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Do you immunize your children?


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As a parent I can't imagine being in her position. I suppose I would be looking for reasons, something to point to and say "that's WHY my son is autistic"...but of course I don't have the national spotlight. This highlights one of the reasons why THE MEDIA can be harmful. They want ratings/sales so they glom on to a celebrity and away they run.


Don't know whether she'll offer a new perspective based on the article I linked, but here's what she had to say in February 2010.




I think that her mind is made up and I doubt she would retract what she's said because that would take away her WHY.

I can understand why a parent would seize-upon a (even piss-poor) study that says that autism is caused by something. But when mountains of evidence emerge debunking that study and that parent STILL insists that it's true, then he/she is an idiot.


That being said, while it's not vaccines, I have to believe it's something environmental. The autism rate is skyrocketing.

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That being said, while it's not vaccines, I have to believe it's something environmental. The autism rate is skyrocketing.

i like the breast milk and marijuana theories...maybe we should do a study...anybody want to volunteer to be a study participant?

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do us all a favor. don't have kids.


Thanks jackass. If you want to follow the Government's immunization instructions like a sheep go ahead. I'm all for immunization if it's SAFE.




I wouldn't trust my child's health to a brand new vaccine that has little to no research done on it. Government mandating of vaccinations is absolutely ridiculous. Unless a pestilence is uncorked on american soil, there should always be a right to choose.



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It's not like this is going to matter at all to the anti-immunization crowd. I'll bet their rebuttal is "But it's not the vaccine, it's the mercury IN the vaccine, so this study doesn't matter!"


There is no more mercury in childhood vaccines.


Thanks jackass. If you want to follow the Government's immunization instructions like a sheep go ahead. I'm all for immunization if it's SAFE.




I wouldn't trust my child's health to a brand new vaccine that has little to no research done on it. Government mandating of vaccinations is absolutely ridiculous. Unless a pestilence is uncorked on american soil, there should always be a right to choose.




Your choice affects other people.



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That being said, while it's not vaccines, I have to believe it's something environmental. The autism rate is skyrocketing.


Of course, part of that is a much more liberal definition of "autism" as "autistic spectrum disorder" over the past 30 years (if today's criteria applied 35 years ago, I'd have been safely considered autistic).


And part of that's increased awareness.


Really, does anyone know precisely how the true rate of autism has increased or decreased over the past few decades? I haven't seen or heard of any study that has reliably measured the role better/looser diagnostic criteria have played in the increased autism rate...not that I've looked all that much, though...

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really??? by that logic, if there was **** in the air that "made you autistic", they'd tell you not to breathe???? really??? nobody is that dumb...are they?


You're talking about people whose risk analysis runs to "the one in 250 chance of getting autism from a vaccine is worse than the one in 20 chance of my kid dying from measles or mumps...because they won't get measles or mumps, because everyone else vaccinates."


Hey, people believe in homeopathic medicine, the literal basis of which is "Illness can be cured by poison that causes the same symptoms as the illness. If you dilute the poison in water, the curative effect becomes stronger. So if you dilute it to the point where there's no poison (i.e. pure water), that's the strongest medicine possible, therefore water has 'memory'." And then, homeopaths ignore the whole "dilute water is medicine because it remembers what was in it" and buy homeopathic chewing gum.


So yeah, people are that dumb.


There is no more mercury in childhood vaccines.


*I* know that. There hasn't been for years.


That hasn't stopped the anti-vaccination people from shouting "mercury in vaccines causes autism!" Neither will this new report. People are stupid that way.

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That site is seriously retarded. Really. It's not just factually incorrect, it's factually dishonest. And you're really incapable of telling?



Fortunately, if you ever do have kids, they'll likely catch an easily preventable communicable disease that either kills or sterilizes them, and they won't pass on your stupidity.

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Your choice affects other people.




"IF" scenario...If your kids are immunized and mine are not. How are my kids going to give yours a disease? If that happens then the vaccine failed and therefore shouldn't have been marketed to the public in the first place.


Like I said i'm all for immunization if it's safe. I'm not saying all vaccines aren't, but some of them are not, yet they're pushed by the Government (who greatly profits from them).

