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Marshawn Lynch speaks

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Thanks man...just speaking the truth.


I am a white man...but I see no color.


This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them.


Even being a white boy fresh out of high school out where I live...because I wore my hat backwards, had earrings and drove a nice sports car...I would get targeted. However, the **** really hit the fan when I got pulled over in a gas station parking lot because I had a "Phish" sticker on my back window..."Suspicion of use or possession of marijuana," the cop told me, as he approached my car asking me if he could search my vehicle. I told him of course he could search my car, if he had a better reason to and provided me with a search warrant. I also swiftly reminded him that my Uncle was HIS BOSS, probably sitting back at the Sherriff's office waiting for this chump to get back with somebody...but it sure as **** was not going to be visiting Uncle Mikey on this night. Not because this jerkoff pulled me over in a gas station parking lot for a reason that is equally discriminating as pulling me over for being black, having dreadlocks or wearing a !@#$ing yamaka on my head. I reminded him who my Uncle was and who my lawyer was (also happens to be the most well-known and respected judge out where I live), and I then told him to get lost...he had no business even talking to me.


I also got stopped walking home one night from a party because I was wearing a red bandana...and that supposedly represented me being a part of a gang...because there are so many "gangs" in Canandaigua, NY. (Not to mention, I am as white as Casper the Ghost, quite the prep and (at that time) I sported ZERO tats or markings.)


The Canandaigua Police department is WELL KNOWN for being this way...EVERYBODY out here knows it. This is NOT a big city by any means. Many would argue it is a "City" at all...yet you see a cop every couple hundred yards.


This IS what our society is turning into...sooner or later we won't be able to walk down the street to get an ice-cream cone without being harassed by a cop, asking us what we are doing, where we are going, who we are...etc.



Just for good measure..."F**K THE POLICE!"


"F**k that ****, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk muthaf***a with a badge and a gun, to be beatin' on, and thrown in jail, we could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. To the police, I'm sayin' f**k you punk. Readin' my rights and ****, it's all junk. Pullin' out a silly club, so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand. But, take off the gun so you can see what's up and we'll go at it punk, I'ma f**k you up!"


(Save the "Wow you're mature" or the "Hey, stay classy" comments...I couldn't care less what anybody thinks of this post, it IS MY opinion and I AM entitled to it. And if you're a cop...F**K YOU TOO!) :blush::angry::blink:

2 things after reading your "rant"


First I respect law enforcement its a tough ass job BUT some are racist towards black people and in your case certain white guys too . It seems to me if you wear certain articles of clothing you are suspicious in the police eyes.


But I would never say "!@#$ the po-po" because you might need them one day.


Secondly I am glad you see no color. I know there are lots of white people that feel the same way. But I have thought for a long time now that police are trained to look for things that maybe might get them a bust or two. And many off these things are stereotypical. That's semi racist black or white is all I'm saying.

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Some of you people need to lighten up. There is nothing wrong with that article on both sides. Lynch feels like he is targeted due to his run ins with the law and his suspension. It's probably true because he is a easy target.


People love misery. With Marshawn it's just easy. He's a young black man with millions playing a game. He has the "easy life" in a city filled with hardships. Marshawn's life was anything but easy growing up. He got his dream and almost threw it all away for a few fun nights out on the town. People just don't understand how he can do this. He's either stupid or a thug in their eyes.


I have never condoned anything Marshawn has done but i understand how he got into the situations. He used poor judgment after growing up in a area filled with poor judgements. You can't ask a 22 year old kid to switch off the first 21 years of his life because he got a big paycheck. It doesn't work like that.

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I gave it earlier go back a couple pages...




Thanks i am a genius, but anyway..I can tell you have never been called a thug because if you have you wouldnt want anyone to call you that PERIOD. In no way would I rather be called a thug compared to being called an idiot (hell dont call me neither). If im obsessed so are you because all you do is bash without a knowlege about what your talking bout..you kinda just ramble...




He already has one passing TD that i know of imagine if he got 3...He'd have a motorcade to the games...LMAO...


Who is bashing? I am merely stating the obvious. What would you call Lynch??

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Pit Bull attack


In February, a pit bull mauled a 5-year-old girl in Terry, Miss., leaving her lifeless body in a ditch. Ten days later in Georgia, a 5-day-old baby girl was killed by the family pit bull in Rockdale County. The infant's body was found in its bassinet.


In April, a pit bull named Sidon killed a newborn in a home in New Port Richey, Fla., while the baby's 16-year-old mother slept.



