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Gailey believes Bills can pull off Dolphin like turnaround

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Show me the baby.... :)

No duh, no results are available as yet.


But, I'd rather have a coach that says he expects to win and he is all about winning and expects his players to do what it takes, than a coach that spews happy family pablum like "They're good guys. They work hard. We like our guys. I hope we have a chance, and things go swimmingly this year."

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We lost something like 5-6 games by a total of something like 20 points? We would have beat NE at home if not for a stupid turnover?


This team is NOT as bad as people make it. There is just as good a shot this team turns it around fast like Miami did as there is they do crappy.


No, actually the team does suck. Dick Jauron's entire loser game plans consisted of trying to keep it close in the hope of pulling it out in the end.

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We lost something like 5-6 games by a total of something like 20 points? We would have beat NE at home if not for a stupid turnover?


This team is NOT as bad as people make it. There is just as good a shot this team turns it around fast like Miami did as there is they do crappy.

Three things can happen:

1. They get better

2. They get worse

3. They stay the same


New coaching staff, new weapon at RB, new 3-4, new attitude....what the hell......hope springs eternal on opening day, doesn't it?


And btw....I agree that this team is not as bad as people think they are. I think there was a culture within the Bills organization that tolerated way too much. Too many poor draft choices, too much sub standard play, too much lack of effort, too many coaching mistakes, too many player mistakes, character issues. I'm hoping that culture of tolerance is gone with the throwing out of the DJ bathwater. Win the games they ought to win and win a couple of games they shouldn't win (on paper), and you will see an entirely different team. It will go from a culture of finding ways to lose, to a culture of refusing to lose.


Don't you think that (God forgive me for even bringing this up...) if Norwood made that field goal, the Bills would have won at least 2 Superbowls, if not all 4 of them?


THAT'S what I'm talkin' bout, baybee.

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We lost something like 5-6 games by a total of something like 20 points? We would have beat NE at home if not for a stupid turnover?


This team is NOT as bad as people make it. There is just as good a shot this team turns it around fast like Miami did as there is they do crappy.


Again, like I said, show it to me on the field... Sure, we've lost a lot of close, last second games... But the bottom line is, we lost... Great teams find a way to win the games they need to... The Bills never win when they need to... whether its by 1 pt. or 50 pts... Ultimately, they never pull it off when the chips are down...


Buffalo Bills fans have been through the "what ifs" and "coulda, woulda, shouldas" like no other fans across any sport... I can appreciate your optimism Darth and enjoy reading your threads/posts along with several others here who wanna believe... I really wanna believe... Anyone who has been loyal to this team and spent their hard-earned income on them in one way or another is dying to see them finally lift up that Lombardi trophy... But, based on the number of times I've had my heart ripped out, I feel I have earned the right to be skeptical... That doesn't mean I'm a "gloom and doomer" or think the "sky is falling"... I'm just not gonna believe everything they feed me anymore until it really happens...


We've had how many fresh starts with new regimes now? OK, Buddy... OK Chan... That schedule looks incredibly tough this season and we still have many issues to iron out... but you believe we can turn it around... Show me....

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Someone explain to me why the Bills failed to meet a need when the QBs that were available to us at #9 all fell in the draft? Apparently the other 30 NFL GMs didn't think guys like Clausen and McCoy were worth a first round pick much less a #9. This whole draft nonsense is backwards. The Bills are being ridiculed for not fulfilling the predictions of the Kiper's and McShay's, as if these guys are the final word on anything. I'll say it again...if they knew what they were doing they would be working in the NFL, not on ESPN.



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yup, stay healthy, better run D, improved O, thats 3 things we couldnt do last yr that we will do this year, so why cant we do the 1 yr flip and at least get a wild card.


Why is it that when Snyder buys up all the FA's it's stupid and trying to buy victories, but when the NYJ do it they have improved the team and are the team to beat etc, etc..


What has NE done that guarentees they stay at the top?


We can win this year



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Someone explain to me why the Bills failed to meet a need when the QBs that were available to us at #9 all fell in the draft? Apparently the other 30 NFL GMs didn't think guys like Clausen and McCoy were worth a first round pick much less a #9. This whole draft nonsense is backwards. The Bills are being ridiculed for not fulfilling the predictions of the Kiper's and McShay's, as if these guys are the final word on anything. I'll say it again...if they knew what they were doing they would be working in the NFL, not on ESPN.




