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Obama: raising taxes on small businesses

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What makes anyone think Obama actually wants to reduce unemployment? His base certainly didnt put him office for jobs. They just want the unemployment checks flowing, the food stamps flowing, and the free healthcare flowing. If Obama actually started creating jobs he'd probably get primaried!


You refer to Obama's "base". What do you mean by that? Generally, I would presume your comments (in the context that you presented them) to be a euphemism for racist or classist stereotyping. However, since you claim to be a Bills fan, I will give you a chance to explain your position. Nevertheless, it seems absurd to think that Obama wouldn’t want to create jobs.

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Is this the guy with the real long term plan (say 2099) with raising SS age/other entitlements/etc slowly? Only heard him once, but he was impressive if so.

He's also the only Republican who took Obama to task during his CSPAN-broadcast health care meeting with the GOP. Most of the right were channelling Ralph Kramden's hubadahubadahubada, but Ryan took him to the mat and Obama quickly turned to "Okay, next question from someone else."


This is worth nothing, but I've got a very good personal friend who looks and talks almost identical to Ryan. My friend is an immensely great human being and one of the few people I consider to be a true friend. I initially thought my appreciation for Ryan was subliminal, but I've watched and listened to him in similar interviews a number of times (he regularly appears with Greta Van Susteren mostly because I think Greta is from Wisconsin and is always commenting on the autographed Packers helmet he keeps in his office) and in a media world of people yelling and screaming, the dude just lays it out with confidence coupled with a shiiit-eating grin that is particularly evident in the Matthews interview.

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He's also the only Republican who took Obama to task during his CSPAN-broadcast health care meeting with the GOP. Most of the right were channelling Ralph Kramden's hubadahubadahubada, but Ryan took him to the mat and Obama quickly turned to "Okay, next question from someone else."


This is worth nothing, but I've got a very good personal friend who looks and talks almost identical to Ryan. My friend is an immensely great human being and one of the few people I consider to be a true friend. I initially thought my appreciation for Ryan was subliminal, but I've watched and listened to him in similar interviews a number of times (he regularly appears with Greta Van Susteren mostly because I think Greta is from Wisconsin and is always commenting on the autographed Packers helmet he keeps in his office) and in a media world of people yelling and screaming, the dude just lays it out with confidence coupled with a shiiit-eating grin that is particularly evident in the Matthews interview.


A friend of mine and I hashed out a very similar plan (much less detail of course, but same general concept) and I was shocked to hear him when he was on Rush. Of course when I explained how I was going to !@#$ over 3/4s of the country, I acknowledged I would be dead shortly (this was assuming I was complete Dictator).


I like his plans a lot. They make a ton of sense.

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He's also the only Republican who took Obama to task during his CSPAN-broadcast health care meeting with the GOP. Most of the right were channelling Ralph Kramden's hubadahubadahubada, but Ryan took him to the mat and Obama quickly turned to "Okay, next question from someone else."


This is worth nothing, but I've got a very good personal friend who looks and talks almost identical to Ryan. My friend is an immensely great human being and one of the few people I consider to be a true friend. I initially thought my appreciation for Ryan was subliminal, but I've watched and listened to him in similar interviews a number of times (he regularly appears with Greta Van Susteren mostly because I think Greta is from Wisconsin and is always commenting on the autographed Packers helmet he keeps in his office) and in a media world of people yelling and screaming, the dude just lays it out with confidence coupled with a shiiit-eating grin that is particularly evident in the Matthews interview.


Paul Ryan is the man and a true leader. His plan will be painful to some, but fiscally it is what we need to do to right the ship and help the country stay afloat. He is as straight a shooter as I've seen in politics and eloquently communicates his vision.


I also remember him during the health care circus and loved it! This is the kind of guy who we need running the country!

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Paul Ryan is the man and a true leader. His plan will be painful to some, but fiscally it is what we need to do to right the ship and help the country stay afloat. He is as straight a shooter as I've seen in politics and eloquently communicates his vision.


I also remember him during the health care circus and loved it! This is the kind of guy who we need running the country!


Ryan is a star in the making and the type of individual you want in government. Anytime he speaks, he's prepared and supports his case with numbers. In the Matthews video, Crowley simply speaks in gereralities and offers no facts or solutions other than tax, tax, tax.


I've said this before, but the numbers tell the story. They don't lie. Spending has to be reduced. It's a no-brainer, but not many on the left can be confused with the facts. Their minds are made up regardless of the numbers.

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You refer to Obama's "base". What do you mean by that? Generally, I would presume your comments (in the context that you presented them) to be a euphemism for racist or classist stereotyping. However, since you claim to be a Bills fan, I will give you a chance to explain your position. Nevertheless, it seems absurd to think that Obama wouldn't want to create jobs.


The problem is Obama's arrogance and his lack of understanding of how jobs are actually created makes him think that he can make big sweeping policies that will move us out of this economic rut. The best thing a President can do to create jobs is to keep taxes and needless regulation low and then get the hell out of the way. This President does the exact opposite, which should be a lesson for votes: Do not elect a man who has accomplished nothing in his life that wasn't funded by the government.

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Nevertheless, it seems absurd to think that Obama wouldn’t want to create jobs.

