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Ralph's got QB issues

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Again, this was discussed already in the thread, so go back and take a look. But you're falling back on the team makes the QB. I say that's untrue (which of course is opinion). To put it another way, if you put Fitz on KC this year they don't make the playoffs. If you put Fitz on New Orleans, they don't make the playoffs. If you put Fitz on Green Bay, they certainly don't win the Super Bowl. But if you put any of those QBs on the Bills, they win more than 4 games.


That's the point. Fitz is not the problem on the team, but he's not the answer.

I'm no fan of Fitz or Chan Gailey, but the one thing this HC is noted for is developing QB's, and he did a good job with Fitz last year. I'd say he already improved the passing offense. To bad its the only thing he improved on so far, as the running game, defense and special teams all went downhill.


How on gods green earth do you know what Fitz can or can't do.... you can't see into the future ...or even into anyones ability to do anything. Your just an armchair QB with a distorted view on things. First you say a QB either has it or he doesn't, then you say they can develop.... I know you want to, but you can't have it both ways! Nobody, not even top NFL scouts can see 100% into a college players abilities or how they will fully develop, or if they will eventually develop into an elite SB winning QB. If they could, then there wouldn't be guys like Brady-Warner coming outta nowhere to step into greatness. If the top NFL scouts can't tell, then I know for 100% certainty you can't tell if Fitz can further develop or not!.


Fitz is a very very smart guy, not because he want to college at Harvard, but because he basically aced the wonderlic test with a 48 out of 50, and did that in record time, 9 min. He also showed me that what he learned while at Cincy playing against the Steelers-Browns-Ravens that he retained the knowledge of their defense schemes to almost beat the SB runner up, and he would have if not for a dropped pass by his receiver in the end zone, in OT! This shows me that if the Bills want to beat the Patriots or Jets any time soon they had better keep Fitz as the starter and upgrade his supporting cast.

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OK.... so most Bills fans are both down on Fitzpatrick and the QB draft class of 2011... so what do we do?

Looking at the grades of this years QB's coming out of college the only one even close to Sam Bradford-Matt Stafford was Andrew Luck, and he decided to stay in school. The rest are all developmental QB's that will take 3 to 5 years to fully develop, if they ever fully develop at all.


Fitz is not an elite QB ATM, and he is not in the mold of some the QB's to win a SB like Payton Manning- Drew Brees. Fitz is closer to Big Ben and Aaron Rodgers in that he has classic "escapability" like those two have, and is really more of a gunslinger type like Brett Favre or Jay Cutler. Fitz will make some big plays, but he will also make bonehead plays trying to force the ball into tight situations. He needs the HC to help keep him in line like Favre had in Andy Reid, and to set up plays like GB used that allowed Favre to succeed.


To answer the question, Draft to build the up lines, both offensive and defensive. RT-LT-LB-DE @ # 3 all would upgrade this team more then a developmental QB would.

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I think his pocket QB play is a complete mystery, but I'm inclined to say he'd be my pick. I've been harping for a long time on the fact that the Bills haven't taken a QB with their very first selection in any draft for the last 50 years, I think it's time and his talent warrants the gamble.


Additionally, I like the idea of a big, ultra-mobile QB with a big arm playing for Gailey in the elements in Buffalo. Newton is also cut from a unique mold, he is like a bigger, better version of Vince Young with the throwing motion of a legitimate NFL passer. I see the comparisons to Roethlisberger, but I don't see big Ben ever ripping off a 70 yard TD run. Newton could.


One of my biggest concerns about the Bills is that they never lead the way, they always try to copy other teams success and rarely are successful. Newton is the kind of unique talent that other teams might be trying in vain to acquire in the future the way the Bills so often have the past decade or so. If he's there I do think the Bills will take him. Thinking he might go #1 though.




I'm not down on Fitzpatrick. I think he might be even be a franchise type QB. But we've all been fooled by counterfeit Bills QB's.


At one time or another, there was just as much offseason optimism for a young Losman and Edwards. Each such incidence sets the franchise back another few years. I hope Fitzpatrick does become the next Drew Brees. There are far worse things than having your David Rivers backing up your Drew Brees. And if that QB ended up being Newton, he could be incorporated into the gameplan a la Brad Smith as well.

check this out





ironic that when he came out of high school, he was a pocket passer with the rap that he could not run


Chan wants a mobile QB to run the spread and was really stung last year when they screwed up getting Tebow


I think Chan wants Cam


especially since he can throw the ball without requiring a perfect pocket -


- which will never happen in Buffalo since they are totally incapable of buildng a good OL






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JP Losman was drafted 22nd. Next.


