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I just started and finished watching Breaking Bad

The Poojer

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Another great episode.


I get the feeling Walt is gonna get his "Heisenberg" back on and start pressing the issue with Gus. He's been too defensive lately but whenever Walt's been pressed into a corner he goes on the offensive. He's been putting up with too much crap the entire season. Literally getting the crap kicked out of him. Walt is gonna start kicking some ass of his own.


I believe Hank gets pissed about being on the hit list and goes after Gus like a pit bull. He's getting closer and closer to the operations.


Finally, I have a hunch Mike is gonna get pissed at Gus and decide to help Jesse and, by extension, Walt. There was something empty about Gus's reassurance to Jesse that he'll have someone pick up Mike at that Mexican M.A.S.H unit. Also, something tells me Mike isn't gonna like the idea that families, especially children, get threatened. He's an old school henchman with values.


These last two shows of the season are gonna be fantastic.


Really instense last 15 minutes. I agree with your assessment of Walt, but not sure what his move is here.


I don't think Jesse has much loyalty left anymore; his refusal to let Gus whack Walt may have more to do with his lingering guilt over Gale and desire to not be the cause for another death of someone he knows.

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Gus is playing this all wrong. Relying solely on Jesse to cook the meth from this point forward is risking your ENTIRE empire on a kid with absolutely no education. It seems to be anti-Gus' character to be this cavalier about things, when all he would need to do is work things out with Walt and tender some peace. If I were Gus, I'd work with Walt on an exit strategy that involved bringing in another Gale as an apprentice. Walt's formula and techniques would be much better preserved in the mind of another science guy, not someone like Jesse. Bad move, Gus.


Oh, and thank GOD we won't have to watch any more of Skylar and that business owner guy...I was getting really tired of that. Id much rather see more of the Gus/cartel/jesse/walt/mike stuff. :thumbsup:

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Oh, and thank GOD we won't have to watch any more of Skylar and that business owner guy...I was getting really tired of that. Id much rather see more of the Gus/cartel/jesse/walt/mike stuff. :thumbsup:


Did you catch the "Godfather" homage with the oranges falling on his head? Good stuff. That same actor had a similar death on "Terriers" when he tried to run away from his captors and got hit by a car.

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Gus is playing this all wrong. Relying solely on Jesse to cook the meth from this point forward is risking your ENTIRE empire on a kid with absolutely no education.



What do you think the odds are that Jesse totally !@#$s up a batch and Gus is forced to take Walt back?

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What do you think the odds are that Jesse totally !@#$s up a batch and Gus is forced to take Walt back?


Zero. More likely, Walt goes on the offensive against Gustavo.


I really like how well they have fleshed out Gus's character this season. It was hard to tell how much coldness he had in him prior to this year (except apparently being ok with eliminating a little kid). Added points where we see him commit murder with a box cutter, killing the entire drug cartel leadership, constant tormenting of a helpless old cripple, threating infants, etc., he is really turning into someone you can really root against...

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What do you think the odds are that Jesse totally !@#$s up a batch and Gus is forced to take Walt back?


That would be sort of an interesting development, actually...all of a sudden the blue meth addicts start dropping like flies because Jesse mis-reads the name of a chemical...next thing you know, the blue meth is like the brown acid at Woodstock and everyone is avoiding it like the plague. Business comes crashing down...what is Gus to do?

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That was a hell of a final camera shot. Framing it so it's like Walt's in a grave beneath his house. Totally at a loss for what to do, where to go, who he can turn to... and all the stresses of the last year just come erupting out in a strange brew of hysterical crying and laughing.


After his own recovery, his money has now mostly gone to the IRS, a car wash, cars and car repair, his apartment, Hank's recovery.... All investments which are now totally worthless when it becomes quite clear that he has to uproot and run.


He called the dude, the stuff is ready lickety split and Walt doesn't have the $? Problem! Skylar gave the money to a dude who's now likely a vegetable (how sadly funny was that sequence?). Well shucks!


