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Kama Sutra for the kiddies of Helena, MT

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This one doesn't spare the kindergartners... :blink:


..."The curriculum would also teach kindergartners anatomical terms such as penis, vagina, breast, nipples, testicles, scrotum and uterus."...





Let's make no mistake, this is a good thing. The thing where they were handing out condoms to little kids was just weird, but education can never be bad. Sex is like guns. The younger that a kid learns about it, the safer and more responsible they will be when they use it.


We teach young kids math, science, history, foreign languages...why should something so vital as sex be taboo?

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I agree Sage. When everyone acts like it is such a terrible thing a child growing up will misunderstand what sex is. We are a nation of individual communities that we build. If this place in Montana choses to teach the accurate description of a body part than I see nothing wrong with it. Kids already have slang words , ding-dong, dingy, weenie, boobies, etc.


Every kid knows the 7 dirty words by age 8. I do not have kids but I have learned that if you use a curse word in front of a child you simply carry on like you did not say it. When you act like you made a mistake or tell the child he cannot say what you do it will be the first thing they do. Simply make sexual education as traditional of a lesson as math, science, english/grammar, and history.


On another note, me fail english? That's unpossible.

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Let's make no mistake, this is a good thing. The thing where they were handing out condoms to little kids was just weird, but education can never be bad. Sex is like guns. The younger that a kid learns about it, the safer and more responsible they will be when they use it.


We teach young kids math, science, history, foreign languages...why should something so vital as sex be taboo?


Perhaps a better question is to ask what changed in society, that gives us children 11 and 12 having children, 8 year-olds committing murders. Time was, when society in great measure actively shielded and protected kids from the ugliness of the adult world. That was tossed into the trash can decades ago. Sad.


It's not a question of taboos - it's a realization that kids are what they are - immature. Eager to grab at the shiny thing, and in their innocence, cannot see the barbed hooks.


You seem to think that they will somehow gain sage judgment via exposure to adult things. They can't.


And we do a terrible job of teaching them history, IMO. Just terrible. You know as well as I do, that if so told, you will have 5 year-olds calling people "scrotum-face" or some such. They will become callous at such a young age. They will (as is always the case with youth) decide that they know all. And now armed with method and technique.

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Perhaps a better question is to ask what changed in society, that gives us children 11 and 12 having children, 8 year-olds committing murders. Time was, when society in great measure actively shielded and protected kids from the ugliness of the adult world. That was tossed into the trash can decades ago. Sad.


It's not a question of taboos - it's a realization that kids are what they are - immature. Eager to grab at the shiny thing, and in their innocence, cannot see the barbed hooks.


You seem to think that they will somehow gain sage judgment via exposure to adult things. They can't.


And we do a terrible job of teaching them history, IMO. Just terrible. You know as well as I do, that if so told, you will have 5 year-olds calling people "scrotum-face" or some such. They will become callous at such a young age. They will (as is always the case with youth) decide that they know all. And now armed with method and technique.

Well said :blink:

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Perhaps a better question is to ask what changed in society, that gives us children 11 and 12 having children, 8 year-olds committing murders. Time was, when society in great measure actively shielded and protected kids from the ugliness of the adult world. That was tossed into the trash can decades ago. Sad.


It's not a question of taboos - it's a realization that kids are what they are - immature. Eager to grab at the shiny thing, and in their innocence, cannot see the barbed hooks.


You seem to think that they will somehow gain sage judgment via exposure to adult things. They can't.


And we do a terrible job of teaching them history, IMO. Just terrible. You know as well as I do, that if so told, you will have 5 year-olds calling people "scrotum-face" or some such. They will become callous at such a young age. They will (as is always the case with youth) decide that they know all. And now armed with method and technique.


The scrotum is part of the human body, just like your arm, leg, or face. Why shouldn't kids learn what it is, and what it's called? The fact is, the age of shielding kids is over, whether the schools participate or not. And this is a good thing, IMO. Why should we be shielding kids and lying to them, pretending all this stuff doesn't exist?


I learned about sex when I was 6 years old, from another student. My parents didn't discuss it with me til I was 10, and school didn't cover it til I was 13. Doesn't that seem a bit backwards to you? Kids are still growing up thinking that sex is something unnatural and wrong, which actually draws more of them to it. It glorifies it.

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Buttsex lessons for first graders are a good thing, Sage? Where is my Dakota Fanning icon when I need it?


