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As a vegetarian I have to say few things annoy me more than vegetarians trying to convert. Nothing more irritating than guilt based conversion: politics, religion, basic life decisions....all obnoxious.


I haven't watched the video since I find PETA to be a useless organization that only turns people off the cause. But there is a major difference to a piece of garbage choking and drowning dogs for his own amusement and an industry that provides food


no diggity.


one of our customers is a small pet wholesaler. they have 2 big warehouses where they keep animals like fish, reptiles, and rodents. the facility is immaculate. the animals are kept in very comfy conditions and clean cages.


well, last week they show up to work and there are news vans and federal agents surrounding the facility. it turns out that PETA had planted an undercover agent who got a job working in the warehouse. he worked there for 3 months and got a bunch of pictures of animals in (clean) cages. they tried causing a big ruckus and called the feds for nothing more than they dont like seeing animals in cages. even clean, comfy cages.


luckily, the feds were on top of their game and realized that this company actually WORKS DIRECTLY with the federal government in setting the standards used by such companies, and that they have always scored top scores on inspections. the agents went on record in their report and in the media as saying there was no story and no cruelty there.


now what really pisses me off is that i WANT to support things like PETA, but then they go and waste their time and money on such a ridiculous non-problem instead of busting up the puppy mills and dog fights all over the south. dumb *****.

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But if he puts "Watch this PETA video" the the title, no one will click. :thumbsup:


He's a good example of someone who grew up in the age of the "say anything to get their attention" media.


Don't get me wrong. I think there are a lot of abuses and unnecessarily cruel practices involved in the meat industry and animal research labs. I think we can be a lot more humane and still get the end result we are looking for. I applaud those who uncover and expose those abuses, although I don't agree with many of PETA's misleading tactics.


But there is a big difference between torturing animals simply for sport and tolerating/overlooking some unfortunate aspects of animal processing for a legitimate and beneficial outcome.

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I recently bought a PETA shirt.


Although, mine is







Love it!


I had some idiot spray my expensive leather jacket with bleach in NYC once about 10 years ago. Ever since then, they don't get a dime of my time or money. I actually enjoy making fun of them (go to a rally and eat a burger!!!!)

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Don't get me wrong. I think there are a lot of abuses and unnecessarily cruel practices involved in the meat industry and animal research labs. I think we can be a lot more humane and still get the end result we are looking for. I applaud those who uncover and expose those abuses, although I don't agree with many of PETA's misleading tactics.


But there is a big difference between torturing animals simply for sport and tolerating/overlooking some unfortunate aspects of animal processing for a legitimate and beneficial outcome.


Agreed on all counts.


We try to buy from local, organic farms as much as possible primarily for the health benefits. I can't bear to think of my child ingesting all the nasty sh-- that the food industry adds during the process. And that certainly applies to the slaughter-factories for meat; it's no coincidence that we now get huge outbreaks of food borne illness all the time.

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no diggity.


one of our customers is a small pet wholesaler. they have 2 big warehouses where they keep animals like fish, reptiles, and rodents. the facility is immaculate. the animals are kept in very comfy conditions and clean cages.


well, last week they show up to work and there are news vans and federal agents surrounding the facility. it turns out that PETA had planted an undercover agent who got a job working in the warehouse. he worked there for 3 months and got a bunch of pictures of animals in (clean) cages. they tried causing a big ruckus and called the feds for nothing more than they dont like seeing animals in cages. even clean, comfy cages.


luckily, the feds were on top of their game and realized that this company actually WORKS DIRECTLY with the federal government in setting the standards used by such companies, and that they have always scored top scores on inspections. the agents went on record in their report and in the media as saying there was no story and no cruelty there.


now what really pisses me off is that i WANT to support things like PETA, but then they go and waste their time and money on such a ridiculous non-problem instead of busting up the puppy mills and dog fights all over the south. dumb *****.


True story: last year PETA tried to get the Pet SHop Boys to change their name to the Animal Shelter Boys as it sent a more positive message. Now I care about animal rights far more than human rights (sorry people, not really a fan) but that is straight up idiotic and makes the cause look like a joke. I don't blame people at all for not taking animal rights seriously since PETA are the ones who have voted themselves king of the movement.

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True story: last year PETA tried to get the Pet SHop Boys to change their name to the Animal Shelter Boys as it sent a more positive message. Now I care about animal rights far more than human rights (sorry people, not really a fan) but that is straight up idiotic and makes the cause look like a joke. I don't blame people at all for not taking animal rights seriously since PETA are the ones who have voted themselves king of the movement.


The Pet Shop Boys are still around? Wow, that makes me feel not so old!

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True story: last year PETA tried to get the Pet SHop Boys to change their name to the Animal Shelter Boys as it sent a more positive message. Now I care about animal rights far more than human rights (sorry people, not really a fan) but that is straight up idiotic and makes the cause look like a joke. I don't blame people at all for not taking animal rights seriously since PETA are the ones who have voted themselves king of the movement.


I can understand why you would feel that way. I don't feel that way myself. However, I can see how our actions, both as a whole and usually individually, would lead to that sentiment.

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Vick did it for sport. While I'm not a fan of factory farming the things they do are for feeding people. There is a positive at the end of the tunnel. There is no positive at all in what Vick did. JMO



I'm not saying that Vick is not a scumbag, but it's all about money, don't kid yourself.

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