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Lets get this one straight


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If we as fans are going to get down to it and start pointing fingers at athletes for doing drugs PLEASE!!! Let's get the facts first. We can't even start pointing the finger here because we do not know everything and will never know. Baseball just started this thing a few years back because it was brought out. Do you really think the owners know the guys are shooting up??? If you say no then go get a reality check. I've been in the military for 20 years, and drugs were not legal, yet on a muscle mag you have a guy with veins sticking out of his arms the size of quarters, and yes he was chief in the Navy on active duty. Tell me he wasn't juiced, because people who knew him were saying how he juiced, and even my Navy doctor actually told me how one of his patience were getting treated because HE was lactating. This our government who tests for this and are VERY strict and confidential about it, and yet people get away with it. Why because there is ways and we all know it. You can't stop it, but you can really try. That is the fact of life. Even Golic admitted to taking roids on his show. I'm not saying all players use roids by any means. What I am saying is that we would be absolutely stupid if we said not a football player doesn't. If they do or not is not for us to say. My opinion on right and wrong isn't the topic but us to bash a player who got caught is just as wrong because who knows how many others do take roids who don't get caught. The fact is this, there are players in the NFL who take roids, some get caught while others don't. I believe some owners know this and even give a heads up when a test comes because they know that roids gives them an edge to win, and some owners will do what it takes to win! So let's not bash on players who got caught in the past and come here now to I"M NOT SAYING IT IS RIGHT OR SAYING I BELIEVE THEY SHOULD DO IT, but saying let it go.

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I, myself, am a binge steroid user. No, I cannot touch my arms to my side. No, I do not enjoy those crater-like tumors of pus on my back and shoulders. No, I do not like the fact that my balls are inverted. And yes, sometimes I wish I would not be dead at 37. But I can bench 705 lbs, and that, my friend, makes me sleep like throbbing ball of muscle every night. What this has to do with the OP is well beyond me.

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