Depends on what the "answer" is. To me, Fitz is the answer to bringing this team up out of the gutter it's been in for well over the past decade. Fitz is more than good enough, with the right talent around him, to produce winning seasons, which right now, should be our ONLY concern. Before you win the super bowl, you have to make the playoffs. You're so caught up on getting that Super Bowl winning QB in the draft that you're missing the most glaring objective: to simply win football games


Right now teams like the Ravens or Falcons should be discussing whether or not they have a QB that's good enough to win the Super Bowl. We don't have that concern yet.


Ask yourself this: Did Fitz produce at a high level at his position last year? Yes. Statistically, he was among the top 10 QB's in the NFL (taking into account that he played fewer games). Indisputible. What more do you want from a position? Ah yes, the super bowl. Unfortunately, it's a team game, and our team on a whole, sucks.. If this team continues to develop and we begin to notice that Fitz is holding us back from winning games, then I'll be happy to revisit this conversation again when that point comes. But for now, and the next few years, Fitz is the answer, imo, to turning this franchise around..of course, assuming we add the right pieces around him.




What numbers do you want Fitz to put up? 45td, 5000 yds and 10int? Look at his numbers last year. QB was not the problem..but yet that continues to be everyone's focal point. Building towards the ultimate goal involves much more than just the QB...we're lacking in every other department. How about you discuss that?

Badolbilz's point stands. Evans was the first Bills pick in that draft, not Losman (just like Tony Hunter preceded Kelly).


I think his pocket QB play is a complete mystery, but I'm inclined to say he'd be my pick. I've been harping for a long time on the fact that the Bills haven't taken a QB with their very first selection in any draft for the last 50 years, I think it's time and his talent warrants the gamble.


Additionally, I like the idea of a big, ultra-mobile QB with a big arm playing for Gailey in the elements in Buffalo. Newton is also cut from a unique mold, he is like a bigger, better version of Vince Young with the throwing motion of a legitimate NFL passer. I see the comparisons to Roethlisberger, but I don't see big Ben ever ripping off a 70 yard TD run. Newton could.


One of my biggest concerns about the Bills is that they never lead the way, they always try to copy other teams success and rarely are successful. Newton is the kind of unique talent that other teams might be trying in vain to acquire in the future the way the Bills so often have the past decade or so. If he's there I do think the Bills will take him. Thinking he might go #1 though.




I'm not down on Fitzpatrick. I think he might be even be a franchise type QB. But we've all been fooled by counterfeit Bills QB's.


At one time or another, there was just as much offseason optimism for a young Losman and Edwards. Each such incidence sets the franchise back another few years. I hope Fitzpatrick does become the next Drew Brees. There are far worse things than having your David Rivers backing up your Drew Brees. And if that QB ended up being Newton, he could be incorporated into the gameplan a la Brad Smith as well.


You and I think alike about Newton. The question is, is Carolina stupid enough to pass on a QB? Maybe, given their owner.


Incidentally, Jimmy Johnson explained long ago the importance of spending high picks on Qbs until you're sure you have your guy. He did that with Steve Walsh after drafting Aikman (Walsh was a first round supplemental pick), yet Johnson was able to deal Walsh for more picks once he knew that Aikman was his guy. His other point is that teams will always pay a premium for promising QBs if they need one (e.g., Rob Johnson).


Finally, you know that the Bills could have drafted Flacco. Woulda shoulda coulda.

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JP Losman was drafted 22nd. Next.


Depends on what the "answer" is. To me, Fitz is the answer to bringing this team up out of the gutter it's been in for well over the past decade. Fitz is more than good enough, with the right talent around him, to produce winning seasons, which right now, should be our ONLY concern. Before you win the super bowl, you have to make the playoffs. You're so caught up on getting that Super Bowl winning QB in the draft that you're missing the most glaring objective: to simply win football games


Right now teams like the Ravens or Falcons should be discussing whether or not they have a QB that's good enough to win the Super Bowl. We don't have that concern yet.