K-9, that's a great point about Walt being put in a corner. While there was the whole guise of 'Well, if I do this carefully, no one will know it was me' mode... and now Walt doesn't have to be careful. He is a volatile chemical himself when placed in certain solutions, don't you know. He is resourceful as all get out when he puts his mind to it. He knows the operations both from the inside and from what Hank's shared.


Tell you what... anyone thinking here whether Walt just comes clean and offers to testify against the "big fish" in exchange for a plea bargain and witness protection? Well, of course that can't happen --- this show is titled Breaking Bad, after all.


WRT the point about Mike being a softie enforcer. He seemed to be all right with it when the 11-year-old got whacked last season. I'm less convinced of Mike's moral code.


Shameless plug here, but if anyone watches the show "Weeds" --- or even if you don't.... One of my best friends from childhood-high school appeared in tonight's episode, and it may be recurring. I have yet to watch it (and I've never watched that show, so that'll be something to check out) but it's been very weird seeing him in movies and teevee. The most prominent so far were the waiter in "In Good Company" and the non-speaking jeep driver (who sees Tom Cruise throw away the evidence) in "Valkyrie." Just thought I'd share.


Won't be a spoiler, but it seems like "Weeds" might be done...I don't think Showtime has renewed it, as of yet, and the finale certainly felt like a final episode...probably not a bad thing...as much as I have enjoyed that show over the years, this last season was a "hot mess"...MLP is always worth tuning in for, but the story was just all over the place, with no point...normally the show roams, but comes back to something you are familiar with...this season they just really seemed to be trying a little too hard to be "weird" or unpredictable...it just didn't work for season 7, IMO.


Anyways, excellent take on Breaking Bad. The ultimate tragedy, Walt throws his good life away, for his family, certain he is going to die soon...then he lives, pretty much loses the family life he was trying to preserve(the way he was trying to preserve it anyways), may cause their deaths, and now, becasue of all of his "Bad" decisions, is, ultimately broke, without a loving family, and facing a violent death. This is one of the darkest shows ever, but it is so damn good...the concept of what it means to "break bad" is now very clear...you wonder how many criminals fall into this same trap...it seems like it always catches up to you.


Ultimately, I think Jesse will come through for Walt, whether that means Walt lives or dies by series end, I don't know...but Jesse is not as dumb as he seems sometimes...he will realize, if this is what happens to "Mr White", his time is limited too.

Edited by Buftex
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I trust that Walt will figure out some angle of attack. Remember what happened the last time he was a cornered animal?


I agree. I'm thinking that with Mike being laid up in the "hospital" it will make any plan that Walt might come up with a whole lot easier to execute than in the past.

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didn't it already get used? by Gus against the cartel? that was what i thought happened...Gus or Mike found the cigarette and put it in the tequila....


I don't think so Pooj, ricin takes a few days to work. I think he just used a regular poison, probably was a charcoal tab he took right before the conversation with Don Eladio...

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yeah i figured he took a charcoal tablet...i just figured Mike was on to the cigarette and handled it without anyone being any the wiser


I don't think so Pooj, ricin takes a few days to work. I think he just used a regular poison, probably was a charcoal tab he took right before the conversation with Don Eladio...

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Gus has Spidey-sense or something

Right? And if he was sensing that something was amiss he also must be sensing that Jesse was in on it for making Gus go to the Hospital. They didn't make it seem like Gus saw Walt but that doesn't mean that he didn't.

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Here's my prediction: That ricin gets used... soon.



Good call...never thought it would be used against the kid...or was it? Another intense episode...


Right? And if he was sensing that something was amiss he also must be sensing that Jesse was in on it for making Gus go to the Hospital. They didn't make it seem like Gus saw Walt but that doesn't mean that he didn't.



Yeah, from the look of it, it almost seemed like Gus was ruminating in his head, like "how did this punk kid get me to come to him, rather than coming to me? And why?" Gus is awesome, in part, because the way the actor plays him, he is impossible to read...do you think Gus (or one his guys) slipped the ricin to the kid? I wasn't sure what to make of it...

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