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Glenn Beck is an idiot

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Beck isn't an idiot, nor is Olbermann or Limbaugh. Quite the contrary, they feed on idiots, which dominate the population. America likes to be angry, loves to jump to conclusions and oversimplify things. In the real world, things are seldom black and white- the people who paint things as being black and white tend to get many loyal disciples- people who can't think for themselves

I'd agree with that, bar one thing, it's not just Americans it's all of humanity.


Look we are not that far removed from picking flees off each other and scavenging carcases to suck out the bone marrow.

Homo homini Iupus "Man is a Wolf to Man"

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I'd agree with that, bar one thing, it's not just Americans it's all of humanity.


Look we are not that far removed from picking flees off each other and scavenging carcases to suck out the bone marrow.

Homo homini Iupus "Man is a Wolf to Man"


Mmmmmm, bone marrow.

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He issued an apology. Even Glenn Beck knows what Glenn Beck did was wrong (which, from reading this thread, is more than we can say about Fastback, Nanker, or PearlHowardman apparently)



He did it because he is a decent person- just like the other people I mentioned. I say decent, but I don't understand how people like Beck, Olbermann, Limbaugh and that bunch look at themselves in the mirror- they will bring this country down through the turmoil they create quicker than any terrorist will.

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Beck isn't an idiot, nor is Olbermann or Limbaugh. Quite the contrary, they feed on idiots, which dominate the population. America likes to be angry, loves to jump to conclusions and oversimplify things. In the real world, things are seldom black and white- the people who paint things as being black and white tend to get many loyal disciples- people who can't think for themselves


“No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.- Henry Louis Mencken

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In his radio show, "The Glenn Program" on Premiere Radio Networks, Beck mocked Malia Obama for asking her father if he'd managed to stop oil from continuing to spill out into the Gulf of Mexico. At a news conference Thursday, the president recounted how his daughter had asked him, "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?" -- in an effort to illustrate how all Americans are anxious about the BP oil rig that's now become America's worst oil spill in history.


Afterward Beck made fun of the anecdote, imitating Malia in a squeaky voice.


"Daddy? Daddy? Daddy, did you plug the hole yet? Daddy?" he said. Then Beck's co-host Pat Gray responded as if he were the president.


"Honey, not yet... Not time yet, honey. Hasn't done enough damage," Gray said.


Then Beck took his argument a step further, saying the exchange reveals something about Malia's education. The 11-year-old and her 9-year-old sister Sasha go to Sidwell Friends, and exclusive and high-performing academy that's sometimes called "the Harvard of Washington's private schools."


"'Did you plug the hole yet, daddy?' Is that's their -- that's the level of their education, that they're coming to -- they're coming to daddy and saying 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?'" Plug the hole!" Beck said on his Friday morning radio show.


Later in the 4-minute segment, Beck turned the routine toward Obama's race. "Why do you hate black people so much?" he said, still imitating Malia in a baby voice.


"I'm part white, honey," Gray responded in the voice of the president.


Friday's segment ran just two days after another piece on Beck's radio program in which he decried critics of Sarah Palin's family. Speaking with Palin, Beck decried the tactic: "Leave my family, leave people's families alone...When it was Bill Clinton, you don't go after Chelsea Clinton. You don't talk about the Bush kids. Now, the minute they get into politics, that's a different story. You leave the families alone."





Beck has since offered the obligatory CYA apology.:thumbsup:



Beck is a moron. Anyone with a half a brain would turn his show off.

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