Ask yourself this: Did Fitz produce at a high level at his position last year? Yes. Statistically, he was among the top 10 QB's in the NFL (taking into account that he played fewer games). Indisputible. What more do you want from a position? Ah yes, the super bowl. Unfortunately, it's a team game, and our team on a whole, sucks.. If this team continues to develop and we begin to notice that Fitz is holding us back from winning games, then I'll be happy to revisit this conversation again when that point comes. But for now, and the next few years, Fitz is the answer, imo, to turning this franchise around..of course, assuming we add the right pieces around him.




What numbers do you want Fitz to put up? 45td, 5000 yds and 10int? Look at his numbers last year. QB was not the problem..but yet that continues to be everyone's focal point. Building towards the ultimate goal involves much more than just the QB...we're lacking in every other department. How about you discuss that?


Like I said, 50 years.


As for your concern about the rest of the positions on the team....obviously they need help all over the field. And not just defense. The Bills finished in the bottom quarter of the league in yardage gained offensively. Their offensive line is not a strength. They have no tight end. They could use a good half dozen upgrades in the starting lineup on defense.


You know what?


You aren't going to get all of that with the #3 pick. DL early seems to be the deepest position. CB and WR are almost laughable options considering the Bills pathetic past history. Personally, I'm always wary of very early first round DL. It's a position that requires high effort to succeed and getting ultra rich young big DL to play with a high motor has proven difficult. It's very likely your shiny new Nick Fairley might just be another Ryan Sims. Even if he reaches his ceiling, the impact he'd have as a DL pales in comparison to that of a good QB.


Could they trade back and get more picks? Unlikely, as BillsVet mentioned it's been almost a decade since a pick that early was dealt. They were in much better trade back positions in prior years.

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Incidentally, Jimmy Johnson explained long ago the importance of spending high picks on Qbs until you're sure you have your guy. He did that with Steve Walsh after drafting Aikman (Walsh was a first round supplemental pick), yet Johnson was able to deal Walsh for more picks once he knew that Aikman was his guy. His other point is that teams will always pay a premium for promising QBs if they need one (e.g., Rob Johnson).


Finally, you know that the Bills could have drafted Flacco. Woulda shoulda coulda.

Yes, in 2008 we drafted Leodis McKelvin at #11 before the Ravens took Flacco at #18. And then in 2009, we drafted Aaron Maybin at #11 before the Bucs took Josh Freeman at #17. Granted most people viewed pass rusher as a bigger need than quarterback in 2009, but just saying.


Interesting that both Flacco and Freeman are former mid-first round QBs.



And arguable both look to be a franchise QBs in the making.





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I think that 59-year-old Chan Gailey is too much of an ' elderly gent ' to sock you in the nose - he'd get his ' elderly ' 59-year-old pal Dave Wannstache to do it for him!


Otherwise, aside from just learning that in seven short years I'll be considered ' elderly ' myself, I agree with and enjoyed your comments...


19 and 0 baby!!! :thumbsup:




Fear the (elderly) 'stache!!!!! B-)



LOL thanks Senator. I woke up late this morning and with horror on my face realized I had quite a bit to drink when I posted and was trying to remember what I'd written and if I had made a fool out of myself. Thank goodness my post wasn't as random and horrid as I first thought. I really should post less though after having more than a few drinks. Would lessen the erosion of my credibility.

Edited by Pilsner
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For everyone who's so quick to jump on Fitz for not being able to take this team to the super bowl, how about we make the playoffs..Check that, try a WINNING SEASON...first and worry if our QB is good enough for the super bowl after 3-4 years of falling short WITHIN the playoffs. jesus.


there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that if we improve this team and add several pieces to the DL/OL over the next two years, Fitz is MORE than good enough to take the Bills to the playoffs..which is more than i can say for any unknown rookie QB. that's all we should be concerned with right now. all of this super bowl talk is insane people.

Most of these posters are so desperate for a "franchise" elite SB winning QB they are willing to gamble on guys that don't grade out to fit that mold.... the last gamble the Bills took was on Aaron Maybin, the one before that John McCargo, JP Losman ETC ETC ETC. Aren't you guys sick and tired of this team gambling on high draft choices?


The one freaking singular bright spot on the team last season was the play of the back up QB, now everyone wants to replace him with a maybe...


I agree 100% with that last sentence :thumbsup: , the question is what will the old farts do?

