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Ralph Wilson Stadium to be Smoke Free


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Hah..was wondering when someone was going to catch that :thumbsup: To be fair, Fox did not conduct the study..just reported on it!


Now, lot's of folks would say the same about he CDC no?


Yes, those who watch that channel would. I mean FN used one study done in sweden to support their article. The CDC used several long term studies done by multiple entities.

We are really talking apples and oranges.


Simply put, the overwhelming evidence is supporting what the CDC says. But FN typically takes one study and uses it to say there's no consensus.


Well, to be fair, when you use "fox" and "news" in the same sentence, you kind of already know what you're getting. ;)


Indeed, we can all debate what makes the gameday experience less pleasurable, but there should be no dispute about the differential in health effects, especially on society as a whole.

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And here is the part that many other folks still seem to miss: if/when another ban comes along on, say, barbecue grills or alcohol, it will not affect your ability to attend a game in the slightest. If they ban bbq grills, bring electric cooking equipment. If they ban alcohol, figure out a way to have a good time without it, or pick a DD, get up early, and get bombed before you leave for the stadium.


It's my opinion that the people that are up in arms over the smoking ban are taking things too personally. Smoking is banned at bars, movie theatres, restaurants, public transportation units, public parks, bowling alleys, within 50 feet of any public building entrance, and many, many other places. Why? Many reasons: it protects the rights of everyone wanting to breath clean air, it discourages the practice of a known-to-be-self-destructive behavior, it reduces littering, it reduces fire hazards, etc.


We're not talking about the beginning of the end of civil rights here; just a smoking ban. You haven't seen dancing banned in bars, laughing banned in movie theatres, talking banned in restaurants, frisbee tossing banned in public parks, etc. And you won't. It's not the same thing, and I think those insinuating that it is are being disingenuous.


Here's the difference: When a smoker steps outside of one of those places to light up, they let him or her back in.

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The following is NOT to insult you, so PLEASE do not take offense.


I could be way off base, but my guess is that you are FOR the trendy issues of today. I would like to know your stance on marijuana and gay marriages. Btw, these issues do not terribly concern me one way or the other.

It seems like you, and so many others have been indoctrinated. And, your post above paints you as quite submissive. That said, I enjoy the interaction. It is a good thing to consider the views of others.


Be well, and GO BILLS!!!!!


I take no offense Bill, worry not.


As for my position on the issues of the day, well, some I'm for, and some I'm against. Marijuana? Well, I think that since we're so poor at policing it's usage/distribution that there's no reason not to make tax money off of it. As a former smoker of that too, I'm not against it per se, but I think there should be rules to it's usage, not unlike alcohol. Gay marriage? I really haven't made up my mind. Fact of the matter is that I just don't care that much since it doesn't really affect me. Although I do believe that two people that choose to spend their lives together should probably be able to get the same insurance benefits, etc. as any other two people. Whether or not that constitutes "marriage" is a personal opinion.


As for my stance on the smoking ban inside the stadium, my position has always been that I'll fight against something that I feel impinges on my rights. If someone wants to tell me where I can and can't smoke in the public domain, fine, no issue. Now, if they wanted to tell me that I cannot smoke in my own home or on my own property, you've got a fight on your hands. I've always been of the mindset that I've got enough to worry about without worrying about that which doesn't really matter in the long run. For me, whether or not someone can have a smoke during a Bills' game falls into that category in regard to whether or not I'm willing to support someone else's privelage. From a personal preference standpoint, as an ex-smoker, I'm always grateful not to be around it. I quit because I was just plain sick of smoking; the smell, the taste, the cost, the feeling, all of it.


Here's the difference: When a smoker steps outside of one of those places to light up, they let him or her back in.


I hear you, but that difference comes with the caviat that there aren't hundreds of people trying to get into a paid venue for free with a little "I was just having a smoke" trickery.

Edited by thebandit27
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I hear you, but that difference comes with the caviat that there aren't hundreds of people trying to get into a paid venue for free with a little "I was just having a smoke" trickery.


Yes, but HSBC Arena found a way (I know Rich is larger, but they could set up several similar corrals). There are ways to accommodate both smokers and those who are over-sensitive to cigarette smoke--in fact, the smoking areas of years past were one such way--but the Bills have chosen not to. Which is fine by me (as I've said before) but I think there are going to be some really aggravated people who start trouble in the short term. In the long term, of course, people will just get used to it.

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The following is NOT to insult you, so PLEASE do not take offense.