Not all Pits are bad, some are great pets but I can se an HOA not wanting theese dogs around.....


I'm gonna bet they already had specific rules about pitbulls. Just speculation obviously, but I think you'll find most homeowners associations ban certain breeds as do most apartment complexes that allow dogs.

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I applaud the HOA. It would be crazy for them to allow someone as immature and with the kind of track record as Lynch to be able to train and keep pit bulls.


Appropos for nothing, in Pittsburgh, Joey Porter's pit bulls "escaped" and killed a freakin' horse.



There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.

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We all know Bill in NYC is pissed cause we didn't reach for a tackle at 9, regardless of the best playmaker in the draft being available.


Please don't be ridiculous. Instead, start as far back as you wish, and let me know which "skill player" drafted first helped this team. Then, you might want to ask yourself why the playoff drought, and why are we predicted to perhaps be the worst team in the NFL this season?


Now, we not only picked a running back at #9, we picked someone who is being referred to as "not an every down back." If this is how you think successful teams are constructed, well then I beg to differ, and welcome your explanation of what a great pick this was. So great, that it took about 10 seconds to decide. Apparently, there was no trade offer that might have been worthy of trading down for, nor did the possibility of one exist. Is this what you too think?


And btw, I would have been thrilled if the Bills would have selected Brandon Graham. Look at what the Eagles used to get him. An OT would have been great because ours suck, but a big, strong defender would also have been a good move.


I guess we will have to wait and see.

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Thanks man...just speaking the truth.


I am a white man...but I see no color.


This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them.


You are a complete idiot. Oh yeah....I am talkin' shockingly stupid, not to mention your serious problems that are jumping off the screen.


Even if the bolded above was something more than a fantasy, a lieutennant is 2 ranks above a police officer. So, you are telling us that he was unable to control/discipline rogue police officers? This would render him inept but again, I do not believe anything that comes from your post other than the glaring facts that you are stupid, and a disturbed individual.


Seriously, take some classes at night but more important.....please seek help. There is plenty of it out there, and there is no shame involved. I wish you luck.

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There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.


True there is no law in this country, but counties/municipalities have passed those laws. It's illegal to own a pit bull in Miami-Dade county. I love dogs, and know a ton of folks with great pit bulls. I've met many more good pit bulls than I've met good homeowner association members.

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True there is no law in this country, but counties/municipalities have passed those laws. It's illegal to own a pit bull in Miami-Dade county. I love dogs, and know a ton of folks with great pit bulls. I've met many more good pit bulls than I've met good homeowner association members.


Exactly. It is the Homeowners Association that has the right to say no pit bulls. I know from experience that most renting experiences involve breed restrictions and many don't allow animals at all, as I'm sure you all know. Right or wrong aside, the owner of the property has the right to say no pit bulls allowed, and so be it.

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There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.


Most of the laws that govern individual conduct in this country are done so at the state and local level, and thus vary from place to place. Federal law has little to nothing to do with things of this nature.

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you realize the DEFINITION OF TURD IS:





1. a piece of excrement.

2. a mean, contemptible person.


Please connect that definition of the word turd to Marshawn because to me calling him an a pile of poop is hilarious. A contemptible person is pretty funny too..


This is what YOU really wanna want the word TURD to stand for but your to scared to say it..




1. A stupid, over-privileged football player.

2. A liar

No i think he's a piece of excrement, but i was being nice and thanks human dictionary much appreciated!

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I still can't believe Lynch is only 24. I never hit anyone or rolled with a gun but I did plenty of dumb crap when I was that age (I still make mistakes). If he is being serious, then hopefully he proves it by working his @ss off.


As for the other stuff, I can't imagine the culture shock coming from Oakland to OP/ Hamburg. It's like 2 different worlds.

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While the article was reasonable enough, it did seem pretty biased towards Lynch. If the reason he appears to be having so much trouble is because of rampant racism (which is one of his underlying themes after all), the author could have gotten off his butt and checked to see how other black players are treated in WNY. If they don't seem to be having the problems that Lynch does, then maybe the racism is far less than implied by the article (and might have more to do with Lynch himself). An awful lot of current and former Bills rave about the area and continue to live there after their careers are over without so much as a blip on the news.


The author might also have done some fact checking (as professional journalists are expected to do) by contacting the condo association where Lynch lives to get its side of the story. BTW, when you've got the kind of money Lynch has, and you work in an area where you can buy a mansion on the lake for less than the down payment on a house in Oakland, what are you doing living in a condo? Why doesn't the guy get his own place where he doesn't have to put up with all those racist condo owners and can have all the pit bulls, guns and anything else he wants while blasting his music?


