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By your leave, Senator


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On the one hand, ESPN has lost alot of prominence as it seems more interested in sizzle than steak (when did Disney acquire them, again? Were they better prior to Disney, or did the slide take place more recently?)


But on the other hand, does any remember RB Maurice Clarett from Ohio State? Talk about a bozo. What an idiot. Suing your future employer because you wanted the rules to be bent to your whims (can you imagine doing this to your boss: "...AND I want the corner office overlooking the square, free gym membership, Susan in accounting, and if I don't have it all I will be suing you!" Boss: "Ah, Jimmy...we were interviewing you for the job of mail room clerk...").


Then Denver takes a chance on him, and his play does not back up his mouth. Wonder what he's doing now?

How has ESPN lost prominence? It is, after all these years, still the only national sports channel of any significance. There is no competition for them.


Clarrett was simply asking for the NFL to consider college football players in the same way every other major pro sport views them (or high school athletes, for that matter)--as emminently draftable. He wanted to start his career as a professional athlete at that time in his career as he felt it would maximize his earning potential. He had no plans on getting a degree.


He was challenging a rule that is completely arbitrary (why 3 years??--even if one of those years the NCAA allows you to 'pretend' your not on the team-red shirt?) I applaud him for trying.


He's playing in the UFL now.

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Then Denver takes a chance on him, and his play does not back up his mouth. Wonder what he's doing now?


Is that any dumber than drafting a known risk player in Lynch with a high first round pick and then eventually trading him for a fourth round pick after a tumultuous short stint with the team?

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So Leach's "conspiracy theory" has been shot down, only thing left is to determine if Tech's actions violate the terms of his contract. Good luck with that, Mike.


Sounds like Leach's case is slipping through his fingers and he's grasping at straws. Considering that in the depositions, Leach's lawyers refer to "the closet" when questioning Adam James, good luck winning that one over ESPN.

From the Senator's linked article:


“Mike Leach wants his name cleared,” Liggett said Wednesday. “This is Mike Leach’s idea, and this is Mike Leach insisting on the world hearing the truth.”


(Liggett discussing Leach suing ESPN)


Sounds like Leach will paying to do this, not on contingency. This whole thing reeks of an ego-maniac desperately avoiding responsibility for his own actions.

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So Leach's "conspiracy theory" has been shot down, only thing left is to determine if Tech's actions violate the terms of his contract. Good luck with that, Mike.


Sounds like Leach's case is slipping through his fingers and he's grasping at straws. Considering that in the depositions, Leach's lawyers refer to "the closet" when questioning Adam James, good luck winning that one over ESPN.

From the Senator's linked article:


“Mike Leach wants his name cleared,” Liggett said Wednesday. “This is Mike Leach’s idea, and this is Mike Leach insisting on the world hearing the truth.”


(Liggett discussing Leach suing ESPN)


Sounds like Leach will paying to do this, not on contingency. This whole thing reeks of an ego-maniac desperately avoiding responsibility for his own actions.

Ummm...you do realize the article you linked is six months old??? :blink:


Still, as long as you went ahead and cited it, compare TT lawyer Dicky Grigg's comments 6 months ago (from the article you cited)...


“Mike Leach has been paid what he is owed by Texas Tech,” said Dicky Grigg, an attorney for Tech. “His mistreatment of an injured student-athlete was a breach of his contract and ultimately resulted in Mike Leach’s termination. When he breached his contract, he no longer was entitled to further compensation.”



...with his comments this week -

“It takes two to settle. I think that this thing would be better for both sides to get it over with and move on.”


Yeah - sure sounds like Leach is the one talking settlement, right? :lol:



Leach is ready to move forward with the contract suit on which ha received a favorable ruling from Judge Sowder - that's the suit in the article you sited, and also the suit that Tech now wants to settle. The ESPN/Spaeth Communications is a new action that arose out of Adam James' and others' depositions in that wrongful termination case.


Try understanding the facts and the timeline before jumping in the deep end of the pool, son.

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Leach is ready to move forward with the contract suit on which ha received a favorable ruling from Judge Sowder - that's the suit in the article you sited, and also the suit that Tech now wants to settle. The ESPN/Spaeth Communications is a new action that arose out of Adam James' and others' depositions in that wrongful termination case.