+1000 :thumbsup:

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We've had how many fresh starts with new regimes now? OK, Buddy... OK Chan... That schedule looks incredibly tough this season and we still have many issues to iron out... but you believe we can turn it around... Show me....


When Jauron came to the Bills, the Chicago fans registered here on TBD and warned us. Excuses were given by Posters here for DJ - injuries, fluke plays, ad infinitum. The Chicago people were right.

I hope it's not that way with Chan.


Every year:


- You lose some players

- You gain some players


But when you change regimes, you hope to gain better players, lose the stiffs, and build a system that plays to the teams strengths. IE, Let OJ run the ball instead of using him as a decoy. That's what I'm looking forward to again.


I can't help it, I'm an eternal optometrist.

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When Jauron came to the Bills, the Chicago fans registered here on TBD and warned us. Excuses were given by Posters here for DJ - injuries, fluke plays, ad infinitum. The Chicago people were right.

I hope it's not that way with Chan.

I was warned by hardcore GT fans about Chan. But that is only one of the many places he has worked.


I can't help it, I'm an eternal optometrist.

I need a new pair of glasses, can you hook me up at the season opener? :rolleyes:

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Unlike Jauron, I believe Gailey actually EXPECTS to win. Now, whether that actually translates onto the field remains to be seen. Jauron looked defeated before he ever set foot out on the turf.


Like you, I will reserve judgment until I see results. This team has justifiably lost the fans trust. It's now up to them to win it back...through winning.

Completely agree with everything you stated.


I'm not sold on this team winning anything yet, my only fear is a correlation between Miami and Buffalo in terms of Cam Cameron and his one year at Miami, I'm fairly certain he expected to win also.


I just don't see the offense improving without major upgrades on the line, I hope I'm wrong.

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A great QB can make an average line look good, and if you don't have a great QB you had better have a damn good offensive line.

Should read ...


A great line can make an average QB look good, and if you don't have a great line you had better have a QB that can take a damn good beating.

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Should read ...


A great line can make an average QB look good, and if you don't have a great line you had better have a QB that can take a damn good beating.

And a strong defense...which gets the other team off the field and frustrates its game plan. A strong D means less offense is required to win games, and with a questionable O line and (at least right now) a very questionable QB situation, we shouldn't expect 35 or 40 point games. If you can only score 13 to 24 points, your D better be among the top ten in the league.

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If you're talking about any team... sure, ok... Bill Polian and Tony Dungy... or Bill Belichick and Scott Pioli... I'd have some hope with combos like that... and they actually worked... Chan Gailey and Buddy Nix? That's really just your hopeful opinion, because as of yet, they have done nothing on the field... Again, I go back to my original point: I'll wait till I actually see it happen...


Lest we forget that long before there was Polian and Dungy, there was Polian and Levy... a previous scout with no GM experience and a losing coach from KC... or that prior to Belichick and Pioli, there was Belichick in CLE who looked way out of his league as a head coach. Everyone has to start somewhere, and most successful coaches/GMs learn from failure somewhere along the way. Gailey has had success both as an OC, and head coach, and Nix's resume is nothing to sneeze at (not to mention he hails from the Polian tree, if you will). I agree with the wait and see, but I'm more optimistic than the DJ hire for two big reasons 1) We actually have a GM with what appears to be a vision, and not a figurehead ala Levy or Brandon 2) Gailey has had more than just a single season of production in any role he's filled, unlike DJ's one winning season.

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Someone explain to me why the Bills failed to meet a need when the QBs that were available to us at #9 all fell in the draft? Apparently the other 30 NFL GMs didn't think guys like Clausen and McCoy were worth a first round pick much less a #9. This whole draft nonsense is backwards. The Bills are being ridiculed for not fulfilling the predictions of the Kiper's and McShay's, as if these guys are the final word on anything. I'll say it again...if they knew what they were doing they would be working in the NFL, not on ESPN.




