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Half a BILLION down the drain


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Quit being a prick. Big donors to Obama & the dems got 80% of DOE's 20.5 billion in loans. That's not just some natural order of things.


Quit being conner. You're confusing correlation with causation. To put it simply, in deference to your obvious impairment, liberals correlate strongly to liberal causes like green energy, and correlate strongly to other liberals (!@#$ing DUH!) IF you have a federal program that provides funds to green energy, it's going to correlate strongly with giving money to liberals who are donors to the liberal president. Works the exact same way with conservatives and oil or coal. That is, EXACTLY, the natural order of things.

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Quit being conner. You're confusing correlation with causation. To put it simply, in deference to your obvious impairment, liberals correlate strongly to liberal causes like green energy, and correlate strongly to other liberals (!@#$ing DUH!) IF you have a federal program that provides funds to green energy, it's going to correlate strongly with giving money to liberals who are donors to the liberal president. Works the exact same way with conservatives and oil or coal. That is, EXACTLY, the natural order of things.


Tom, you're better than this. Well at least sometimes. If you can't see the difference between the majority of the loans going to dems who are inclined toward green energy, and 80% of the loans going to big donors to Obama, then somehow Davey has hijacked your account.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, libs, this is getting embarrassing.


Seriously. I expect to hear this kind of tripe from henchmen like Pelosi and Wasserman-Shultz, but not from the boss.


In an interview with Marketplace.org, President Obama defends using U.S. taxpayer money to invest in solar energy projects. During the interview, Obama was asked about Solyndra, one of the more well-known solar panel companies that failed after receiving a loan guarantee from the Department of Energy.


However, Obama told Marketplace that "this was not our program." Obama attempts to make the case that this falls on the lap of Congress because they put together the loan guarantee program.


There comes a point when you just have to look at your candidate and accept the fact that he has, without a doubt, the leadership skills of a mop. As I've said before, I would not be surprised to find out he couldn't organize a sock drawer let alone a community.


I expect any day now we'll be hearing about how he had four hole-in-ones in his last round of golf. 'Cuz ya know it's coming. Y'just KNOW it. Right after we see the flag with his face on it.

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I expect any day now we'll be hearing about how he had four hole-in-ones in his last round of golf. 'Cuz ya know it's coming. Y'just KNOW it. Right after we see the flag with his face on it.


And then He parted the Water Hazard and led the caddys to freedom

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Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt,” Obama said. “But understand: This was not our program per se.”


I remember well the beaming smiles on the faces of all those Republicans at the signing of the Stimulus. Don't you ?


The Solyndra loan was of course funded by a program in the “Recovery Act,” an Obama proposal that got the support of most Democrats in the Congress they controlled, and an even more excited reaction from Joe Biden’s office. The bill received no Republican votes in the House, and in the Senate only three Republicans voted for it — Snowe, Collins and Specter (before Snarlin’ Arlen switched parties). Hardly bipartisan support.


From Obama’s address at Solyndra, May 2010:

"So that’s why we’ve placed a big emphasis on clean energy. It’s the right thing to do for our environment, it’s the right thing to do for our national security, but it’s also the right thing to do for our economy.


And we can see the positive impacts right here at Solyndra. Less than a year ago, we were standing on what was an empty lot. But through the Recovery Act, this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans."


It sure sounds like an Obama administration program… per se.








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I remember well the beaming smiles on the faces of all those Republicans at the signing of the Stimulus. Don't you ?


The Solyndra loan was of course funded by a program in the “Recovery Act,” an Obama proposal that got the support of most Democrats in the Congress they controlled, and an even more excited reaction from Joe Biden’s office. The bill received no Republican votes in the House, and in the Senate only three Republicans voted for it — Snowe, Collins and Specter (before Snarlin’ Arlen switched parties). Hardly bipartisan support.


From Obama’s address at Solyndra, May 2010:



It sure sounds like an Obama administration program… per se.