You are right that there might be a case to be made that he did not receive a fair settlement from the university. However, that has never been my central point regarding this situation. Whenever there is a high stakes ($$$$$) inbroglio with strong-willed characters the norm is that none of the participants are totally right or wrong.


Leach probably would still have a job with Texas Tech if he would have been a little more reasonable after the incident and the way he dealt with the James kid instead of being such a hardasssss who wasn't accountable to anyone else.


The HC took a tough stance not only with the kid but he also did so with the University when it tried to investigate the situation. Being obstinate and uncooperative with an employer is a risky game to play. In this mess more damage was done by how he responded to a mistake than the mistake itself. That certainly is the case here.


Leach lost his job and incalculably damaged his career. Losing his career and ability to do what he loved to do will not be made up with a more lucrative settlement. What brought him down was his own arrogance and inflated ego. I don't wish him ill-will but I don't have sympathy for this fool. He acted as if he was indispensable. His employer demonstrated to him that he wasn't.

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You are right that there might be a case to be made that he did not receive a fair settlement from the university. However, that has never been my central point regarding this situation. Whenever there is a high stakes ($$$$$) inbroglio with strong-willed characters the norm is that none of the participants are totally right or wrong.


Leach probably would still have a job with Texas Tech if he would have been a little more reasonable after the incident and the way he dealt with the James kid instead of being such a hardasssss who wasn't accountable to anyone else.


The HC took a tough stance not only with the kid but he also did so with the University when it tried to investigate the situation. Being obstinate and uncooperative with an employer is a risky game to play. In this mess more damage was done by how he responded to a mistake than the mistake itself. That certainly is the case here.


Leach lost his job and incalculably damaged his career. Losing his career and ability to do what he loved to do will not be made up with a more lucrative settlement. What brought him down was his own arrogance and inflated ego. I don't wish him ill-will but I don't have sympathy for this fool. He acted as if he was indispensable. His employer demonstrated to him that he wasn't.

John, I won't try to 'convert' anyone regarding Leach.


As I already acknowledged, he's a very polarizing personality and people either like him or can't stand him. I happen to think he's one of the most entertaining figures in college football, but I understand that others don't - that doesn't bother me in the least, nor affect my opinion of those who don't care for him.


However, I am always a bit surprised by the intensity of some of his detractors' vitriol. To call a guy with his record of success a 'fool' seems to ignore that Leach:


1) Has a BA from Brigham Young, a Masters in Sports-Science/Coaching, and a J.D. from Pepperdine University School of Law;


2) Took a losing program that had absolutely no recruiting power at all - getting only the dregs left behind by Texas, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, etc. - and turned it into an offensive powerhouse that rose as high as #2 in 2008, consistently had one of the nation's top-ranked offenses (as he also did when he was OC at Oklahoma and Kentucky), and coached TT to 10 consecutive winning seasons and bowl appearances, all while immeasurably improving Tech's recruiting ability (we'll have to let the Tech alums decide who's more indispensable - Leach, or chancellor Hance and coach Tommy Tuberville);


3) Placed more emphasis on his players' academic performance than just about any other coach.


The Texas Tech football program, under Leach, went from a dismal graduation record to the top graduation percentage of any public institution in the nation - and Leach maintained a substantial staff of tutors and counselors as part of his organization to ensure his players met their academic responsibilities.


If pissant Adam James thinks being required to remain in a nearby, open-doored equipment shed or dimly lit media room was harsh, he should talk to former TT receiver (and graduate) Ed Britton...


Edward Britton, Texas Tech’s most experienced split end, was demoted before spring practice and further raised the ire of Tech coach Mike Leach this week. After Friday’s practice in 30-degree weather and a few snow flurries, Britton was sent to study classwork on the double-T at midfield of Jones AT&T Stadium. He sat at a desk, in street clothes and a heavy coat with the hood pulled up.


“Ed didn’t like showing up and studying at places I felt like he needed to and like the academic people asked him to, so he can go study out there on the 50-yard line,” Leach said. “We’ll take baby steps, and if he does good studying out there, we’ll decide if we’re going to actually let him practice.” Asked if Britton was on thin ice, Leach said, “I’d say that’s accurate. All guys that don’t study are on thin ice, as far as I’m concerned.”


