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Gailey believes Bills can pull off Dolphin like turnaround

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I understand your point... However, as much as I hate to say this as a Bills fan, Polian and Levy didn't win a Super Bowl... They should have... At least one of them anyway... But then Ralph decided not to retain Polian, which IMO was poor judgement, and Polian went on to Indy and eventually got his ring. Gailey has had success as an OC, sure... As an NFL HC..? Meh... 18-14 in 2 seasons with the Cowboys (10-6, 8-8), winning the division once, 0-2 in the playoffs, disagreements with Aikman and living off of Jimmy Johnson's talent... I'd call that mediocre at best based off the players he had there. Now, again, this doesn't mean he can't be successful here... We don't know yet...


I've already stated in this thread and elsewhere that I have hope for Nix as a talent evaluator/draft guy etc. based off of his track record in SD, 70 years old and 1st time GM aside.. Time will tell with this year's draft... I believe Nix is looking at this as a 2-3 year rebuilding process starting with building a new defense and hoping Gailey's offensive experience can get the offense by till he can concentrate on it more, perhaps next offseason.


Having said that, we have had to endure some piss poor HC hirings over the last decade... This offseason, hope started to stir again when we learned of big interviews with Shanahan, Cowher and an intriguing coordinator in Leslie Frazier... There were other names floating around as interested like Schottenheimer and Billick... Ralph Wilson even proclaimed to be willing to spend 10 million a year... Then came the typical Ralph-like answer with his customary $3 million a year for an un inspiring WTF hire of Gailey... Now perhaps you were jumping for joy, brimming with optimism and thinking this was 3 steps above Jauron... Me? I was thinking "Here we go again..." Based on the track record, I have every right to be skeptical... This franchise has burned me at every turn when I entertain any semblance of hope... But, of course, there I'll be again in Sept. hoping against hope that Gailey can outcoach Belichick and Ryan... Time will tell... But my gut tells me regardless of how much talent Buddy Nix can bring in (assuming he can), Gailey is not the guy to challenge in this division... I honestly hope I'm wrong and will freely admit it if I am...


I'm not so certain of that... my point was merely that successful GMs/coaches have usually failed somewhere along the line after having been given a chance, or risen from obscurity. I'm sure there are a littany of others who have failed throughout their careers without ever enjoying even modest success. The current arrangement is just as likely to fall into one of those scenarios as it is to be somewhere in between, we just don't know. The reference to Gailey's NFL coaching experience was more to say he didn't fail miserably his first go round, and there is no reason to think he couldn't learn something from it and improve. 0-2 in the playoffs yes, but with what was essentially the late 90s Bills, aging veterans clawing to hold onto their waning careers.


As for the coaching hires, the most uninspiring was DJ, based on his track record, one winning season aside. As for Williams and Mularky, I think they were essentially the same as Frazier, coordinators on the rise with no way of knowing if they would be able to pull it off as head coaches. Due to the cap mess, Williams never even had a chance (not suggesting he would have succeeded, just that he was a sacrificial lamb).

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