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Rally To Restore Sanity

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Jon Stewart is an American Hero.


This will be the event where we finally call out this fanatical, conservative, religious-freak media.


IMO people like Beck, Palin and the witch from Delaware should be tried for treason for using our government as their own personal power toys.


I for one will be driving several hours to witness this historic event.



Why don't people realize that these guys are comedians? I don't get it.

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Jon Stewart is an American Hero.


This will be the event where we finally call out this fanatical, conservative, religious-freak media.


IMO people like Beck, Palin and the witch from Delaware should be tried for treason for using our government as their own personal power toys.


I for one will be driving several hours to witness this historic event.






I like Stewart/Colbert but is this post a little inflated? Maybe even insane?

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Jon Stewart is an American Hero.


This will be the event where we finally call out this fanatical, conservative, religious-freak media.


IMO people like Beck, Palin and the witch from Delaware should be tried for treason for using our government as their own personal power toys.


I for one will be driving several hours to witness this historic event.



That's hysterical.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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I like Stewart/Colbert but is this post a little inflated? Maybe even insane?



Sorry, just excited that rational people like Stewart actually exist.


Also, why is almost everyone on this board republican/conservative?


I thought that Buffalo was traditionally intelligent when it came to politics.

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After thinking a little bit more about my original post I realized that I really phrased things in an immature way.


Sorry about that, just blowing off some steam in not the best way.


I really meant to say that I'm excited about this rally.


It shouldn't be about hate on either side. Sorry again for misrepresenting what I believe Stewart is trying to accomplish with this rally.

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Yeah, maybe you should try to restore your own sanity..... You're worse than the side you hate. :lol:



Anyhoo, if you don't believe Stewart and Colbert aren't politically motivated, well


Stewart and Colbert are making the central planning decision, however, and the plan remains in flux, as their network and two former Clinton aides consulting on the event, Craig Minassian and Chris Wayne, follow their lead.


Comedy Central, Minassian, and Wayne on Monday all declined to comment on the details of the plans beyond what Stewart and Colbert said on their shows. They have filed for a single permit for both rallies. The source said the application was proceeding smoothly, but details of the event including who will pay for it remain unclear.


Democratic operatives and organizations, meanwhile, are heatedly debating what to make of the unconventional event, and how to take advantage of it.



We are scheming over here, trying to figure out how to take advantage of the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of young people who will be there, said Smith of Rock the Vote which, while technically non-partisan, focuses on bringing to the polls a demographic that tends to back Democrats.


Although Rock the Vote is not quite sure what kind of official presence it will have at the rally, it does plan to send representatives to collect rally-goers contact information and get them to sign pledges that they will vote.







Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42447.html#ixzz10LIyBgrz

Edited by Magox
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Why don't people realize that these guys are comedians? I don't get it.


Of course, everyone knows they are comedians. But they are not mime clowns. They rare both at their best when pointing out the hypocrisy and idiocy of both party extremes.


Although both are unabashedly left, they are not above shaking their head at their own. In that, they help create a better political dialog.

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Sorry, just excited that rational people like Stewart actually exist.


Also, why is almost everyone on this board republican/conservative?


I thought that Buffalo was traditionally intelligent when it came to politics.


Because we're all older than you.


And only liberals are intelligent? Dude, just stop.

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Sorry, just excited that rational people like Stewart actually exist.


Also, why is almost everyone on this board republican/conservative?


I thought that Buffalo was traditionally intelligent when it came to politics.

If you see this rally as anything other than campaigning for Obama and his leftist comrades your delusional.

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After thinking a little bit more about my original post I realized that I really phrased things in an immature way.


Sorry about that, just blowing off some steam in not the best way.


I really meant to say that I'm excited about this rally.


It shouldn't be about hate on either side. Sorry again for misrepresenting what I believe Stewart is trying to accomplish with this rally.


You DO realize that Stewart and Colbert are mocking idiots like YOU as much as they are Beck, Palin, etc., right?

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Of course, everyone knows they are comedians. But they are not mime clowns. They rare both at their best when pointing out the hypocrisy and idiocy of both party extremes.


Although both are unabashedly left, they are not above shaking their head at their own. In that, they help create a better political dialog.

True as that may be, the people celebrating this as some sort of real political gesture are just :wacko:

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True as that may be, the people celebrating this as some sort of real political gesture are just :wacko:


Really? Run by comedic entertainers though it may be, I relate more to this rally's agenda than anything the Dem or Reps would put on.


I would rather listen to them than a president who never had a real job or a national leader/beauty queen who doesn't read newspapers.

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Really? Run by comedic entertainers though it may be, I relate more to this rally's agenda than anything the Dem or Reps would put on.



I guess you didn't know that 68% of viewers of their show are self-described progressives.


And you must have not read my link to Politico's article from yesterday


Stewart and Colbert are making the central planning decision, however, and the plan remains in flux, as their network and two former Clinton aides consulting on the event, Craig Minassian and Chris Wayne, follow their lead.


Comedy Central, Minassian, and Wayne on Monday all declined to comment on the details of the plans beyond what Stewart and Colbert said on their shows. They have filed for a single permit for both rallies. The source said the application was proceeding smoothly, but details of the event – including who will pay for it – remain unclear.


Democratic operatives and organizations, meanwhile, are heatedly debating what to make of the unconventional event, and how to take advantage of it.




“We are scheming over here, trying to figure out how to take advantage of the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of young people who will be there,” said Smith of Rock the Vote which, while technically non-partisan, focuses on bringing to the polls a demographic that tends to back Democrats.


Although Rock the Vote is not quite sure what kind of official presence it will have at the rally, it does plan to send representatives to collect rally-goers’ contact information and get them to sign pledges that they will vote.



Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz10LIyBgrz



This is all about Politics, the only difference is that they are able to veil it much more effectively than the blatant partisans which in turn dupes many individuals into believing they aren't partisan.


Let's be real here, substantively speaking, there is no difference....

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I guess you didn't know that 68% of viewers of their show are self-described progressives.


And you must have not read my link to Politico's article from yesterday


Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz10LIyBgrz


This is all about Politics, the only difference is that they are able to veil it much more effectively than the blatant partisans which in turn dupes many individuals into believing they aren't partisan.


Let's be real here, substantively speaking, there is no difference....


I watch and I'm not a "progressive," by which I suppose you mean liberal Democrat.


And as Democrats, which they are, so what? Is trying to take the debate out of the hands of the people at the extremes who can't even have a discussion a bad thing? The "Obama is a Muslim trying to turn us into an Islamic state" and "Bush is a tool of Haliburton" crowds HAVE dominated the debate for too long. I do not see that a Democrat or Republican rally calling attention to that fact is a problem. If the Democrats harness an energy to perhaps start to rid themselves of their extremes, isn't that a good thing?


Mind you, I don't know that they will rid themselves of their extremes any more than I believe that the Republicans can live up to their new agenda after so many years of having the same agenda and ignoring it. But in both the Stewart Rally and the Contract w/America v2, there are grains of hope.

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