Leach said Britton was to remain out in the cold, studying for at least an hour and a half after his teammates had gone in for the day. “If somehow he fails to do that, then that’ll be the last we ever hear of Easy Ed,” Leach said. (Link - Discipline, Mike Leach style: Cruel, unusual and hilarious)



Finally, you state that


" Leach lost his job and incalculably damaged his career. Losing his career and ability to do what he loved to do will not be made up with a more lucrative settlement. "



I would counter that Leach will emerge from this even stronger, and more ' colorful '. He's already been mentioned for the Minnesota vacancy, though that one seems like a bad fit. There are folks pining for his coaching talent at Vanderbilt after Robby Caldwell's short reign ended today.


But my bet is that Leach won't even have to stray from his new home in Key West for his new coaching assignment...


Report: Randy Shannon Fired As Miami Head Coach


I'm sure Donald Trump will once again lobby Miami's president Donna Shalala on Leach's behalf - but if I were Mike, I'd sit tight and wait for Lane Kiffin's job to open up. (I don't see Kiffin lasting beyond next season at USC - maybe not even beyond this one!)


However, The Senator will go on-record predicting Mike Leach will be the next head coach at the University of Miami.


Leach will never fade into obscurity - quite the opposite, I can't wait to see what he can accomplish running a major program, with top recruits.



Also FYI -


Mike Leach vs. ESPN: The Swiftboating of a Pirate Captain


Mike Leach files libel, slander suit against ESPN, PR firm

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Depending on what they've uncovered as evidence, the "daddy working for a major sports network" is really a pretty good angle, from a legal perspective, to show actual malice.


With Times v. Sullivan protection...public figure cases are never easy. But if they can show how much crybaby Craig James influenced their reporting, malice is there. That's what makes it different from many other cases, the key employee of the defendant with a grudge to bear.


It will be an interesting case.


Is defamation his only claim? I would think he would have a decent chance with a tortious interference with contract claim.

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Mike Leach is one of those polarizing guys that either amuses the hell out of you, or annoys the hell out of you (particularly if you're an Aggie, Longhorn, Sooner, or Cowboy fan) - I fall into the former camp, and I know you're in the latter. That said, Deano, I'd have to respectfully disagree with your statements.



1) I doubt Leach spends a penny out of his own pocket on this case - it's an assumption on my part, but I'm guessing Liggett is taking this one 'on contingency' and doubt his firm would expend the effort and resources if he didn't think the chances of winning or settling were better than 50/50.



2) Certainly you are more familiar than I am with how media outlets respond to these legal actions, but I think ESPN may have put themselves in a precarious position by backing Craig James - 'The Pride of SMU' - and his pissant kid...


A few days after Leach was fired, ESPN’s Dan Patrick said, “There is Adam James, who is the young man who was actually punished for having a concussion.” The lawsuit Leach filled points out that Patrick’s statement may have caused listeners to believe that Leach abused James for having a concussion.


The libel suit also claimed that Spaeth Communications was hired by James for “purposes of creating public opinion hostile to Leach.”


Liggett said Spaeth posted a video online that Adam James recorded as he stood in the dark.


(Link - Sportrageous/Kathleen Sumagit-Rivera - Former Texas Tech Coach Files Lawsuit Against ESPN Inc. and PR Firm)


(Spaeth Communications, also named in Leach's lawsuit, is the Dallas public-relations firm that Craig James hired when his son's complaints about Leach went public. The suit claims that Spaeth, which orchestrated the "Swift Boat" campaign against 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry, played a central role in leaking the video footage and accuses the firm of "creating public opinion hostile to Leach." - link )



Reading what has been excerpted from the depositions leads one to conclude that Adam James verisimilitude is dubious and his account of the events, in the days leading up to Leach's termination, quite apocryphal.


If the James family did indeed hire Spaeth Communications (the swift-boat firm) to 'spin' their own version of the events, and Spaeth did indeed publish Adam James cell-fone video of his alleged confinement, and Dan Patrick and ESPN (who employs Craig James) did indeed report a one-sided version (the James version) of the events, I would think Leach may have a valid case.