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Most of these posters are so desperate for a "franchise" elite SB winning QB they are willing to gamble on guys that don't grade out to fit that mold.... the last gamble the Bills took was on Aaron Maybin, the one before that John McCargo, JP Losman ETC ETC ETC. Aren't you guys sick and tired of this team gambling on high draft choices?


The one freaking singular bright spot on the team last season was the play of the back up QB, now everyone wants to replace him with a maybe...


I agree 100% with that last sentence :thumbsup: , the question is what will the old farts do?


Bills fans in general should be desperate for a franchise QB.


What puzzles me is what people expect to get from a first round DL or CB? I am a big supporter of building the lines, but I've got news.....there isn't a Bruce Smith in this draft. There hasn't been a Bruce Smith in any draft in 25 years. Very good to franchise level QB's are available, in very short supply, most every year. The high side of what you will get with that first round DL is a guy like Pittsburgh's Aaron Smith. That's a very good player, but not a player who is going to change the fortunes of your franchise.


This pick is the highest selection the Bills have had in 25 years. Your contention that the QB's in this draft aren't rated as franchise type QB's is nonsense. As mentioned a few posts above, guys like Joe Flacco and Josh Freeman weren't considered better prospects.

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Most of these posters are so desperate for a "franchise" elite SB winning QB they are willing to gamble on guys that don't grade out to fit that mold.... the last gamble the Bills took was on Aaron Maybin, the one before that John McCargo, JP Losman ETC ETC ETC. Aren't you guys sick and tired of this team gambling on high draft choices?

You bring up an interesting issue although I won't agree with you completely.


I don't think the Bills have gambled that much. Rather, I would characterize it as that they simply haven't drafted well.


I do agree with some of what you say. By drafting poorly…the Bills have seemingly put themselves in a position of having to dig out of a hole and "hit a grand slam" with their first pick.


This desperation is causing many of us to consider taking a riskier pick (Cam Newton) than a safer pick because of the greater reward of landing a possible franchise quarterback.


Other posters in other threads have characterized this situation as the Bills needing to be aggressive and not being afraid to take their shot at Newton or a possible "franchise-type" QB.


But many others are a bit scared to swing and miss on another high draft pick…because of our recent history of draft failure. Many fans want to see the Bills take a "safer" pick because we've already squandered so many picks in recent drafts.


Psychologically speaking, this is where we reside right now. Success breeds more success and confidence. Failure breeds uncertainty and second-guessing. The Bills and their fans are in the latter group.


When Gailey talked about changing the attitude within the organization, he may or may not have been talking only about the players. This team has a steep slope to climb because they have been bad for so long, the fans are desperate for a turnaround, and the team must balance these two factors out. They must build methodically but they also have to sell tickets and appease a fanbase starved for positive results.



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I think his pocket QB play is a complete mystery, but I'm inclined to say he'd be my pick. I've been harping for a long time on the fact that the Bills haven't taken a QB with their very first selection in any draft for the last 50 years, I think it's time and his talent warrants the gamble.


Badol, if Newton is gone before we select, how would you feel about Mallett?

Also, do you think that if the Bills want Mallett they could trade down and still get him?

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I was never a Ryan Fitzpatrick fan until the Baltimore, Pittsburgh, KC OT games, with all three teams in the playoffs last season, and then the Ravens and Steelers duking it out in the AFC championship game for the chance to go to the SB!


The ONE singular bright spot for the entire Buffalo Bills in the 2010 season had to be the emergence of Fitz and his ability to set protections, read the defense and get the ball out so quickly it negates most opponents pass rush. Considering the supporting cast around him, bad O line with walk ons playing RT, virtually no running game, no tight ends, Roscoe out for the year. The Bills were unable to run the ball effectively and they put the QB under enormous pressure all year, the guy did a remarkable job playing QB on a bad team.


Having stated that, I just don't get how so many posters here can't wait to draft some of the project QB's in the upcoming draft this year. There is no clear cut QB that is as good as Sam Bradford in this years draft, if there was then Carolina would select him. All there is in this years draft are QB's who need tons of developmental work in running an NFL offense and reading pro defenses, QB's that will take 2-3 years to properly develop.


Look back to that Jets game in which Fitz was injured and Brian Brohm started, Brohm played horribly in that game, it sure shut up the fans clamoring to see him start and play. That game also showed the glaring weakness of the O line to properly protect a young QB that is still learning, most fans seem to want to throw another young player behind that horrid O line ....only to watch him get beaten up and broken down for the next 3 years.



