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Jonathan Linton

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Good for him--seems to have a nice life after football.


I still remember him and Antoain Smith close out a win against the Steelers in 1999. They just ran it down their throats for the last 5 minutes, running out the clock.


I also (sadly) still have a t-shirt that features Linton, Smith, and Quinn Early. Not sure who thought about that shirt design, or why I decided to buy it (clearance??).

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I have the same problem with bar hookups


But in your case, there's probably not much difference between cousins and bar hookups

Now that was funny, although, bar hookups are the same; the name will last a week at best and I am more likely to remember them by a nickname I create. In your case, though...remembering all of those men from the bar-hookups is probably a challenge. Who was last night? Rudy? Enrique? :P


BTW...your second cousin...Robert.

Actually, I think he's my third. He is my grandma's brother...IIRC. I am related to a lot of people in this area...one big family married in to another.

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Remember this guy and the name...but cannot remember a 2nd cousins name to save my life.



My wife was just yelling at me a few days ago about the same sort of thing. "You remember the play the Bills ran on 3rd and 10 against the Jets ten years ago........but you can't remember (fill in remote acquaintance)."


Remember Linton well. Very good to see he is doing some good things.

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That catch against Baltimore was epic. As an 8 year old bills fan I has to close my eyes on the last play of the game. When I heard everyone around me screaming I knew exactly what happened and jumped up from where I was sitting. I'll never forget him.

Edited by Bills!Win!
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