3) I think Leach already has a job - several, in fact. I'd be shocked if Leach isn't HC of a major college program or and NFL coordinator in 2012, after this legal wrangling is finished. In the interim, I'm sure he's 'getting by' nicely with the income from the jobs he does hold - TV color-commentator on CBS College Sports Network, his daily radio show on Sirius, his upcoming book (to be released in January, with - I'm sure - a signing tour), and various other ventures such as


Arizona Sports Group LLC


But certainly Leach's current legal quagmire is hindering his re-entry into the coaching ranks -


Leach said a key to his re-entry into major college football lies in the thousands of pages of court documents tied to his lawsuit against Texas Tech...


“I think there’s no question that they clear my name,” Leach said of the depositions in the lawsuit. “The trouble is that enough lies have been dispersed by these people, aided by ESPN, it’s difficult for people to get the clear picture.”



Leach remains adamant that people get that 'clear picture' -


“We’ll go to trial in a heartbeat, and we’re excited about it,” Leach said in a telephone interview this week. “Beside the obvious fact we’ll be made whole by the contract and the facts prove that, it will also provide a public opportunity to clear my name.”



And it looks like Texas Tech is already showing signs of 'caving' - just 4 months ago, Dicky Grigg, Texas Tech’s lawyer, said:


"Mike Leach would have you believe that this was part of some great conspiracy going back to when the contract was signed last February. That is ridiculous, and is just a desperate attempt to distract you from the plain and simple truth. He would still be the coach at Texas Tech today but for the fact that he made a terrible decision when he irresponsibly placed a student-athlete with a brain concussion in small dark rooms for over two hours on two separate occasions.


He breached his contract and was terminated as a result of his bad decisions, his insubordination and his refusal to help resolve this situation." (link)


That's a far cry from what Grigg is saying this week:


“It takes two to settle. I think that this thing would be better for both sides to get it over with and move on.”


- which implies that Tech would prefer to settle and be done but that Leach may not be willing, and may be motivating Leach/Liggett to also go after ESPN and Spaeth Communcations (the firm that 'swift-boated' John Kerry in 2004).



I expect that Texas Tech is resolved that they'll have to throw a ton of money at Leach to get this thing over with, and that Leach will eventually accept that large sum to clear the way for him to resume coaching. I also expect Leach/Liggett view some sort of recompense from ESPN/Spaeth as fitting justice for their part in deliberately propagating the false statements of the James camp.


Link - NY Times - Leach Expects Depositions in Texas Tech Suit to Clear His Name



Leach could very well walk away with the $12M Texas Tech owes him, plus a healthy sum from ESPN/Spaeth, while taking a year - two at most - off from the rigors of running a major college program. But hey, he always said he went to law school because he wanted to be like Gerry Spence - fighting large powerful institutions on behalf of 'the little guy'. B-)


Leech reminds me of McBride of the SCO Group vs. IBM.


Lots of bluster and bluffing, lawsuits all around, and in the end, no real evidence.

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However, The Senator will go on-record predicting Mike Leach will be the next head coach at the University of Miami.


Leach will never fade into obscurity - quite the opposite, I can't wait to see what he can accomplish running a major program, with top recruits.


Right now, Leach will take any job. He is becoming the NCAA's equivalent of Ted Nolan. That's why when the Minnesota job popped up, he was very open to it. Leach may be a few steps short from becoming a pariah, and his suing ESPN only makes him look like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Leach put out the feeler, but Minnesota didn't even make any contact.


I do think you may be waiting a while to see the major program thing, but we'll see once the real discussions begin on potential hires.

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Leech reminds me of McBride of the SCO Group vs. IBM.


Lots of bluster and bluffing, lawsuits all around, and in the end, no real evidence.

Ah...I see...that must be why Texas Tech wants to settle, and Leach doesn't :rolleyes:


Right now, Leach will take any job. He is becoming the NCAA's equivalent of Ted Nolan. That's why when the Minnesota job popped up, he was very open to it. Leach may be a few steps short from becoming a pariah, and his suing ESPN only makes him look like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Leach put out the feeler, but Minnesota didn't even make any contact.


I do think you may be waiting a while to see the major program thing, but we'll see once the real discussions begin on potential hires.