This current Buffalo Bills team as so many positions of needs above a developmental QB, that selecting one in the first round at #3 is simply a lame move IMHO. The Bills already have a decent QB in Fitz who could further develop under Chan Gailey and perhaps improve his accuracy and completion percentage. Upgrading his surrounding cast would certainly improve the team and the QB's performance from my view.


Read this: http://msn.foxsports...reakdown-021411


Team Needs


QB (developmental), OLT, ORT, OLB, SS



The Bills have been one of the worst teams in the NFL for years against the run and the very worst last season, they had an excuse under Jauron as the Tampa 2 is noted for its weakness against the run. The move to the 3-4 was supposed to improve the defense, instead it made it worse. I can only hope that letting Marcus Stroud go was a precursor to drafting a DT-DE-LB with that #3 overall. Then follow that up with some help for the O line and LB corps.


I agree, Fitz came in on the 3rd game of the season cold. He missed all of preseason because of Trent. Had Fitz had the luxury of preseason, who knows how far he would have made it. We owe it to ourselves to pick all defense this draft and see how the team does with Fitz at the helm. Maybe a RT pick this year or RT FA.

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to the op. I agree that any of our FO should be thanful that Fitz accomplished what he did for us. Regardless of whether we need a QB for our future.

He brought the team along quite a ways while he endured past season.

As far as stats go i just get tired of them being tossed back and forth to validate opinions.

Some times they do not matter. Like stevie the wonder dog Johnson. Ooh he is all this and that becuase his stats looked good. But i watched every game but one and i listened to that one. Stats say he was very good, i did not feel he was that good.

Now Fitz seemed to carry the team. I mean this sincerely. He threw downfield mostly at difficult and tight targets. He was under ridiculous pressure. He got hit. alot. he played ( ia m guessing, because alot of those hits looked like they really hurt!) He had people running poor patterns. And when nothing was left he ran like a crazed f'r. Do think highly of Mr. Fitzmagic. Heck yes i do and i hope he has an excellent and rewarding season. Best part is that he is going to be a phenomenal teacher when we get THE GUY. Lets give him a good chance this year.

go Bills!

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You bring up an interesting issue although I won't agree with you completely.


I don't think the Bills have gambled that much. Rather, I would characterize it as that they simply haven't drafted well.


I do agree with some of what you say. By drafting poorly…the Bills have seemingly put themselves in a position of having to dig out of a hole and "hit a grand slam" with their first pick.


This desperation is causing many of us to consider taking a riskier pick (Cam Newton) than a safer pick because of the greater reward of landing a possible franchise quarterback.


Other posters in other threads have characterized this situation as the Bills needing to be aggressive and not being afraid to take their shot at Newton or a possible "franchise-type" QB.


But many others are a bit scared to swing and miss on another high draft pick…because of our recent history of draft failure. Many fans want to see the Bills take a "safer" pick because we've already squandered so many picks in recent drafts.


Psychologically speaking, this is where we reside right now. Success breeds more success and confidence. Failure breeds uncertainty and second-guessing. The Bills and their fans are in the latter group.


When Gailey talked about changing the attitude within the organization, he may or may not have been talking only about the players. This team has a steep slope to climb because they have been bad for so long, the fans are desperate for a turnaround, and the team must balance these two factors out. They must build methodically but they also have to sell tickets and appease a fanbase starved for positive results.

Trust me, they gambled...they have been taking risks and reaching for players for 10 years.


Arron Maybin was a one year wonder in college who had only one move, and that was run the arc, if the tackle got his hands on him it was over. This all was noted in his draft day bio, and the Bills scouts/staff over looked all his deficiencies because they heard the magic words "you can't teach speed" The Bills FO was envisioning another Bruce Smith and took the gamble. The thing is in todays game the O linemen hold on every play, and its not really called unless its outright flagrant, even then some refs just let it go. To call Maybin a bust would be very accurate considering the Redskins drafted right behind the Bills and they ran to the Podium to select DE/OLB Brian Orakpo, who was voted to the pro bowl his first year.


I could say the same horror stories about tons of Bills picks, wtf was the FO doing drafting McCargo in the first round, and they moved up to do it!! The guy was rated as a 3rd rounder or higher on most boards, and this FO gave up picks to move up to get him.... all based on the fact he played on the same line with Mario Williams, their thinking was that Williams was getting all the glory all the credit. The reality was that the opposing teams were doubling and tripling Williams and leaving McCargo free, so the brainiacs at OBD determined McCargo was a great player and moved up to the first round to grab a 3-4th rounder.