The thing that is maddening about this whole post-draft analysis BS is that pundits grade a draft based on their perception of your needs as opposed to the players you've acquired. Who cares if you just drafted the next offensive or defensive rookie of the year when you could have reached for a recognizable name to fill a hole with a player destined to fail. These are likely the same idiots who lauded the Jamarcus Russell pick. As for the draft and the QB postition in general, I still feel that a FO has to have an absolute conviction about a guy, and then has to have the stones to assure they acquire him, otherwise you spend the next 15 years trying to fill the void with projects. That is the one position I think you are justified in mortgaging the future on if you're convinced he'll succeed. I don't think there was a single QB in the draft this year who fit that description. I agree with Nix's assessment that the QBs available were essentially already on our roster. As for LT, I have a sneaking suspicion that aside from the top two, the Bills brass had the remainder ranked very similarly on their board, in which case why not wait until there are one or two left from that group before you pick one... it's called value. It seems like the concensus is that the Bills drafted high motor, high character, self motivated, value players that didn't fit their perceived needs... therefore their draft must have sucked.

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Why does it seem so hard to fathom a turn around season? ---New coaches, new leadership and new philosophies are often the driving force behind teams making a turn around. The other reason that often propels teams is the players having a chip on their shoulder and an 'us' vs 'everyone else' mentality.......which I am starting to see blossom, by the way.


Off the top of my head; Last year at least 3 games got away from us. (the first NE game, the Cleveland game and even the Jacksonville game) These are games we should have won, but because of questionable coaching and lack of dicipline on the players part, we lost. If we would have made one more 'fundamentally' sound plays, we would have had a 9-7 season, and thats STILL considering we played with coaching changes, OC firings and 20+ injuries. ---Our Back-ups to the back-ups would have had us on the verge of a wild card when you think of it. ----I know, I know, the what if's......


The thought that Nix/Gailey believe and preach fundamentally sound football (first and foremost) and are bringing in players with solid work ethics and football intelligence, show that this is the mind-set, the 'culture' of the new Buffalo Bills.

These core values that are the focus of the new coaching staff were the very reasons why we lost many of our games.


Gaileys ability to build an offensive scheme around the talent available on a team is the second reason why we'll be better. One of his skill sets that constantly get mentioned was what Gailey did offensively with QB's like Thigpen. If we play sound football, get consistancy from the QB position (even at the smallest level) and stay healthy (the third area of focus Gailey established) we can win 10 games. Heck, I'd even say we're ready for an upset or two and that would qualify us for a 'turn-around' season.


I'm optimistic. --Teams will soon find out that they have to pack a lunch when they play the Buffalo Bills.

Just my thoughts. :thumbsup:






I used to live in Vegas and still have lots of relatives there so I usually make it out at least once a year. My nephew took me to a cool Bills bar. I can't recall the name but it was on Boulder Hwy past Sam's Town, same side, goin towards Henderson just past a strip joi....eh, mall. yea thats it. They put out free chili and wings. AND, they had labatts! Maybe you've been there, but if not I definitely recommend it. I'll never forget the game I watched there. It was the one a couple years ago against Denver when we lost as time expired with a field goal. grrrrr! I can get the name if you're interested.


yup, stay healthy, better run D, improved O, thats 3 things we couldnt do last yr that we will do this year, so why cant we do the 1 yr flip and at least get a wild card.


Why is it that when Snyder buys up all the FA's it's stupid and trying to buy victories, but when the NYJ do it they have improved the team and are the team to beat etc, etc..


What has NE done that guarentees they stay at the top?


We can win this year



Mired in mediocrity. His style guarantees you will neither lose a lot, or win a lot, of games in any season.

And that GT fired him and bought out his contract to stop the bleeding.

I think you have to look at more of what he has done in the NFL than college. For starters, you recruit players in college and there

are soo many teams trying to get the same guys so if you don't have a great class you won't be working with the best players. In the NFL, the players are so much better as a whole and you get to draft guys and have free agency so I feel he has more of an opportunity to get better players to work with. He DID bring Dallas to the playoffs in his 2 years there and as Dolphins oc, they went 11-5 both years so I believe there is evidence to suggest he may be a decent coach.

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Lest we forget that long before there was Polian and Dungy, there was Polian and Levy... a previous scout with no GM experience and a losing coach from KC... or that prior to Belichick and Pioli, there was Belichick in CLE who looked way out of his league as a head coach. Everyone has to start somewhere, and most successful coaches/GMs learn from failure somewhere along the way. Gailey has had success both as an OC, and head coach, and Nix's resume is nothing to sneeze at (not to mention he hails from the Polian tree, if you will). I agree with the wait and see, but I'm more optimistic than the DJ hire for two big reasons 1) We actually have a GM with what appears to be a vision, and not a figurehead ala Levy or Brandon 2) Gailey has had more than just a single season of production in any role he's filled, unlike DJ's one winning season.


What he said. :thumbsup:

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