Spoken like an soldier, that just got beat by a pirate... :nana:


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Ah...I see...that must be why Texas Tech wants to settle, and Leach doesn't :rolleyes:



Spoken like an soldier, that just got beat by a pirate... :nana:



A&M will always have the last laugh with the 52-30 beatdown of Leach's Tech team while he whines about fat little girlfriends. Maybe the fat little girlfriends also share some blame for his current problems as well as that loss. :P


I have not seen Leach on CBS, so I don't know how good of an analyst he is. I have to imagine it's killing him, and he can't wait to get back on the sidelines.

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A&M will always have the last laugh with the 52-30 beatdown of Leach's Tech team while he whines about fat little girlfriends. Maybe the fat little girlfriends also share some blame for his current problems as well as that loss. :P


I have not seen Leach on CBS, so I don't know how good of an analyst he is. I have to imagine it's killing him, and he can't wait to get back on the sidelines.

Well, the Tech v. A&M thing was running out of steam - provided some great moments and quotes, though - but I guess it's time for Leach to get under someone else's skin!


As for 'itching' to get back, that I'm not so sure about...


Leach lying low in Key West



However, I'll stick by my prediction - Leach will be head coach at 'The U' this Fall...


Underachieving Shannon out, but Miami can quickly be relevant again

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However, I'll stick by my prediction - Leach will be head coach at 'The U' this Fall...

Underachieving Shannon out, but Miami can quickly be relevant again




Taken from the article you linked to:


Mike Leach is jobless in Key West, but Leach interviewed for the Miami job when Shannon got it.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/andy_staples/11/28/randy.shannon.firing/index.html#ixzz16bTyIS9d


So, 4 years ago, the U told Leach to take a hike, and now you're convinced he'll be the new HC despite the lawsuits.


You're writing this for The Onion, aren't you?


Leach already has a rep for being hard to deal with, and he's presently suing his ex-employer.


Until the lawsuits are over and done with, no major school will touch him with a ten foot pole.

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You DO realize that Mike Leach - perhaps the most brilliant offensive mind in the game of football - has a law degree from Pepperdine, having aspired to be another 'Gerry Spence-type' before he entered the coaching ranks?


I'm pretty sure Leach knows what the 'burden of proof' is in this suit.


Mike Leach, the former Texas Tech football coach, filed a defamation lawsuit against ESPN on Wednesday, accusing it of “slanderous and libelous statements” in its coverage of his treatment of wide receiver Adam James last season...


The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Lubbock County, Tex., where Leach earlier filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against Texas Tech. The latest lawsuit says that both ESPN and Spaeth Communications, a Dallas firm hired by Craig James, slandered him and also accuses ESPN of failing to retract statements it knew to be false and damaging.


Those include:


¶Leach punishing Adam James for sustaining a concussion.


¶Leach ordering James to be locked in an electrical closet.


¶Leach putting James at risk of additional injury.


¶Leach requiring James to stand in a dark room for hours.


(Link - NY Times - Leach Files Defamation Suit Against ESPN)






Lubbock Avalanche-Journal - Mike Leach suing ESPN


Adam James would later tell Liggett in sworn testimony Leach had not locked him in the closet. He also said he found the incident funny.


Liggett said he then asked the network and public relations firm to retract their earlier statements and cease misrepresenting the facts of the case, but they have refused to do so.


“ESPN and Spaeth Communictions have been informed as to the falsity of the statements that they have made, yet they have failed to retract those statements,” he said.



Hope Leach prevails, and hope to see him back on the sidelines soon!


Well a good lawyer would never defend himself. But I think Leach has a really good case here ESPN's coverage of the Leach case was more editorial rather then news and it was presented more so as news then an editorial. I also hope Leach wins just to stick it to ESPN.

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Ah...I see...that must be why Texas Tech wants to settle, and Leach doesn't :rolleyes:


And IIRC, early on, McBride never stated he was willing to settle either. He was "convinced" he was going to win.



Even filed numerous lawsuits in attempt to prove his position, and protect his company's interest.

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Well a good lawyer would never defend himself. But I think Leach has a really good case here ESPN's coverage of the Leach case was more editorial rather then news and it was presented more so as news then an editorial. I also hope Leach wins just to stick it to ESPN.