I am not against health classes and sex-ed. But we need to be sure we don't have a prurient interest in pushing sex, masturbation and gay sex so much that we unnecessarily sexualize young children or dwell on sex so much that we seem to glorify it.

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I'm not sure a 5 years old needs lessons in reproductive anatomy but this country really needs to advance past the "body parts are dirty and we shouldn't talk about them" idiocy that is so pervasive.


I'm not advocating that kindergartners need to be taught classes in sex education but unfortunately a lot of parents aren't teaching their kids anything other than how to say !@#$ or how turn on an xbox.

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Are you guys really comfortable with an outside source teaching your 5 to 6 year old children about sexuality. I'd be irate and pull my child out of the school. It's not necessarily the fact that they are learning about it, because kids ask the most outrageous things, it's the source and how its taught. I don't want some teacher telling my kids that homosexuality is a normal, healthy lifestyle because it is not normal nor is it healthy. I wouldn't want my 10 year old being taught sexual positions. Like I said, kids will ask you just about anything. I have a 4 year old who asked my wife why she didn't have a "winkie" like he's got. My 2 year old gets out of the tub holding his "winkie" and says, "Look Dad! Mine is really big!" I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to teach them things as they come up in their lives, I don't need a "school program" ramming it down their throats for me at any age.

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We teach young kids math, science, history, foreign languages...why should something so vital as sex be taboo?


There is a lot of real estate between 'taboo' and the kind of nutty nonsense they are proposing here.

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Sounds like some advocate a return to 1950s and 1960s America where kids and women couldn't report any abuse for lack of vocabulary and feeling dirty.


Starting sentences with "Remember when I was a kid" is a reliable indicator of a faulty memory and an admission that you lack ability to make things better.

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I'm not sure a 5 years old needs lessons in reproductive anatomy but this country really needs to advance past the "body parts are dirty and we shouldn't talk about them" idiocy that is so pervasive.


I'm not advocating that kindergartners need to be taught classes in sex education but unfortunately a lot of parents aren't teaching their kids anything other than how to say !@#$ or how turn on an xbox.


Spot on. Sex ed is a joke in this country, and evidence that religion is still way too prevalent.


But teaching nine year olds about taking it in the ass isn't the answer and it's kinda sad that people can't get past the all or nothing mentality.

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I don't want some teacher telling my kids that homosexuality is a normal, healthy lifestyle because it is not normal nor is it healthy.


Oh for 2.


Certain homosexual behaviors are not healthy, as are certain hetero behaviors. And of course, it's perfectly normal. Homosexuality, for whatever reason pervades every species of mammal, including people. In His image, every one of us, even the ones who love people with the same parts. Right?

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Oh for 2.


Certain homosexual behaviors are not healthy, as are certain hetero behaviors. And of course, it's perfectly normal. Homosexuality, for whatever reason pervades every species of mammal, including people. In His image, every one of us, even the ones who love people with the same parts. Right?


Even if homosexuality isn't normal (which I don't believe), I always ask this...what the hell is the problem with not being normal?

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Perhaps a better question is to ask what changed in society, that gives us children 11 and 12 having children, 8 year-olds committing murders. Time was, when society in great measure actively shielded and protected kids from the ugliness of the adult world. That was tossed into the trash can decades ago. Sad.


It's not a question of taboos - it's a realization that kids are what they are - immature. Eager to grab at the shiny thing, and in their innocence, cannot see the barbed hooks.


You seem to think that they will somehow gain sage judgment via exposure to adult things. They can't.


And we do a terrible job of teaching them history, IMO. Just terrible. You know as well as I do, that if so told, you will have 5 year-olds calling people "scrotum-face" or some such. They will become callous at such a young age. They will (as is always the case with youth) decide that they know all. And now armed with method and technique.


Sorry, but all that has changed is the speed and vastness of information. Babies were still having babies "back then". Heck, the age of consent laws were much younger. You could marry your 15 year old cousin LEGALLY, I promise you that girls younger than that were getting knocked up. The difference is that "back then" they would send those girls away so no one found out about it. It was easy to hide. Nowadays, they go on Maury instead and get their 15 minutes.


I'm sure there were children making bad decisions as long as man has been around. The only difference now is how many mediums there are for shoving it in your face.


Furthermore, most kids know what their penis, or their vagina, is by the time they are 5. Once they get around other little people with different parts, it's only a matter of time before questions come up and they find out one way or another what exactly makes them different. Better to have it taught correctly, than from Dad's porno mag collection in the garage.


For the record, I don't advocate the teaching of any sexuality. Just the anatomy and biology.

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