouncing' rule during stretching* that is often declared by fitness professionals. His hamstring stretches, quad stretches often had a bounce, not the prolonged, passive 20 to 30-second stretch you might have heard recommended by fitness experts. The 5-10, 200-pound running back missed one game his rookie year and then played 186 consecutive games from 1975 to 1986 — all with the Chicago Bears.



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This is a great post. Even Chan said right before FA started we will/should win the division.


The Phins seem to be the toxic team that no one wants to go to. Even though it has been joked about, you have to figure that our DL might have caused QBs to say thanks no thanks. They failed with a new HC, failed at Manning, their GM asked Dez Bryant if his MOm was a hooker, etc...


The Jets are taking huge steps back the last 2 years. No WRs, a garbage QB and a bickering team. Some support Dirty Sanchez, others called him; Sanchez even called the anonymous speaking teammates cowards...NO team chemistry.


The Pats are still the luckiest team in football and I'm still amazed they made the superbowl. Their D is a mess and will go as far as Brady takes them. Bready becomes an ordinary QB when he is smacked around and faces pressure. We beat them once last year; I bet we beat them at least once this season.


We just have to plug a few holes....

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Just so we're clear, I didn't say the Bills WILL win the division. I'm merely pointing out that for at least two of the other three teams (Jets/Fish), things are most certainly on a downward trend, and the bloom is off the Pats* rose.


For the first time in a number of years, not only do the Bills appear to be significantly improving, the teams they've been chasing are also arguably headed in the opposite direction.

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The Bills are the only team in the AFC East with a possible upside of 4-5 more wins than 2011, imo. They were very efficient on O and ball hawking on D with the starters. Once injuries took there toll coupled with the Fletcher hit on Fitz...the team lost all their mojo. Gotta think with this schedule and if the team can get fortunate to sustain just a normal amount of injuries, they should be playoff bound.


On the flip side, Gotta out-physical the Jets for once and that toxic team in Miami did sweep us last season. It's nice to talk about the Bills potential improvement but until they show it on the field.....they haven't shown us anything.

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Pats* -- will always be a menace while Brady is still playing, but they certainly don't seem invincible any more and have a LOT of work to do on defense. Granted, they have the draft picks to address it, but it's a work in progress. Bottom line -- they don't strike fear into the hearts of their opponents like they used to.


Jets -- no playoffs last year puts even more pressure on the loudmouth and his gang of bickering idiots. Their defense has taken successive steps backwards since a #1 overall finish in 2009 (#3 in 2010, #5 in 2011), and their offense saw a huge drop from 2010-2011 (11th to 25th). Oh, and Stevie can beat Revis.


Fish -- front office is a mess; can't attract any FA talent and will likely have to settle for Alex Smith or Matt Moore as opening day QB. No Brandon Marshall. New coaching staff and schemes.


It's a completely different feeling as a Bills fan, now that Nix & Co. have re-signed their key FAs, added Mario, and have a boatload of draft picks. And of course, the move of Wanny to DC.


I'm with Chan -- the division is ours to take. As usual, lots of things have to go our way and there are still holes to plug, but this is no longer a 3-year rebuilding project. The time is now.

I like it

Pats are still going to be a threat but I think with Wanny at the wheel and the addition of Mario Williams, Billy Belicheat knows its not a sure fire win anymore. Bradys weaknesses were exposed last year. Their defense is still a problem.

Jets, thank you extending Sanchez' contract. New offensive scheme wont help that weakling.

I agree the Fish are a mess. Our chances are better than the last three years.

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Pats will win the division again but I think Buffalo has a good chance to finish second and maybe get a Wildcard this year. They will go as far as Fitzpatrick can take them... and judging by his finish last season, I'm not too confident. I'm hoping that improvements around him will enable him to play the position better.

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Peter King's new MMQB discusses the Mario signing and the train wreck that is the Dolphins, they actually might have been worse than us this decade...The link is for page 2 where they discuss both:




A Gem from page 1:


"Jeff Ireland. In the history of NFL general managers, Ireland is on the coldest streak ever. He needs to do something right. He doesn't even need to hit a home run. A seeing-eye single would do. That may make him more aggressive on Smith today -- and it may make Smith more inclined to go somewhere I don't think he really wants to go.


Miami looks like the worst team in the AFC East right now. Would Smith rather rub it in 49er GM Trent Baalke's face and run off to a bad team, and would he rather pray for Manning to pick Tennessee or Denver, enabling Smith to go back to where he has the best chance by far of making a Super Bowl run? Ireland may have to do what he loathes -- overspend for an OK player -- just to deodorize the stink of the last few years in Miami."

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