You just described virtually every story covered by virtually every major media outlet in this country.



This suit isn't going anyway, just like this clown's coaching career.

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Well a good lawyer would never defend himself. But I think Leach has a really good case here ESPN's coverage of the Leach case was more editorial rather then news and it was presented more so as news then an editorial. I also hope Leach wins just to stick it to ESPN.

I have no idea what he'll do, now that he's a top condidate for the Miami job - might be a good idea to get the suits out of the way, but Leach shows no signs of wanting to settle even though Texas Tech seems inclined to do just that.


BTW, Leach is not representing himself - he has a team of Texas pit-bull lawyers from the firm of Ted Liggitt...


Another Side: Exclusive Interview with Ted Liggett, Fired Texas Tech Coach Mike Leach's Attorney

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And IIRC, early on, McBride never stated he was willing to settle either. He was "convinced" he was going to win.


Even filed numerous lawsuits in attempt to prove his position, and protect his company's interest.

Yes, the difference here is that Texas Tech DOES want to settle - obviously they think their position has weakened over the past few months.


Just 4 months ago, Dicky Grigg, Texas Tech’s lawyer, said:


"Mike Leach would have you believe that this was part of some great conspiracy going back to when the contract was signed last February. That is ridiculous, and is just a desperate attempt to distract you from the plain and simple truth. He would still be the coach at Texas Tech today but for the fact that he made a terrible decision when he irresponsibly placed a student-athlete with a brain concussion in small dark rooms for over two hours on two separate occasions. He breached his contract and was terminated as a result of his bad decisions, his insubordination and his refusal to help resolve this situation."



Leach/Liggitt countered with:


Leach's attorney, Ted Liggett, said Friday he wants the case to go to trial and that the damages Leach would be seeking aren't yet determined. "It would be reckless of me to hazard a guess at that now other than to say that figure is getting bigger every day," he said. "Every day that Mike is out of work ... raises the damages model."


“We’ll go to trial in a heartbeat, and we’re excited about it,” Leach said in a telephone interview this week. “Beside the obvious fact we’ll be made whole by the contract and the facts prove that, it will also provide a public opportunity to clear my name.”



And this past weak, TT attorney Grigg seems to have softened his earlier statement considerably (more like a 180-degree turnaround):


“It takes two to settle. I think that this thing would be better for both sides to get it over with and move on.”



Quite clearly, Leach has somehow gained the upper hand on Texas Tech and is now going after the folks who instigated and then propagated the whole vile canard - Craig James, ESPN, and Swiftboat, er, Spaeth Communications...


Mike Leach files libel, slander suit against ESPN, PR firm

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So, 4 years ago, the U told Leach to take a hike, and now you're convinced he'll be the new HC despite the lawsuits.

Ah yes...you're right. And how did that decision to hire Shannon over Leach work out for Ms. Shalala? :lol:


...Mike Leach pursued the Miami job, and when university president Donna Shalala asked for a reference, Leach listed Donald Trump. When Shalala ignored Trump's letter of recommendation and hired Randy Shannon instead, Trump called. He pretty much called her an apprentice. As it turned out, though, Shannon wasn't even able to make his own players understand what it means to wear the "U," and now he's out of a job, fired after four seasons as head coach.



You're writing this for The Onion, aren't you?

I love The Onion, but don't think I'm Cynical enough to write for them, so I try to stick to providing factual information. B-)


Leach already has a rep for being hard to deal with, and he's presently suing his ex-employer.


Until the lawsuits are over and done with, no major school will touch him with a ten foot pole.

Right you are again...


Over the past month, I've been told by several sources who have a vested interest in UM that Georgia's Mark Richt and former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach are at the top of UM's wish list. We'll see if that comes to fruition.


(Link - Shannon out as coach at UM-Manny Navaro, Miami Herald)



Now, if only Leach had a close friend with some pull at ' The U ' - probably someone closely connected with their football program would be even better - if that guy was somehow connected with Miami's former success, that might be even more helpful...dang, can't think of anyone like that.


Can you?


(Maybe this guy?)

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Ummm...you do realize the article you linked is six months old??? :blink:


Still, as long as you went ahead and cited it, compare TT lawyer Dicky Grigg's comments 6 months ago (from the article you cited)...


