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Obama uses his word as toilet paper yet again.

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Is the health care bill a tax or not? Depends on what day you ask. It's bad when you're a Democrat getting grilled and trampled by the likes of George Stephonopolous.



Side note: I remember the country turning on GWBI for going back on his "read my lips" promise. My Dad told me his loss to Clinton could be a positive b/c it would send a message to politicians that if they go back on their word there will be a price to pay. I'm curious to see what that price is for King Obama.

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Every day more new crap comes out about this debacle. Everyone must do their part to remove as many Democrats from office so as to repeal and replace this bill before 2014 hits. And it starts this November 2nd.

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In a brief defending the law, the Justice Department says the requirement for people to carry insurance or pay the penalty is “a valid exercise” of Congress’s power to impose taxes.


Oh, I hope that wording is in Justice's brief...because that's just retarded. Which is it, a tax (which Congress can impose) or a penalty (which Congress can't impose)? :)

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Oh, I hope that wording is in Justice's brief...because that's just retarded. Which is it, a tax (which Congress can impose) or a penalty (which Congress can't impose)? :)



You'll find the typical defenses to the healthcare bill laid out here. The answer to this specific question is on page 49 of 52: it has been described as both a tax and a penalty, but the distinction is irrelevant here, because the tax/penalty is "productive of some revenue", and thus it can be supported under the General Welfare Clause. The government's entire argument pursuant to the General Welfare Clause, ie tax power, is on pages 46-50.

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Oh, I hope that wording is in Justice's brief...because that's just retarded. Which is it, a tax (which Congress can impose) or a penalty (which Congress can't impose)? :)

Relax. New Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping.


"Tastes great."


"And just look at that shine."

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When Mr. Stephanopoulos said the penalty appeared to fit the dictionary definition of a tax, Mr. Obama replied, “I absolutely reject that notion.”


So he's either a liar or he talks straight out of his ass.


Either way, his credibility has been diminishing for quite some time now.

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repeal and replace


Replace it with what? Mandatory death camps for sick poor people. If anyone under a certain wealth level gets sick at all they get sent to be killed? Republicans have no interest in anything that does not put more money in the pockets of the already wealthy.

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Replace it with what? Mandatory death camps for sick poor people. If anyone under a certain wealth level gets sick at all they get sent to be killed? Republicans have no interest in anything that does not put more money in the pockets of the already wealthy.

LOL! What do you think this whole Health Care Deform will lead to, among the Medicaid and Medicare populations? I know that "death panels" got peoples' panties into a bunch, but that's pretty much what will happen. And the sick and poor have never been denied access to health care, at least by the government. By private insurers, sure, but no one said that there weren't needed reforms in the private health care industry,

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You'll find the typical defenses to the healthcare bill laid out here. The answer to this specific question is on page 49 of 52: it has been described as both a tax and a penalty, but the distinction is irrelevant here, because the tax/penalty is "productive of some revenue", and thus it can be supported under the General Welfare Clause. The government's entire argument pursuant to the General Welfare Clause, ie tax power, is on pages 46-50.


Stop raping the constitution

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I'll take it as a tax if my money goes to the federal gov't and not to a private entity.

Who are you kidding? You will never fall under the tax bracket that would have to pay for this. :)


And yes, repeal it and replace it with deathcamps. That's the plan, deny health care facilities for all lower income people. Looks like you're !@#$ed.

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You'll find the typical defenses to the healthcare bill laid out here. The answer to this specific question is on page 49 of 52: it has been described as both a tax and a penalty, but the distinction is irrelevant here, because the tax/penalty is "productive of some revenue", and thus it can be supported under the General Welfare Clause. The government's entire argument pursuant to the General Welfare Clause, ie tax power, is on pages 46-50.


Actually, it's completely relevant, since a "penalty" levied by Congress violates Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution.


Thanks for the link, though...I was having trouble finding that.

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I'll take it as a tax if my money goes to the federal gov't and not to a private entity.


You're a complete !@#$ing moron. The "tax/penalty" goes into the fund that subsidizes people's health insurance purchases from insurance companies. Ultimately, the money goes to private entities. :)

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Wouldn't it be better if it went to neither?


Apparently some people think the few dollars my wife and I are able to put away for our daughter would be better suited to the deserving hands of the Feds so they can dole it out at their disgression.

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