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U Maryland talked to Gus Malzahn


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Looks like the "Leach to Maryland" isn't quite a done deal.


Auburn OC


And here's an interesting quote:

(Malzahn) did not show up for a previously scheduled session with reporters after Tuesday's practice.


That can be a pretty good indicator things have gotten serious. Gus may or may not be the next HC, but he's listening to their offer.


By the same report, Maryland had talked to June Jones.

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That 'news ' is about 5 days old - June Jones has since stated he's "not interested" and Malzahn has a national championship game to focus on...


Gus Malzahn said Friday that his attention is focused on points west and not on the vacant job at Maryland...ESPN.com reported earlier this wee. that Auburn's offensive coordinator interviewed for the Terrapins' top job. Malzahn, during an impromptu meeting with reporters Friday, declined to affirm or deny his interest in Maryland and said he's concentrating on beating Oregon late this month.


"My only focus is helping us win a national championship," Malzahn said. "I'm not going to let anything distract me or get in my way. Like I've said all along regarding a head coaching job, it has to be the right time; the right situation."


Link - Malzahn thinking Ducks, not Terps


Leach is the only candidate to nhave met extensively with the AD, university president, and entire search committee on his recent 2-day campus visit - given Maryland's stated intention to announce their new head coach no later than Jan. 4, look for Leach to be named HC no later than Monday, and for The Senator to purchase his Terps season tickets no later than Tuesday B-)



(Washington Post - Leach meeting goes well)

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Leach is the only candidate to nhave met extensively with the AD, university president, and entire search committee on his recent 2-day campus visit - given Maryland's stated intention to announce their new head coach no later than Jan. 4, look for Leach to be named HC no later than Monday, and for The Senator to purchase his Terps season tickets no later than Tuesday B-)



(Washington Post - Leach meeting goes well)



See…someone was paying attention.

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That 'news ' is about 5 days old - June Jones has since stated he's "not interested" and Malzahn has a national championship game to focus on...


Gus Malzahn said Friday that his attention is focused on points west and not on the vacant job at Maryland...ESPN.com reported earlier this wee. that Auburn's offensive coordinator interviewed for the Terrapins' top job. Malzahn, during an impromptu meeting with reporters Friday, declined to affirm or deny his interest in Maryland and said he's concentrating on beating Oregon late this month.


"My only focus is helping us win a national championship," Malzahn said. "I'm not going to let anything distract me or get in my way. Like I've said all along regarding a head coaching job, it has to be the right time; the right situation."


Link - Malzahn thinking Ducks, not Terps


Leach is the only candidate to nhave met extensively with the AD, university president, and entire search committee on his recent 2-day campus visit - given Maryland's stated intention to announce their new head coach no later than Jan. 4, look for Leach to be named HC no later than Monday, and for The Senator to purchase his Terps season tickets no later than Tuesday B-)



(Washington Post - Leach meeting goes well)


Sorry Senator, sounds like someone's getting a little nervous his man doesn't have the job after all. <_<

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Sorry Senator, sounds like someone's getting a little nervous his man doesn't have the job after all. <_<

Well of course nothing's finalized until the ink is dry - and sometimes not even then (just Mike Haywood), but since Pitt seems to be looking for their 3rd head coach as many weeks, I expect Maryland will name leach HC tomorrow...


Former Texas Tech quarterback Cody Hodges said that while Leach is not an easy guy to play for, he "never had a problem" with anything Leach did during his five years in Lubbock. "Coach Leach was someone I enjoyed playing for and if I was a high school kid now and I was being recruited, I would feel comfortable with coach Leach," said Hodges, who is a motivational speaker. "He expects greatness. Even as a redshirt quarterback when I was third or fourth string on scout team, he expected me to be great in practice."


Hodges said that those expectations extended off the field. "It's not just on the football field, he expects you to be great off the field," Hodges said. "You are going to go to class, you are going to graduate. A lot of guys who didn't go to the next level (the NFL) have jobs and are successful off the field because of the expectations put on them while they were at Texas Tech."


