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Just a point of reference... Congress was not set up to PASS laws


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It was setup to prevent passing BAD laws.


That is why it is inefficient. That is why there are so many obstacles. It was supposed to be that way from day 1.


and this is not my opinion, it is the opinion of the congressional historians on capitol hill.

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It was setup to prevent passing BAD laws.


That is why it is inefficient. That is why there are so many obstacles. It was supposed to be that way from day 1.


and this is not my opinion, it is the opinion of the congressional historians on capitol hill.

And that design failed badly with Health Care and Spendulous. WTF happened?


Oh that's right, corruption and paying off political constituencies happened.


So, is it that the rules are bad, or, is it that the rules were broken?

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Ya, I guess 80 years of Dems trying to pass health care reforms was too short of a period of time? Seriously man, get a grip on reality.


80 years? What 80 years? What the !@#$ are you talking about? What were they doing 80 years ago, trying to make sure bleeding with leeches was accessible to all?

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Ya, I guess 80 years of Dems trying to pass health care reforms was too short of a period of time? Seriously man, get a grip on reality.



And they still got it wrong. You'd have thought that with 80 years of working on it they would have got it right much less read it too before slamming it down the American peoples throat.

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Ya, I guess 80 years of Dems trying to pass health care reforms was too short of a period of time? Seriously man, get a grip on reality.

Even if there WERE trying for that long, you'd think after 80 years of trying they would have ultimately delivered health care reform that actually had a chance of reforming health care for the better.


But no. That's asking too much.


But wait! Your 26-year-old child can stay on your program, so that's progress, right?

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So you're right...80 years ago they were trying to make sure that bleeding with leeches was accessible to all.


(And actually, that was income replacement insurance, not medical procedure insurance...because medical treatment still basically came down to "quarantine the sick". The idea that they're even remotely equivalent is ludicrous.)


(AND...it wasn't a Democratic platform, you bloody monkey.)

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Probably true. The parties change platforms so often that it's easy to lose track. It was a progressive platform though.

I swear to God, if you start trotting out the sorry-assed "Lincoln would be a Democrat today" or lay claim to both Jefferson and Adams, at the same time :wallbash: ....I will start dogging you worse than Tom.

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I swear to God, if you start trotting out the sorry-assed "Lincoln would be a Democrat today" or lay claim to both Jefferson and Adams, at the same time :wallbash: ....I will start dogging you worse than Tom.

A few years back a bunch of Libtards started cruising around with bumber stickers claiming "Jefferson was a Democrat"

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Probably true. The parties change platforms so often that it's easy to lose track. It was a progressive platform though.


What are you advocating "progressing" toward? What does "progressive" mean? What are the virtues of "progressivism" that make it so desirable and alluring to you?

Many today think the term means a relentless drive to centralized governmental control over all aspects of human life.

Fess up Conner, even YOU wouldn't want a bureaucrat in Washington - say, someone like DC Tom hovering over you day and night telling you what you can and can't do with your body, money, time, personal possessions, what you can or can't own or sell, where you can go and when, what kind of job you can have, how much of your money you can earn and can keep, what kind of investments you can or can't make, where you can or can't live.

Actually, that would be mildly amusing to see - you being led around on a short chain by a government watchdog, no - a team of government watchdogs with all-seeing-eyes and ears. It's the end of daylight saving time this weekend. Time to set the clocks back to 1984 and turn up the heat to around 451° Montag.

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