Wanting to and understanding how the real world (a place where few politicians have had success) actually works are two completely different things. So far his "answer" to creating jobs was to get approval to spend a whole bunch of money we don't have. The best part of that is they can't even get that damn money out there, so about the only jobs they've "created" are the Census jobs - which are rapidly going away.


Everything in life is a balancing act. The liberals on both sides of the aisle (spare me the rhetoric, Republican apologists. Your party is as "big government" as the Dummycrats) have been partying with O.P.P. for far too long. They've blown the balance all out of proportion and Main St. is finally being affected by it.


Will it change? Probably not for at least a generation.


Is that soon enough? Probably not. But there will be morons like Conner and Dave in Norfolk who like to pretend the idiots they follow are actually doing something.


Take a look at England, folks. That's the road we're barreling down.

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You refer to Obama's "base". What do you mean by that? Generally, I would presume your comments (in the context that you presented them) to be a euphemism for racist or classist stereotyping. However, since you claim to be a Bills fan, I will give you a chance to explain your position. Nevertheless, it seems absurd to think that Obama wouldn’t want to create jobs.

Obama has done a number of things that seem absurd, IMO.


And in this case, his "base" would be people who are becoming more and more dependent on government handouts and redistribution of money instead of getting off their butts and actually doing something. Not everybody, but there is a segment that would rather take than give. Those who choose to be dependent would naturally want to keep the administration that provides the handouts, in power. That has the potential to be a significant "base."

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No, you are letting your blind hatred of Obama blind you to the fact Obama is trying to help small businesses but the GOP is blocking him.


I hope you are not some financial advisor or something, that would be sad


I have a small S-Corp. I see nothing proposed to help me. Just more regulations that require me to spend money on outside professionals to tell me how to comply.


Just because you don't understand it, does not mean others suffer from the same dilemma.


You certainly seem to be saying that making money available for small businesses to borrow does not help them. I would concur strongly that you do not understand.


Why is it that administration defenders point to making loans available as a big deal, then turn right around and criticize businesses because they are sitting on their cash and not hiring? Talk about a disconnect...


I (and the healthy companies I deal with) have plenty of cash on hand. I wouldn't take a loan if you begged me. The problem is that I don't know what to do with what I have. It is sitting in the bank earning diddly. I won't hire while I have no idea how the new labor regulations are shaking out and what the added costs will be. And I won't risk the money on a new side-venture while tax increases threaten. The downside of failure is that I lose all my investment, while the upside of success is some as-yet-unknown but probably reduced after-tax profit. No thanks.

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The problem is Obama's arrogance and his lack of understanding of how jobs are actually created makes him think that he can make big sweeping policies that will move us out of this economic rut. The best thing a President can do to create jobs is to keep taxes and needless regulation low and then get the hell out of the way. This President does the exact opposite, which should be a lesson for votes: Do not elect a man who has accomplished nothing in his life that wasn't funded by the government.

I'm learning that he's driving the quintessential progressive dream. He's giving the progressives the red meat they crave: the proverbial "sticking it to every boss or business owner you've ever had" concept, all carried on the back of "You conservatives have had eight years and now it's our turn."


It's childish. It's embarrassing. And worse, he's put nitro on the financial crash course we were currently on.


But, y'know, Bush did it, so sit down, shut up and let a real man drive for a while. Unfortunately, he's driving like John Candy trying to take his jacket off while steering with his knees in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" (a top 10 in funniest movie scenes ever, by the way).

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Unfortunately, he's driving like John Candy trying to take his jacket off while steering with his knees in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" (a top 10 in funniest movie scenes ever, by the way).


Obama is certainly doin' the mess around...

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Take a look at England, folks. That's the road we're barreling down.


America is going at twice the speed, too.


Obama has done a number of things that seem absurd, IMO.


And in this case, his "base" would be people who are becoming more and more dependent on government handouts and redistribution of money instead of getting off their butts and actually doing something. Not everybody, but there is a segment that would rather take than give. Those who choose to be dependent would naturally want to keep the administration that provides the handouts, in power. That has the potential to be a significant "base."


I'm reminded of the woman who was videoed dancing like a fool and saying that now BO was president, she wouldn't have to pay for rent, food or electricity anymore. Yes, those people exist in numbers that are hard to believe, and yet there they are....

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Wasn't sure whether to start another thread, but I guess I'll just post it here, as this thread seems the closest in pertinence.


WSJ article from earlier this month. Look at the graph. Then read what broad govt policy changes caused the "'38 Recession w/in the Depression."


You realize we're taking the same road, right? Guess nobody marked the map back then.


It's a little joke of history that even those who do learn it are doomed to repeat it.

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Looks like some Democrats want to repeal the $600 Tax thingy.


For the first time, House Democrats are proposing repealing a piece of the health care overhaul, one that small businesses have been warning is going to be overly burdensome.


The move comes just four months after the Democrats' health plan passed in March. The provision would have required businesses to file 1099 tax forms for all transactions with vendors that total over $600.

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Ryan is a star in the making and the type of individual you want in government. Anytime he speaks, he's prepared and supports his case with numbers. In the Matthews video, Crowley simply speaks in gereralities and offers no facts or solutions other than tax, tax, tax.


I've said this before, but the numbers tell the story. They don't lie. Spending has to be reduced. It's a no-brainer, but not many on the left can be confused with the facts. Their minds are made up regardless of the numbers.


What's his 40 time? :ph34r:

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