Mike Leach has been paid what he is owed by Texas Tech, said Dicky Grigg, an attorney for Tech. His mistreatment of an injured student-athlete was a breach of his contract and ultimately resulted in Mike Leachs termination. When he breached his contract, he no longer was entitled to further compensation.



...with his comments this week -

It takes two to settle. I think that this thing would be better for both sides to get it over with and move on.


Yeah - sure sounds like Leach is the one talking settlement, right? :lol:



Leach is ready to move forward with the contract suit on which ha received a favorable ruling from Judge Sowder - that's the suit in the article you sited, and also the suit that Tech now wants to settle. The ESPN/Spaeth Communications is a new action that arose out of Adam James' and others' depositions in that wrongful termination case.


Try understanding the facts and the timeline before jumping in the deep end of the pool, son.


Wow, take a break for the holiday and I miss all this.


First off, don't call me son. And I'm sorry to inform you that despite your delusions there is no deep end to kiddie pools. Though you specialize in shoveling the same repetitive quotes over and over ad nauseam, it doesn't impress me nor I suspect many others. It simply gets tiring and I suspect that is your primary intent.


As far as understanding facts and timelines, you also seem to lack proper understanding. This article I cited, now over 6 months old, was the last major decision involving the complaints of this lawsuit. In that article Mike Leach mostly got shown the door for 10 of his 11 charges (or whatever you want to call them). The only item left is whether or not he was legitimately fired for breaching his contract.


Since then, oral arguments for appellate trial was set for October. Then Mike Leach decides to file lawsuit against ESPN and comm. company in Nov. while also releasing depositions of Adam James and draft letter from TT pres. fining him $60,000 for the incident.


It appears to me that Leach is attempting to argue that the Craig James helped force his firing (else he simply would have been fined) and that Adam James' testimony has significant inconsistancies (which it does because I did read it). The $60,000 fine was the "true" action but James and others forced the firing instead.


Allow me to quote another historical article from the spring. Article: http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory?id=10651373


quote: An attorney for the school, Dan Perkins, said Tech wanted to resolve the complaint brought by the player's father, former NFL player Craig James. He said Tech officials tried to get Leach to agree to a list of how players needed to be treated when injured and to have him write an apology letter.

"Why give him the opportunity if the goal is to fire him?" Perkins argued. "Who could have known that Mike Leach would put Adam James in a shed?"


I would also remind you that Steve Pinncock the trainer was ordered by Leach to lock James in the equipment shed and that Leach referred to Adam James in an expletive, vindictive ridden statement. Leach also agreed with these statements in his deposition. There are historical AP articles over at ESPN which confirm this.


So to summarize:


-Leach has admitted he punished and vindictively spoke about Adam James to the trainer Steve Pinncock

-Leach has had most of his arguments thrown out of court already

-While there are significant holes in Adam James's story the fact that Leach enacted a vindictive, inappropriate punishment for the type of injury seems to be a fact, as confirmed by Leach

-Texas Tech gave Leach the opportunity to sign a generalized letter about how he should treat his injured players and a chance to write an apology to James and Leach refused.


Leach refused to sign and apologize so he was fired.


Leach's main contentions lately fixate on Adam James' testimony and the $60,000 draft letter. Texas Tech's letter/apology invalidates the draft letter, the establishment of Leach's punishment and the vindictiveness renders Adam James' deposition almost irrelevant to this central issue.


I also find it interesting that his appeal isn't even finished yet and Leach is turning his attention to trying to blame ESPN. In true lawyer fashion, it's more about following the money than clearing his name. If all this fails, I'd guess the James family is next up. Kind of makes me wonder how that appeals process is going....


Lastly, I find it hilarious that you think Dicky Grigg is afraid he'll lose this in court. Seriously, what lawyer, if he feared he would lose in court would talk about settling it in public? You settle those as quietly as possible, because if you can't than it would certainly look bad in court.


In my opinion Dicky Grigg has no fear of losing and is publicly offering to settle because the lawsuit at this point is a waste of time and legal fees for Texas Tech.


Well, we'll see.... Good luck Mike Leach.

Edited by GaryPinC
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