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Well, aren't you the consummate pro, JW!? Your arrogance is surpassed only by your idiocy in bashing an amateur's 3 month old post, while in the interim this team has been decimated by injury...again. Further, please point out any print that brought the apparent ineptitude of our defensive coordinator to light. I bet you can't as all the bills Bashing by the media at the beginning of the season was on the talent level of the players...Obviously, I can't say for sure, but I can easily see 3 more wins if not for an extremely poor defensive scheme. Who, you ask? 1.) Cincinnati - George decides it not a good Idea to blitz a rookie QB coming off a game where he was sacked 5 times and threw 2 picks; pretty obvious to me that we should have blitzed the H. E. double hockey sticks out them and won that game easily; 2.) Giants - at the point in the season, the giants weren't playing all that well & EVERYONE knows Eli chokes under pressure, but again, no blitzing...at all; 3.) 2nd game against the "Prop" Jets - Mark Sanchez...enough said.


Admittedly, I'm a total Bills homer, one of the crazies...but, this "I told you so," childish, "I'm always right," crap is simply distasteful.


How did the corner blitz against Jets game 2 work out?


There's a valid reason this team doesn't and shouldn't blitz -


1. They don't have the personnel in the secondary who can get to the passer

2. When above fails, this team gives up a very big play

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Dr. D, you are certainly one of the most pleasant Pollyanna posters around but this response is lame. billsfreak is not happy that Fitz appears to be a little bit more than a stop gap but bf was called out for something that he was obviously right about. Accountability works both ways even if you don't agree with it. :thumbsup:

Exactly, and my biggest problem now is Fitz is obviously no better then a stop gap, but because of this ingenious front office he is now forced to be a franchise quarterback, which he will never be. Alot of people on here don't understand your statement about accountability, to alot of people it is only in play when they are right. Thanks for your commons sense on this issue.

Edited by billsfreak
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Yep, just like I told Beerbawl this morning. "You can tell the Bills are on the slide because "poster-on-poster crime" is on the rise!" As unofficial keeper of the TBD media barometer list, it might be time for me to post that again, so we can update, who we like and who we dislike. :rolleyes:

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Can we close this thread before anymore regrettable posts are made?



too late. there have been enough regrettable posts made over too many months to stop now, and one truly regrettable challenge by someone eager to punch someone in the media (not me) in the face in another social medium.


i started this and there's no real point ending it.


the mob should be allowed to call for its pound of flesh.

and this thing should be allowed to run its course for better and worse.




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this wasn't dredging. PTR's thread has bugged me for some time, and i found it evident back then that there was nothing i could write that could counter the wave of enthusiasm sweeping this board headlong toward the Super Bowl. ... i exaggerate just a little bit. but that's where many posts here during that whirlwind first month were pointing.

as i had written, i preferred to start judging a season by its midway point, not one game or one month.

and as much as i began buying into the 5-2 start, there were warning signs along the way.


i have no issue with PTR or anyone being a root-root-root for the home team fan. and i really don't have any ill-will toward PTR. he has a right to express his opinions as much as i have a right to exprss mine.

but in a week in which we in the business lost a respected colleague, it struck me how little respect we get sometimes -- particularly from some on this board. and it also struck me how often times "the locals" get it right.


hey, criticism comes with the business. but this one thread stood out for how it called out "the locals" (i'm one of them, and i'm the only one here with a voice choosing to stick up for us) as being blind, naive, lazy and lacking any reasonable function beyond expressing wet farts (i'm paraphrasing here, using poetic license, but that's how it read to me).

this isn't loyalty out of loyalty's sake. these are friends, with whom i happen to compete against.

so, yeah, i'm going to take a little offense on occasion.



the nutty thing is, i'm more encouraged about next season now that the Bills are developing depth and learning another lesson -- maybe one too many -- about what it takes to win.

and i still think this team has about 2 more wins still left in it.


i could be wrong.



omg, really?

