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Poz signs with Jax, 6 years $7.5M/year reported

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Bottom line: The Bills have had the WORST LB corps in the NFL for the past few seasons. Without a doubt. Make all the excuses you want about Poz, but he was a part of that unit that was MISERABLE. If he wasn't a Penn state guy or if he didn't have a polish last name, NO ONE here would care to see his butt shipped out of town. His numbers, even despite the fact they were bloated, were STILL terrible. He wasn't a pass rusher, a run stopper or good in coverage. He was average to below average at pretty much every aspect of the game.


He's slow. He's not a big hitter. He doesn't have a nose for the ball.


And, despite his claims to "want to stay in Buffalo" he jumped ship faster than a Thai hooker in port.


Fug him.


Does it create a hole? Sure. But this team is NOT a playoff contender. No one with any shred of sanity believes they are. Poz was NOT the worst player on the defense. But he wasn't the best either. And considering how bad the Bills D was overall, the fact he WASN'T the best player on the field says all you need to know. So why pour more money into a player who has clearly shown he is AT BEST an average ILB?


Everyone needs to take a breath and just ... chilllllllllll.

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Bottom line: The Bills have had the WORST LB corps in the NFL for the past few seasons. Without a doubt. Make all the excuses you want about Poz, but he was a part of that unit that was MISERABLE. If he wasn't a Penn state guy or if he didn't have a polish last name, NO ONE here would care to see his butt shipped out of town. His numbers, even despite the fact they were bloated, were STILL terrible. He wasn't a pass rusher, a run stopper or good in coverage. He was average to below average at pretty much every aspect of the game.


He's slow. He's not a big hitter. He doesn't have a nose for the ball.


And, despite his claims to "want to stay in Buffalo" he jumped ship faster than a Thai hooker in port.


Fug him.


Does it create a hole? Sure. But this team is NOT a playoff contender. No one with any shred of sanity believes they are. Poz was NOT the worst player on the defense. But he wasn't the best either. And considering how bad the Bills D was overall, the fact he WASN'T the best player on the field says all you need to know. So why pour more money into a player who has clearly shown he is AT BEST an average ILB?


Everyone needs to take a breath and just ... chilllllllllll.


Well said.

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My heart sank when I heard the news. I really liked Poz. This one, more than any other FA leaving Buffalo in recent memory hurt me. He was the only one I really really wanted back.


Again, I wanted Poz but compared to most of the FAs that left (Clements, Winfield, Williams), he is by far the least impactful player. I didn't want Poz to leave because I wanted to see him play behind Dareus and I hate filling holes. But I do wonder if Poz was a "blue collar" Polish guys who some fans care as much.

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Does anybody have a cute kid they can take to pozs house to start crying his ass off and beg him to stay before he puts pen to paper?


Realizing I am leaving myself open for the crybaby comeback


No way that crying cute kid could be half as convincing as you. I suggest you give it a try.



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Clearly, a fan has no business making "assurances". Predictions, perhaps, but using a phrase like "assurance" is kind of ridiculous. Why would you make promises you can't possibly keep?


Also, citing old timers like Jack Ham & Shane Conlan and an UDFA signee like Wake is exactly what I was getting at... It's been a long time since PSU was known with any credibility as Linebacker U.

+1 Most overrated phrase :"linebacker U"


Can there be a stipulation that you need to know something about football before you can post???

We could but we would sure miss you !!

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Already tried but I guess 215 in a onsie doesn't do it for him


Christ! Now you've done it. I'll never get that image out of my head.


Here's one for you:


Rex Ryan walking down the beach in a white Speedo, black knee socks, and sandals.


Good luck with that.



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Poz said he really wanted to stay in Buffalo, that's where he felt at home, loyal. great fans, etc. One day into free agency and he is gone. It reminds me of Cornelius Benedict Arnold scurrying off to Atlanta after saying he wanted to be a Bill for life.


I'm not blaming Poz for leaving. I'm asking him why he laid out the BS about wanting to stay. And then they laid out more BS about what a great organization we have here.


It's all nonsense. The players go where the money is. That's how we ended up with Langston Walker and that guy from the Redskins we signed 7 years 49 million, which led to the departure of Jason Peters.


Give it a week. The dust and the lies and BS will dissipate and we'll have ourselves a nice roster. Thigpen is a nice pickup. Maybe we'll get Barnett from Green Bay. Who knows? It's all about the Benjamins.


If this team is healthy, I think we're in for a fun season.

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