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James Hardy

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Like a Tim Couch shot? A Losman shot?





$50K before taxes will make it a bit difficult to pay the monthly nut on that house, pool, big TV and the upkeep on those two ladies.





So $2.5 million. With federal, state and local taxes, he starts with maybe $1.3-1.4 mil in the bank. He's not being paid over 20 years.


Yeah, he seemed like a mature, intelligent young man. No doubt that money was wisely invested and he is set for the next 41 years until he can receive Social Security.


My guess is that he's got less than $500K left. He'll be a greeter at a casino within 10 years.





While that is probably true, I wish I only had 500,000 left in the bank!!

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Like a Tim Couch shot? A Losman shot?


Couch was given real opportunities in Green Bay (cut on final cutdown day) and Jacksonville (played in preseason and then cut). He also had workouts with Chicago, Cincy, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Miami and Houston. I may have even missed a team or two.


Losman is currently on Seattle's roster.


So I guess my answer is "Yes. He will get a shot like Couch or Losman." In fact, he'd be extraordinarily lucky to get as many shots as Couch. Now neither you nor I know what, if anything, he will make of those opportunities. But I fully expect he will get one or more.

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Couch was given real opportunities in Green Bay (cut on final cutdown day) and Jacksonville (played in preseason and then cut). He also had workouts with Chicago, Cincy, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Miami and Houston. I may have even missed a team or two.


Losman is currently on Seattle's roster.


So I guess my answer is "Yes. He will get a shot like Couch or Losman." In fact, he'd be extraordinarily lucky to get as many shots as Couch. Now neither you nor I know what, if anything, he will make of those opportunities. But I fully expect he will get one or more.

Probably. And if he can just avoid being a (multiple) convicted felon like dear ol' dad, he'll be doing well.

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Dean, I don't know if anyone's told you yet but your hair is on fire.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Holy sh... Why didn't anyone say something earlier?

It might be an indicator of your current popularity here. On the other hand, I'm feeling good knowing I'm not currently on your ignore list.


The question now is whether anyone would piss on your head in order to save you.

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Couch was given real opportunities in Green Bay (cut on final cutdown day) and Jacksonville (played in preseason and then cut). He also had workouts with Chicago, Cincy, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Miami and Houston. I may have even missed a team or two. Losman is currently on Seattle's roster.


So I guess my answer is "Yes. He will get a shot like Couch or Losman." In fact, he'd be extraordinarily lucky to get as many shots as Couch. Now neither you nor I know what, if anything, he will make of those opportunities. But I fully expect he will get one or more.

Yes, that's what I meant.


WEO, I often disagree with you, but you totally nailed this one. Well done! :thumbsup:

Thanks RJ.


Probably. And if he can just avoid being a (multiple) convicted felon like dear ol' dad, he'll be doing well.

Well, with the money gone, dad won't be coming by for a backyard pistol whipping any longer.

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It does nicely to discredit any mythical spew that professional athletes are immune to financial difficulties. As intended and nothing more.


Would you post a link to your own bank account? Just wondering.

Who said professional athletes are immune to financial difficulties? And what do the idiots on that list have in common with James Hardy?


And I don't need a link to his bank account. Merely a "Ex-Bill James Hardy in financial trouble..." article.

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Who said professional athletes are immune to financial difficulties? And what do the idiots on that list have in common with James Hardy?


And I don't need a link to his bank account. Merely a "Ex-Bill James Hardy in financial trouble..." article.

It was clear that some people were suggesting Hardy was "set for life" after making $1M and change after taxes in his brief, uneventful career in Buffalo. It was equally obvious that others were suggesting he may not be quite the investment genius that the first claim implies and he may in fact have blown some of his bonus money as many athletes do. Have you ever met one of these kids? Do you think the ones that leave school early are astute at long-term investments and are thinking that their NFL career could be over instantly?


I don't see a lot of James Hardy articles out there period. Other than yourself, for the sake of arguing from a negative premise, how big of an audience is there for a fringe, ex-NFL player who caught 5 balls a year for a couple of years?


Yeah, there is no link to the article you want. Since it doesn't exist, you claim __________.

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It was clear that some people were suggesting Hardy was "set for life" after making $1M and change after taxes in his brief, uneventful career in Buffalo. It was equally obvious that others were suggesting he may not be quite the investment genius that the first claim implies and he may in fact have blown some of his bonus money as many athletes do. Have you ever met one of these kids? Do you think the ones that leave school early are astute at long-term investments and are thinking that their NFL career could be over instantly?


I don't see a lot of James Hardy articles out there period. Other than yourself, for the sake of arguing from a negative premise, how big of an audience is there for a fringe, ex-NFL player who caught 5 balls a year for a couple of years?


Yeah, there is no link to the article you want. Since it doesn't exist, you claim __________.

What does it matter what others said? I didn't say those things and merely asked WEO for a link to backup his claim that Hardy's money was gone. And as I suspected, it was speculation/fabrication on his part. Perhaps you should take it up with him, instead of taking up for him.

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I don't like sticking up for WEO, but he didn't claim the money was gone. He made a joke about the money likely being gone. Right after a detailed post about his guess of how much money Hardy might have left. In this post he clearly labeled it a guess. Take it easy.


The Bills won today, why is everyone so testy?

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I don't like sticking up for WEO, but he didn't claim the money was gone. He made a joke about the money likely being gone. Right after a detailed post about his guess of how much money Hardy might have left. In this post he clearly labeled it a guess. Take it easy.

I'm sorry if I appeared to take it hard. I'm just needling WEO.

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