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"IF" scenario...If your kids are immunized and mine are not. How are my kids going to give yours a disease? If that happens then the vaccine failed and therefore shouldn't have been marketed to the public in the first place.


Like I said i'm all for immunization if it's safe. I'm not saying all vaccines aren't, but some of them are not, yet they're pushed by the Government (who greatly profits from them).


You're too dumb to breed.

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Fortunately, if you ever do have kids, they'll likely catch an easily preventable communicable disease that either kills or sterilizes them, and they won't pass on your stupidity.


Wow. You are one sick son of a B word. I hope you feel better, cause you look like a total @sshole.


Disagree with me that's fine, but to say that nonsense? I hope you go talk to someone about the "issues" you clearly have.

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Wow. You are one sick son of a B word. I hope you feel better, cause you look like a total @sshole.


Disagree with me that's fine, but to say that nonsense? I hope you go talk to someone about the "issues" you clearly have.


Hey, it's your decision. I don't wish ill on your kids, you do. I'm just stating a fact: don't immunize, your kids catch dangerous diseases...and natural selection does its work.


Reality hurts when you have to face it.

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"IF" scenario...If your kids are immunized and mine are not. How are my kids going to give yours a disease? If that happens then the vaccine failed and therefore shouldn't have been marketed to the public in the first place.


Like I said i'm all for immunization if it's safe. I'm not saying all vaccines aren't, but some of them are not, yet they're pushed by the Government (who greatly profits from them).

where do you get that the govt profits from vaccines? many are made internationally. sanofi pasteur and merck profit, yes, and you better hope that if an epidemic hits you have some pull like the guys at goldman sachs did last year (at the expense of babies and expectant mothers) with the swine flu threat. i'll admit there's corruption involved (on the part of the distributors and possibly manufacturers) but the consequence of it may be survival rather than who gets rich. i'll take your vaccine if that time ever comes while you're fretting about its safety..

Edited by birdog1960
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Of course, part of that is a much more liberal definition of "autism" as "autistic spectrum disorder" over the past 30 years (if today's criteria applied 35 years ago, I'd have been safely considered autistic).


And part of that's increased awareness.


Really, does anyone know precisely how the true rate of autism has increased or decreased over the past few decades? I haven't seen or heard of any study that has reliably measured the role better/looser diagnostic criteria have played in the increased autism rate...not that I've looked all that much, though...

I don't know. Empirically, even with the liberal definition of autism, it seems like it's getting worse every year. Take Alzheimer's disease. Prior to its diagnosis as a clinical entity and not just "uncle Frank being weird," it hasn't exploded to the degree autism seemingly has.

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where do you get that the govt profits from vaccines? many are made internationally. sanofi pasteur and merck profit, yes, and you better hope that if an epidemic hits you have some pull like the guys at goldman sachs did last year (at the expense of babies and expectant mothers) with the swine flu threat. i'll admit there's corruption involved (on the part of the distributors and possibly manufacturers) but the consequence of it may be survival rather than who gets rich. i'll take your vaccine if that time ever comes while you're fretting about its safety..


The drug companies don't even profit all that much. Vaccines are cheap and mass-produced, and after swine flu and Guillian-Barre the liability they carry is through the roof. It's a much better use of corporate resources to research erectile dysfunction drugs than produce vaccines.


I don't know. Empirically, even with the liberal definition of autism, it seems like it's getting worse every year. Take Alzheimer's disease. Prior to its diagnosis as a clinical entity and not just "uncle Frank being weird," it hasn't exploded to the degree autism seemingly has.


So which is it? :D

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You're too dumb to breed.


I don't know about that, Tom...breeding isn't that hard. I've seen some pretty dumb people here in GA figuring out how to do it, and hell, I've damn near done it accidentally a time or two.

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I don't know about that, Tom...breeding isn't that hard. I've seen some pretty dumb people here in GA figuring out how to do it, and hell, I've damn near done it accidentally a time or two.


So many places to poke fun, yet AJ is such a nice guy ... must resist ...

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So many places to poke fun, yet AJ is such a nice guy ... must resist ...


LOL, I can take it...I love all my Bills bretheren...I'll forgive you eventually :)

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