I could be way off base, but my guess is that you are FOR the trendy issues of today. I would like to know your stance on marijuana and gay marriages. Btw, these issues do not terribly concern me one way or the other.

It seems like you, and so many others have been indoctrinated. And, your post above paints you as quite submissive. That said, I enjoy the interaction. It is a good thing to consider the views of others.


Be well, and GO BILLS!!!!!


I am not submissive. I respect the rights of private businesses to make decisions. I happen to applaud the smoking ban. If they banned BBQs, I'd complain and comply. If they banned beer, I'd complain and comply. If they banned women from attending, I would never go again.


There's a line they can cross but they haven't found it for me.


If this was the government, I'd have an entirely different view but it's not. Complain away to the business owner but you have no recourse but to B word and not attend. for most of us, we applaud pushing the smokers out. If someday the person pushed out is me, so be it. I can only whine.

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Yes, those who watch that channel would. I mean FN used one study done in sweden to support their article. The CDC used several long term studies done by multiple entities.

We are really talking apples and oranges.


Simply put, the overwhelming evidence is supporting what the CDC says. But FN typically takes one study and uses it to say there's no consensus.




Indeed, we can all debate what makes the gameday experience less pleasurable, but there should be no dispute about the differential in health effects, especially on society as a whole.


CDC is a government agency, and as such, is subject to the same faults and deficiencies of any other gov't entity. They have been known to cherry pick data to suit thier purposes before, so they are not exactly an impartial organization. Just saying...

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Yes, but HSBC Arena found a way (I know Rich is larger, but they could set up several similar corrals). There are ways to accommodate both smokers and those who are over-sensitive to cigarette smoke--in fact, the smoking areas of years past were one such way--but the Bills have chosen not to. Which is fine by me (as I've said before) but I think there are going to be some really aggravated people who start trouble in the short term. In the long term, of course, people will just get used to it.


They even do this at the superdome with zero issue... 2-3 gates, police corral with a few security guards once the game kicks off. It's real easy. Even have tvs out there.


Honestly I couldn't care less what the policy is but the pro smoking arguments are baffling to me.

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Man kicked out of a bar for smoking comes back with a gun and kills one and wounds 6 others.



Watch out for those smokers!!





Want to see what a hero is? Check out this video. Listen to what the newscaster says at the very end.


I hope this brave man isn't suspended or fired for smoking.



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Want to see what a hero is? Check out this video. Listen to what the newscaster says at the very end.


I hope this brave man isn't suspended or fired for smoking.



I'm not even going to click the link, but I'm wondering why you chose to post it. Has anyone suggested or intimated smokers are "bad" people? It seems like this has become very personal for you, Bill. That's a shame.

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I'm not even going to click the link, but I'm wondering why you chose to post it. Has anyone suggested or intimated smokers are "bad" people?


Sure.....read the thread. One poster (thanks to whoever deleted it) suggested that smokers commit suicide. Another stated that his wife was forced to take a shower because she walked by cigarette smokers.


I don't view it as "personal," because it isn't. I am saddened by the lack of tolerance by too many Americans, and distressed how people are like sheep. You know, just supporting everything trendy.


Anyway, the link is very cool footage. It defines what a hero is imo. And, it does well to depict real life in the "big city."


Be well, and keep channeling me. ;):)

Edited by Bill from NYC
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Sure.....read the thread. One poster (thanks to whoever deleted it) suggested that smokers commit suicide. Another stated that his wife was forced to take a shower because she walked by cigarette smokers.

Well technically smokers are committing suicide. Just a prolonged one.


The shower comment isn't a statement that smokers are bad people.

But you might be surprised at how much it does stink and how easily it makes clothing etc. stink. If I am in someones house and there are people smoking in the room, my kids will ask why I stink when I get home.


It is a disgusting habit and I am 100% for having smoking being banned indoors at public places. The removal of a smoking area at the Ralph seems a bit silly to me. But I guess the Bills are following King Rogers edict that NFL games will be family friendly someday. But to remove a smoking area but let drunk people come into the stadium and continue to buy alcohol until after halftime makes no sense to me if family friendly is the goal (no need to rehash that the NFL makes money from alcohol sales :) ).

Edited by CodeMonkey
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Another stated that his wife was forced to take a shower because she walked by cigarette smokers.


I don't view it as "personal," because it isn't. I am saddened by the lack of tolerance by too many Americans, and distressed how people are like sheep. You know, just supporting everything trendy.


I'm beginning to think you'll say anything, at anytime, if you think it might be even loosely associated with your crusade. It doesn't even have to make a lick of sense. You just fling it out there.