Donte Whitner was another reach, most draft boards had this guy rated as a late 2nd rounder, the 56 rated player. The Bills must have thought different because they drafted him at 8th overall. 56th to 8th...c'mon


The Bills wanted Ben Roithlisberger but the Steelers moved up and beat them to the punch, having lost out on Big Ben Tom Donahoe decided to move up into the first round and grab JP Losman anyway. As usual the FO had their head up their proverbial backsides again this year. They had a dominate pocket passer QB in Drew Bledsoe. Instead of drafting to protect the current QB with decent O linemen they decided to gamble on another QB to develop. I can only surmise that having been burned by drafting Mike Williams, they must have determined they could properly evaluate QB's better then LT's, they were wrong again.


There is a reason this team is at the bottom of the league for a decade, bad drafting and taking gambles on players. Ya know what, I don't see things changing this year either. Now they finally have a decent QB and instead of building the supporting cast to help the guy, they want to draft a rookie and start the development process all over again. :doh:

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Badol, if Newton is gone before we select, how would you feel about Mallett?

Also, do you think that if the Bills want Mallett they could trade down and still get him?


I like Mallett, but he was disappointing this season. His limited athletic ability means he is going to need extra time in the pocket and he's going to have to become an elite decision maker. I thought his game didn't improve this year, he leveled off. I think he could become a big time QB, but an investment in him might mean a need for better overall personnel than would be needed to succeed with Newton and if he doesn't turn into a great decision maker he might not even exceed what Fitzpatrick might be able to do.


I also think that in planning to compete in this division, the Pats and Jets wouldn't be bothered in the least by having to defend a pocket-only QB. Their defenses thrive on knowing where the offense is going to be. A guy like Newton gives you that running threat of Vince Young, plus the ability to extend plays like Roethlisberger and also be an effective pocket passer.

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Trust me, they gambled...they have been taking risks and reaching for players for 10 years.


Arron Maybin was a one year wonder in college who had only one move, and that was run the arc, if the tackle got his hands on him it was over. This all was noted in his draft day bio, and the Bills scouts/staff over looked all his deficiencies because they heard the magic words "you can't teach speed" The Bills FO was envisioning another Bruce Smith and took the gamble. The thing is in todays game the O linemen hold on every play, and its not really called unless its outright flagrant, even then some refs just let it go. To call Maybin a bust would be very accurate considering the Redskins drafted right behind the Bills and they ran to the Podium to select DE/OLB Brian Orakpo, who was voted to the pro bowl his first year.


I could say the same horror stories about tons of Bills picks, wtf was the FO doing drafting McCargo in the first round, and they moved up to do it!! The guy was rated as a 3rd rounder or higher on most boards, and this FO gave up picks to move up to get him.... all based on the fact he played on the same line with Mario Williams, their thinking was that Williams was getting all the glory all the credit. The reality was that the opposing teams were doubling and tripling Williams and leaving McCargo free, so the brainiacs at OBD determined McCargo was a great player and moved up to the first round to grab a 3-4th rounder.


Donte Whitner was another reach, most draft boards had this guy rated as a late 2nd rounder, the 56 rated player. The Bills must have thought different because they drafted him at 8th overall. 56th to 8th...c'mon


The Bills wanted Ben Roithlisberger but the Steelers moved up and beat them to the punch, having lost out on Big Ben Tom Donahoe decided to move up into the first round and grab JP Losman anyway. As usual the FO had their head up their proverbial backsides again this year. They had a dominate pocket passer QB in Drew Bledsoe. Instead of drafting to protect the current QB with decent O linemen they decided to gamble on another QB to develop. I can only surmise that having been burned by drafting Mike Williams, they must have determined they could properly evaluate QB's better then LT's, they were wrong again.


There is a reason this team is at the bottom of the league for a decade, bad drafting and taking gambles on players. Ya know what, I don't see things changing this year either. Now they finally have a decent QB and instead of building the supporting cast to help the guy, they want to draft a rookie and start the development process all over again. :doh:


First of all, Drew Bledsoe was not a dominating passer at that point. It's always a good idea to bolster your offensive line, but even if he had a great OL, at that point he was at best a caretaker and at worst a guy who just couldn't make the kind of consistently good decisions you expect from a veteran QB.


