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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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You'd think a race capable of interstellar travel, genetically creating humans, and building the pyramids would have more sophistacated weapons than 18th century dueling pistols

It's pretty obvious if you remember your history. This documentary, they actually missed the moon and hit Mars instead....


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You'd think a race capable of interstellar travel, genetically creating humans, and building the pyramids would have more sophistacated weapons than 18th century dueling pistols




That is, unless, Mars never made it past the 18th century (Martian 18th century that is) before a cataclysm of some kind wiped out their species. We know it was habitable at one point in the not so distant past, it's not inconceivable that there was life there of some kind during that period. Maybe that life evolved, maybe not. Considering how much we've learned in just the past decade about the abundance of "habitable" planets in the galactic neighborhood, let alone the universe, there probably have been millions of civilizations that never made it past 18th century dueling pistols before being wiped from existence for one reason or another. Odds are good there have been a few million more that found a way to survive long past that point in our relative history, and today could be millions of years ahead of us technologically, scientifically, and spiritually speaking...


...Either way, that's clearly a !@#$ing rock.

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That is, unless, Mars never made it past the 18th century (Martian 18th century that is) before a cataclysm of some kind wiped out their species. We know it was habitable at one point in the not so distant past, it's not inconceivable that there was life there of some kind during that period. Maybe that life evolved, maybe not. Considering how much we've learned in just the past decade about the abundance of "habitable" planets in the galactic neighborhood, let alone the universe, there probably have been millions of civilizations that never made it past 18th century dueling pistols before being wiped from existence for one reason or another. Odds are good there have been a few million more that found a way to survive long past that point in our relative history, and today could be millions of years ahead of us technologically, scientifically, and spiritually speaking...


...Either way, that's clearly a !@#$ing rock.




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I was going to post the same thing, so don't feel too embarrassed. The McKinnon story is actually pretty interesting if you look more into it. He hacked into hundreds of DoD and NASA computers while working as an independent contractor and got enough information (or did enough damage, depending on whom you ask) to vault to the top of the FBI's most wanted list for a spell. US officials have gone on record as saying McKinnon's actions were "the biggest military computer hack of all time," resulting in over $800,000 worth of damages.


Despite his incarceration in England in 2002 (and again in 2005), the US attempted to extradite McKinnon to the US where he faced up to 60 years in prison. Yet, despite the strength of the charges and the routine nature of extradition between the UK and US, England refused to grant the request -- something almost unheard of between the two nations. It resulted in an epic pissing match between the allies, with McKinnon claiming that if he were to be extradited he'd be "silenced" for what he learned and Parliment stepping in for the first time ever to block the extradition requests. The UK claimed McKinnon's Asperger's syndrome and depression made it a human right's issue and refused the US requests for over two years. An argument that made headlines but didn't do anything to dispel the rumors that McKinnon was in fact in possession of above top-secret intel that the US desperately wanted back. Some people suspect he cut a deal with the British and spilled some secrets to avoid being sent back to the US.


Today he is still a free man.


No idea if any of what he claims is true, but it lines up (almost too well) with a lot of the mythology out there about the government's involvement with the phenomenon. From claiming to have found proof that NASA has been and continues to be actively "scrubbing" away UFOs and craft from raw image data to the incredible claims of the United States having a secret space program with payroll records and logs to back up those claims, McKinnon's story is almost too good to be true.


I will say one thing about this specific photo on Mars, if that truly is a human without a helmet servicing the rover -- why does he also need an "oxygen tank" on his back? Something doesn't add up unless it's just a light and shadow game... which it probably is.

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UFO buffs are claiming to have uncovered the best video of a UFO to date. The Mirror claims it leaves "astronomers" baffled. I was (and still am) very skeptical because the footage is so good, but it at least passes my CGI bs test -- which is rare for videos this clear. I don't speak Portuguese, but the people certainly sound excited about whatever is going on, too excited (I'd hope) for that just to be a weird trick of light at sunset or something burning up in the atmosphere. What does Googlebot think?



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New 2015 report released by Stanford:






“When you consider just how massive the universe is and just how many ways life could have evolved, it’s likely extraterrestrials have hair we simply don’t have the vocabulary to describe,” said astrobiologist Jeremy Rosenwald, adding that a range of factors, such as the amount of gravity or water on a planet, could influence our very definition of silky, kinky, or wavy.
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