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Rally To Restore Sanity

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How the !@#$ do you, with a straight face, rail on Fox and then use Media Matters for your sources?




Youre either blindingly stupid, insane, or a troll pulling all our legs.


I've come to the conclusion that conner know's that he/she is a hypocrite and doesn't care. Most partisan shills that I've met are the same way

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I've come to the conclusion that conner know's that he/she is a hypocrite and doesn't care. Most partisan shills that I've met are the same way

Either that or I view MM through a completely different lens than you. Their link is factually accurate, as long as it's accurate, I don't care what website or toilet bowl it came out of.

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IF this had been part of the stimulus bill you might have something. Sadly, this was just an afterthought, proven by the fact that it took a backseat to the nationwide govt kickback that was the stimulus.


It's also amusing how the Democrats, despite having a super majority, have so much trouble getting around those Republicans.


There comes a point in time where you have exhausted your resources and even though your new proposal is less retarded than your previous one, you can't pursue it because you already spent your money on retarded things.


Given the hole your heroes have spent us into, despite the "party of no" digging in and stopping all this "progress" I shudder to think how much debt we'd have incurred otherwise.

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Yeah here is the problems.. (and I know you are not smart enough to understand even before I post)

Progressives distrust government and big government. Your assumption that they don't is the tip of the iceberg. They do realize however that issues are far more complicated and require far more understanding and research that the information common media provides. Your though line is "Social security is going bankrupt and is bloated and corrupt, lets remove it". An intelligent progressive sees "Social security is not going bankrupt, despite the lies being told about it. It is however inefficient and susceptible to abuse. We should really work on refining the laws and procedures that govern the program in order to try to fix these problems. It's too bad the Republicans keep voting no and blocking everything in a calculated attempt to garner more votes instead of trying to actually help our country. That's really a shame, and possibly very frightening."



Wow, and he's not smart enough?

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I don't get your question. Have you ever met someone who says that Stewart is not a comedian?


The whole point is: Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Gingritch, Hannity, are also entertainers. The fant that their followers do not realize this is scary.


What about Colbert? It's not like anybody ever asked him to something silly likeaddress Congress

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So let me see if I have this straight. The federal government is expanding faster than Jessica Simpson's waste line, ANNUAL federal budget deficits are approaching $1.5 trillion, the feds are taking over GM, the student loan industry, and the health care industry, are still complaining that "the party of no" won't let them do even more, and the people peacefully assembling to say "simmer down people" are insane?


Of course all the looney tree hugging, compost your **** and drive a solar powered go-kart, "Bush Lied People Died" screaming freaks that paraded around incessantly for most of the last decade were perfectly reasonable. But this obsession about not spending ourselves into oblivion is just beyond the pale.

Edited by Rob's House
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So let me see if I have this straight. The federal government is expanding faster than Jessica Simpson's waste line, ANNUAL federal budget deficits are approaching $1.5 trillion, the feds are taking over GM, the student loan industry, and the health care industry, are still complaining that "the party of no" won't let them do even more, and the people peacefully assembling to say "simmer down people" are insane?


Of course all the looney tree hugging, compost your **** and drive a solar powered go-kart, "Bush Lied People Died" screaming freaks that paraded around incessantly for most of the last decade were perfectly reasonable. But this obsession about not spending ourselves into oblivion is just beyond the pale.

Leave Jess out of this fight. She's done nothing to you

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Either that or I view MM through a completely different lens than you. Their link is factually accurate, as long as it's accurate, I don't care what website or toilet bowl it came out of.


WHAT !@#$ing "lens"????!!!??? They ADMIT they are a biased source!


Seriously....what is wrong with you?

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