The 1st bolded line has everything to do with the actual smoke smell and nothing to do with smokers being bad people. HTF could you have possibly made that connection is beyond me.


Secondly, I'm starting to get a bee in my bonnet on the second bolded part. 1st, people who didn't support your view were called trained seals, then they were called submissive, and now they are like sheep. Is this direction you want to go down? Have you really thought through this line of argument?


Speaking for myself, I am free of any chemical addiction and that includes caffeine. I can go through my day, my week, my life and only seek those things that sustain life. No one has their hooks in me.


What about you Bill? What do you do when you go down to the 7-Eleven? It seems to me you walk through the 7-Eleven doors, genuflect to your Indian overlord, pay your $5-$10 tithe, then go back the next day and repeat the same process.


Who is the trained seal here Bill? Who is submissive to who? Who is the sheep being herded here and herded there to get their nicotine fix that Phillip Morris trained you to have and you have been submissive to all these years?


So please, don't project your weakness on the people who reject your viewpoint. They are not at fault here.

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Sure.....read the thread. One poster (thanks to whoever deleted it) suggested that smokers commit suicide. Another stated that his wife was forced to take a shower because she walked by cigarette smokers.


I don't view it as "personal," because it isn't. I am saddened by the lack of tolerance by too many Americans, and distressed how people are like sheep. You know, just supporting everything trendy.


Anyway, the link is very cool footage. It defines what a hero is imo. And, it does well to depict real life in the "big city."


Be well, and keep channeling me. ;):)


No offense Bill, but I think that what you view as a lack of tolerance is really just a lack of special treatment.


Nobody is saying that you can't smoke; you can, just not in the stadium. That's not a lack of tolerance. In my opinion, a lack of tolerance would be the team denying entry to a smoker, regardless of whether or not they intend to smoke in the stadium. Here's intolerance: if you're a smoker, no entry for you! That's not the case. You are still welcome inside the stadium; you simply can't smoke while you're in there.


If I'm a gun enthusiast, and I exercise my right to a pistol permit, that doesn't mean I should be allowed to carry my gun inside the stadium. However, if they tell me that because I'm a gun enthusiast, I'm not allowed inside the stadium, even if I leave my gun at home, that's intolerance. Big difference.


This situation is no different than a beer drinker owning a vehicle. Someone that drinks is allowed to buy a car, own a car, and drive the car anywhere they want, whenever they want, within the law. They just can't do it while drinking or under the influence of alcohol.


Again, I think you're defining a lack of special treatment as a lack of tolerance, and I don't feel that they're the same thing.


I'm beginning to think you'll say anything, at anytime, if you think it might be even loosely associated with your crusade. It doesn't even have to make a lick of sense. You just fling it out there.


The 1st bolded line has everything to do with the actual smoke smell and nothing to do with smokers being bad people. HTF could you have possibly made that connection is beyond me.


Secondly, I'm starting to get a bee in my bonnet on the second bolded part. 1st, people who didn't support your view were called trained seals, then they were called submissive, and now they are like sheep. Is this direction you want to go down? Have you really thought through this line of argument?


Speaking for myself, I am free of any chemical addiction and that includes caffeine. I can go through my day, my week, my life and only seek those things that sustain life. No one has their hooks in me.


What about you Bill? What do you do when you go down to the 7-Eleven? It seems to me you walk through the 7-Eleven doors, genuflect to your Indian overlord, pay your $5-$10 tithe, then go back the next day and repeat the same process.


Who is the trained seal here Bill? Who is submissive to who? Who is the sheep being herded here and herded there to get their nicotine fix that Phillip Morris trained you to have and you have been submissive to all these years?


So please, don't project your weakness on the people who reject your viewpoint. They are not at fault here.


A bit of harsh reality IMO, but true nevertheless.

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What about you Bill? What do you do when you go down to the 7-Eleven? It seems to me you walk through the 7-Eleven doors, genuflect to your Indian overlord, pay your $5-$10 tithe, then go back the next day and repeat the same process.



That might be one of the greatest lines I have ever read on here..i don't agree with one lick of it..but great line none the less.


Well technically smokers are committing suicide. Just a prolonged one.



lets not go there.. lot's of things we do shorten our lives...


Yeah, this is what's going to happen--but with fists instead of guns.



People needs their smokes!!!! Can't blame this dude..like kicking Marlo off a corner...can't be getting disrespected that like...and ole Russ is now disrespect all smokers!!

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