The supposed journalist might also have brought up the weirdest story about Lynch (and the one that first made me wonder WTF? about this guy). That is, to save money, Lynch would sneak a flask of booze into Buffalo bars to "charge up" the glass of pop he'd buy. Huh?


I don't regard the kid as a thug. A jerk, yeah, no question. But not a thug. Which might be a character flaw but is not a crime. If it were, a good percentage of the population, including some regular posters around here, would be under arrest.


As to poster comments that he seems to have changed, I don't see that at all. He's still going on and on about how he's just a regular guy who's being picked on, blah blah blah, suggesting it's because of racism or some quirk in WNY and not his behavior. Until he does a cold-eyed analysis of himself and the people he surrounds himself with, he'll continue to be who he is. And people will continue to dislike him for who he is, not what color he is.


And you know what? If he returns to form and has a couple of great seasons, I will be cheering for him. And I don't think I'll be the only one. Doesn't mean I'll like him as a human being. But then, the NFL isn't about winning Mr. Congeniality, it's about "Just win, baby."

Oh, you mean like when the little racist in training burned a freaking CROSS in front of the HOME of Mckelvin that shouldn't be hard for any cub reporter to do. People take off the rose color glasses .......You right its not the city of Buffalo that has the serious problem with Race ....its the Suburbs near Rich Stadium................................Marshawn doesnt have to Prove crap to the fans of Buffalo, he just need to play Ball. That is all he should care about and maybe move from that AREA because its not safe for Him or Mckelvin........... You better believe that burnig cross message and harrasment from cops is going to all the Black players on the Bills. You people are so silly and you wonder why free agents don't want to come to this Town

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Oh, you mean like when the little racist in training burned a freaking CROSS in front of the HOME of Mckelvin that shouldn't be hard for any cub reporter to do. People take off the rose color glasses .......You right its not the city of Buffalo that has the serious problem with Race ....its the Suburbs near Rich Stadium................................Marshawn doesnt have to Prove crap to the fans of Buffalo, he just need to play Ball. That is all he should care about and maybe move from that AREA because its not safe for Him or Mckelvin........... You better believe that burnig cross message and harrasment from cops is going to all the Black players on the Bills. You people are so silly and you wonder why free agents don't want to come to this Town


I was wondering what was taking you so long.... :worthy:

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There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.


You are wrong. Owning Pitbulls are illegal in Miami, Fl.

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There is no law in this country against owning pit bulls. If his neighbors are allowed to own animals and he is not, that is flat out discrimination. You can't stop somebody from doing a lawful act like owning a pet, becasue you "think he might train them to be aggressive" or you are being "proactive" That is completely ignorant and wrong if that is in fact how that scenario went down.



Yup as several have pointed out, it is a law, and it is a law in several places. Also, Home owners associations can make any rule they want. As long as its approved they can sanction you for choosing a color scheme in "poor taste" to paint your house with, your lawn being to long, a fence to tall etc... It is neither ignorant or wrong, when you buy into one of these groups you are doing so knowing that you will give up some of your rights, and in turn you know that your neighbor will have to give up some of their freedoms to do crazy stuff too.


And yes, this is coming from someone with a pitt mix, and living under a hoa.

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Oh, you mean like when the little racist in training burned a freaking CROSS in front of the HOME of Mckelvin that shouldn't be hard for any cub reporter to do. People take off the rose color glasses .......You right its not the city of Buffalo that has the serious problem with Race ....its the Suburbs near Rich Stadium................................Marshawn doesnt have to Prove crap to the fans of Buffalo, he just need to play Ball. That is all he should care about and maybe move from that AREA because its not safe for Him or Mckelvin........... You better believe that burnig cross message and harrasment from cops is going to all the Black players on the Bills. You people are so silly and you wonder why free agents don't want to come to this Town


There was no cross burning or any reference to race when McKelvin's lawn was vandalized.


Nice try though. :lol:

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Instead of banning pit bulls, they should ban most of the idiots that own them.



Its sad that there are so many bad owners in the breed. It takes a responsible and probably experienced owner to have a pitt, but when well cared for they are an amazing animal. Any dog breed will be troublesome with a bad owner, but pitts getting into trouble can unfortunately be deadly. As opposed to outlawing them, they should have some sort of licensing process that would help insure quality ownership. Perhaps a breed specific class for owners, or owner and dog to go through.

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