As far as JP goes, he was a talented prospect, but not along the lines of Manning/Rivers/Roethlisberger or in this case, Cam Newton.


The players you consider gambles........they weren't gambles, guys like Whitner, Lynch and Spiller were far too safe picks. If Lynch had run for 1200 yards as a rookie you couldn't have traded him for that same first round pick the following offseason. They were positional reaches. You don't need to draft safeties or RB's that early.......but if you do, chances are they will at least be ready to contribute early. Maybin was just a bad call. He wasn't a gamble, a lot of people thought he was the best pass rusher in the draft, not just the Bills.

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Trust me, they gambled...they have been taking risks and reaching for players for 10 years.

You view the Bills lousy drafting record over the last decade or so as gambling. I view it as ineptitude. We have different opinions but in the end it really doesn't matter.


My point really is that because the Bills have blown so many draft picks, that there is a desperation surrounding (and possibly within) the team which makes it a bit more difficult to arrive at sound, long term decisions.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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First of all, Drew Bledsoe was not a dominating passer at that point. It's always a good idea to bolster your offensive line, but even if he had a great OL, at that point he was at best a caretaker and at worst a guy who just couldn't make the kind of consistently good decisions you expect from a veteran QB.


As far as JP goes, he was a talented prospect, but not along the lines of Manning/Rivers/Roethlisberger or in this case, Cam Newton.


The players you consider gambles........they weren't gambles, guys like Whitner, Lynch and Spiller were far too safe picks. If Lynch had run for 1200 yards as a rookie you couldn't have traded him for that same first round pick the following offseason. They were positional reaches. You don't need to draft safeties or RB's that early.......but if you do, chances are they will at least be ready to contribute early. Maybin was just a bad call. He wasn't a gamble, a lot of people thought he was the best pass rusher in the draft, not just the Bills.

I disagree, if the Bills played a bad team with little or no pass rush, then Bledsoe would tear them a new one, once that guy got into a rhythm he was very very good. His problem was that teams knew that if they hit him early it would cause hit to get happy feet and then start hearing phantom footsteps, and the game would go downhill because he would try and hurry his throws. The last winning season the Bills had was with Bledsoe at QB (9-7) and they lost the last regular season game to Steeler backups, if they win that game they make the playoffs at 10-6.


Mike Mularkey wanted Bledsoe to start counting in his head once the ball was snapped, the ball had to be out by 4 seconds. So the team tried to make an old QB change his ways instead of building up his supporting cast, simply moronic!


The Bills drafted JP Losman thinking he was much more mobile and could escape the pass rush, yet they they wanted him to be a pocket passer and kept calling deep passing routes....


Have the Bills had a dominate TE in the last 10 years? Have they had a dominate center or any O linemen besides JP who they traded away? How does the O line sound LT Jonas Jennings LG Ross Tucker C Trey Teague RG Chris Vilarrial RT Mike D Williams, with TE Mark Campbell. Oh yea, great O line huh....


Someone at OBD has been giving the coaching staff the "find the soap on the floor in the shower" routine for 10 years.... in terms of player talent. Someone keeps telling the coaches that these players they will draft can get it done, when in fact these players can't get it done, and have failed year after year.



Cam Newton, the one look and run guy... he is going to get killed running the ball in the NFL. The last thing you want is your 50 Million dollar QB getting hit every play trying to run the ball. People keep thinking Mike Vick-Vince Young, Vick was great because he was faster then the DB's chasing him, the linemen and LB's had no chance to catch him once he broke into the open. Cam Newton doesn't have that kind of speed and will more then likely always be injured like Vince Young is. Ask any starting NFL RB, toughest job in the NFL, bar none.


The only way Newton could work is if he sits and learns for a year or more, which won't happen.

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You view the Bills lousy drafting record over the last decade or so as gambling. I view it as ineptitude. We have different opinions but in the end it really doesn't matter.


My point really is that because the Bills have blown so many draft picks, that there is a desperation surrounding (and possibly within) the team which makes it a bit more difficult to arrive at sound, long term decisions.

Yea we agree really, Inept is the proper word.


This franchise has been so inept in drafting that when they reach its usually a complete bust.


If I'm the new owner I'd fire every scout that has been with the team more then 2 years, then hire Thomas Dimitroff away from the Falcons and make him president, then let him hire who he wants.

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