Now for the rest of the story:


Solyandra was actually on some kind of list to be reviewed for a loan back when Bush was still in office. The Bush administration had red flagged them believing that they weren't very viable. They got their money through the Obama's Stimulus program and then came back for more a few months before going under. What hasn't turned into a media schitstorm that should is that when they came back for more everything was restructured and the government was put behind a major investor who happened to be a major bundler for the dems and the Obama '08 campaign.

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Is there nothing this guy wont blame on someone else?


"Well, really, it's your fault, Congress, for giving me the power to invest in promising energies. You should have known I'm an ideological political hack who would use those funds to reward my biggest donors." "Honestly, you set me up for failure and should be ashamed of yourselves."


By November he'll be openly blaming the American voters for stupidly voting for him in 2008, and saying we owe him re-election for the trauma of putting him in such a powerful position for which he was clearly unqualified. He'll probably sue us for damages to his precious ego as it's our fault he's failed so miserably!





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Now for the rest of the story:


Solyandra was actually on some kind of list to be reviewed for a loan back when Bush was still in office. The Bush administration had red flagged them believing that they weren't very viable. They got their money through the Obama's Stimulus program and then came back for more a few months before going under. What hasn't turned into a media schitstorm that should is that when they came back for more everything was restructured and the government was put behind a major investor who happened to be a major bundler for the dems and the Obama '08 campaign.


But the real crooks are on Wall Street...

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Went past the Solyndra HQ today. There's a for sale sign on it now.


Can you get the number on the sign for me? I'm thinking that with the new emphasis on women's contraception we could turn it into a rubber and IUD factory. We could probably get a loan/grant from the government of maybe $550,000,000. We need to move fast though. If we don't close before January 20, 2013 we might lose out. I have some ideas for a staff too. DCTom can be in charge of the Rubber Division, since he is such a prick he has to know the ins and outs of the business* and BFBF can be in charge of the IUD Division, since I'm sure he knows what it is like to claim ownership of the ring. Adam can be their liason. Exhiled can be in charge of the valet parking.



* DC-this is not kinky or anything like that. It is called a metaphor.

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You really have to appreciate just how lost the Obama administration is when it comes to energy. Yesterday, Obama spent the day in Oklahoma announcing that he has approved one half of the Keystone pipeline...the half that does not need presidential approval.


So he takes credit for something he didn't need to do, and passes the Solyndra blame when it was specifically something he DID do.


How is it even possible for ANY liberal to defend this spinless, leaderless, in-over-his-head idiot?


Excellent York article.


In Cushing, the president announced he will expedite approval of the relatively short southern portion of the Keystone project, known as the Cushing pipeline, which will take oil that is already in Oklahoma down to the Texas refineries. "I'm directing my administration to cut through the red tape, break through the bureaucratic hurdles and make this project a priority," Obama said.


But Republicans quickly pointed out that a) presidential approval wasn't necessary for that portion of the pipeline, since it is all domestic, and b) it was Obama's agencies that were responsible for the red tape and bureaucratic hurdles in the first place. "He's out in Oklahoma trying to take credit for a part of the pipeline that doesn't even require his approval," said House Speaker John Boehner.


Well, at least he doesn't wear a sweater vest...so that's something to vote for, I guess.

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How is it even possible for ANY liberal to defend this spinless, leaderless, in-over-his-head idiot?


Well, at least he doesn't wear a sweater vest...so that's something to vote for, I guess.


and he signs a mean Al Green

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1000 to 1 that he got prepped on those two signs before visiting what I presume was a school for the deaf. I would have done the same thing.



Same situation, 1000 to 1, Romeny would have screwed it up, and given a sign saying "my dog is blind"... :rolleyes:


btw- it was at Prince George College, not a school for the deaf.

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Same situation, 1000 to 1, Romeny would have screwed it up, and given a sign saying "my dog hears better than you"... :rolleyes:


Well of course it would. Seamus went through rigorous training riding on the roof of Mitt's car. But on a more practical note, get up and go in front of a mirror. State that Obama is more competent than Romney. Notice that look of shame on your face?

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