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I joined this forum so that I could interact with other Bills fans and talk Bills football, and maybe get some more in depth knowledge from people that actually get to go to the games. When I joined in 2008 I had never heard of John Wawrow, Tim Graham, and Lori Chase. However because of this forum I got to know the work of John, Tim, and Lori and thoroughly enjoy their writings whether I agree with it or not.


Is it just me or has the overall attitude of this forum taken a drastic turn for the worse? In my short time here I've seen some pretty respectful posters basically get run out of here by disrespectful posters. People like Tim Graham, and Lori.


I mean, for Christ's sake, there are threads in which posters are wishing for Ralph Wilson's death! What the hell is wrong with us?


Maybe WE ALL should take a step back (myself included) and start treating everyone on this forum with a little more respect?

you want a bunch of yes sirs and yes mams??? some people go overboard. i'll give you that. but everyone should be open to critism or else why post?


Can we close this thread before anymore regrettable posts are made?



First you offend someones momma, then you want to close the thread. HELL NO. now you have to live with it ptr.


Exactly, and my biggest problem now is Fitz is obviously no better then a stop gap, but because of this ingenious front office he is now forced to be a franchise quarterback, which he IS ALREADY. Alot of people on here don't understand your statement about accountability, to alot of people it is only in play when they are right. Thanks for your commons sense on this issue.


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you want a bunch of yes sirs and yes mams??? some people go overboard. i'll give you that. but everyone should be open to critism or else why post?



First you offend someones momma, then you want to close the thread. HELL NO. now you have to live with it ptr.




Your standards are very low for a franchise quarterback. No wonder you are content with losing.

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Exactly, and my biggest problem now is Fitz is obviously no better then a stop gap, but because of this ingenious front office he is now forced to be a franchise quarterback, which he will never be. Alot of people on here don't understand your statement about accountability, to alot of people it is only in play when they are right. Thanks for your commons sense on this issue.


Nothing could be further from the truth. If the Bills wanted to, they could release Fitz before the seventh day of the next league year and only be on the hook for the $10m bonus he got upon signing the new deal plus his 3.22m salary for this year. Doubt that happens, but the Bills could do it if they wished.


They can also draft a franchise QB if they wish and groom him for 3 years as Fitz is only guaranteed 24m over those three seasons and, with the new rookie wage caps in place, they could comfortably carry both on their roster.


Fitz's new deal was good for both sides. Fitz will either grow into that franchise QB or be gone within three years while the Bills won't be hamstrung by the numbers.



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Pollyanna in Chief PTR has the same amount of credibility as Gremlin-in-chief Sullivan

It's funny how I got this reputation as a pollyanna. This is an example of a lie repeated often enough until it becomes a fact. If you don't blame Ralph for everything from not making the playoffs to spilling your beer then you must be a pollyanna. People have replaced reason with rage, and if you challenge them you are the enemy.



First you offend someones momma, then you want to close the thread. HELL NO. now you have to live with it ptr.


I was actually speaking about people making vile posts toward jw. I could give a schitt about what cretins like you think. By the way, find the post where I insulted jw's or anyone's mother. Oh you can't? Gee, I wonder why? Someone has to resort to making stuff up to bolster their posts. Pretty weak.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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um ... well, ah ... in retrospect ... i think your theory was, well, disproved. :oops:




The odds are greater that the Taliban would encourage their wives to wear string bikinis and go topless at the beach than have PTR change his very unshakeable positive view about the caliber of the management of this historically flawed organization. Zealots are locked in and unchangeable. Facts be damned. At least he is a paying customer. So he is entitled to his strong stance.

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We all got swept up in the positive play winning in the beginning of the season and now we have likely been too negative with their fall from grace. Likely three lost pro bowlers this season to injury (KW, EW, FJ) and a host of other injuries certainly did not help things.

We probably will have better perspective after the season and realize the Bills are a few players away from being a very good team.

In the end 5-7 prior to the season starting would be where most of us probably thought they would be. Maybe it would have been easier to take if they won/lost every other game rather than the euphoria of the beginning of the season and getting sucked into the hype

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