Former Texas Tech player and Leach assistant Lincoln Riley said that Maryland fans are in store for a thrill-a-minute offense if his former coach and boss comes to College Park. "When they reach down to grab their popcorn, they might miss two plays, they might miss a touchdown," said Riley, who now runs the offense as the coordinator at East Carolina, which Maryland beat last week in the Military Bowl. "It's fast-paced. The ball's in the air a lot. It's a very aggressive offense by nature. We're always kind of the attacker. People like to see you being aggressive and taking shots down the field."


Riley recalls how the interest in Texas Tech football swelled under Leach. "They had to expand the stadium three times in 10 years," Riley said.


Link - Leach would bring much promise but also reason for pause (Baltimore Sun)




I don't see the Terps passing that up. Leach is the only guy they wanted, right from the get-go.

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Well of course nothing's finalized until the ink is dry - and sometimes not even then (just Mike Haywood), but since Pitt seems to be looking for their 3rd head coach as many weeks, I expect Maryland will name leach HC tomorrow...


You also expected Leach to be the HC of Miami.


Riley recalls how the interest in Texas Tech football swelled under Leach. "They had to expand the stadium three times in 10 years," Riley said.


And he still was unable to sign the better players, nor win a championship.

Sorry, that right. He did win the co-division championship one year.


I don't see the Terps passing that up. Leach is the only guy they wanted, right from the get-go.


Interesting. Then why wait to sign the guy? Why bother interviewing anybody else?


Could it be Leach is NOT the guy they wanted from the get go?

Maybe Leach is nothing more than a smoke screen and/or fall back choice?

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The word is that Edsell of UConn will be named HC of Maryland tomorrow. Appaarently he has recruited the East coast muchh better then Leach, which is the main reason for his selection

It must be shocking to those geniuses in College Park that Leach couldn't get kids from the East coast excited about Lubbock, TX :doh:

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It must be shocking to those geniuses in College Park that Leach couldn't get kids from the East coast excited about Lubbock, TX :doh:



It must be shocking to those who pimp him constantly that Leach couldn't nail down even this mid-level coaching gig.


He'd look good on the sidelines for SUNY@Buffalo. :thumbsup:

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Inside sources say that Maryland got cold feet about Leach. They took the safe, conservative route with Edsall. Not sure how that fulfills their goal of going from good to Great??? They do get a younger, thinner coach on the sidelines though.

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Inside sources say that Maryland got cold feet about Leach. They took the safe, conservative route with Edsall. Not sure how that fulfills their goal of going from good to Great??? They do get a younger, thinner coach on the sidelines though.


Maryland also didn't get a coach who was fired for insubordination. While Leach and the press like to focus on Adam James, at the time Texas Tech wanted Leach to sign a sheet outlining how he should handle injured players and write a "regret the situation" letter to the James family. Leach would have been fined and the matter closed; he'd still be coaching for TT. Leach refused and from the depositions I looked through, they indirectly indicate Leach became verbally belligerent when asked to cooperate with the TT administration.


Here's some links to some court depositions and exhibits. Parts are missing from many, I focussed on Leach's deposition which is fairly complete.







Sadly, Texas Tech has done a poor job of highlighting the real motivation behind Leach's firing, but it's there in Leach's own statements. In my view, even if a university's athletic director is highly interested in Leach it'll be difficult for the university administration to support the hire once they delve into the nuts and bolts of the TT case. There's even an email sent by TT pres Hance indicating his frustration at the time with Leach's unwillingness to cooperate. TT didn't really want to fire Leach, he brought it on himself.


Certainly Leach's ability to win may trump everything (as I thought with this MD situation) but it's good to see MD come to their senses.


Don't get me wrong, Leach is a good and unique college football coach who built a solid, successful program at TT and I'd like to see him back as a head coach. Personalities like him are part of why I enjoy college football. Problem is, his ego is out of control. He doesn't need a slice, he needs 2-3 humble pies to bring him back to reality.


My hope is that no one (except for a community college) hires him as a HC until he accepts responsibility for the TT situation. If Leach can come to that realization, I think he's on his way to becoming one of the elite college coaches. Chances are though that a smaller FBS univ desperate to build a winning program will take a chance on Leach, or he'll become an OC somewhere. Just hope it's not till 2012.

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