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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Should catholic churches be removed from Kansas, because a Christian Terrorist assassinated the abortion doctor? Of course not- they aren't to blame for what a madman does. Same thing here- these people want to help make things right- they aren't terrorists and shouldn't be treated as such.


Religion is neutral is all cases....people are nuts in most cases.

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If anyone is to be criticized over this, it's the NY Planning Commision that approved it and the Mayor who has a supported it. A lot of questions have still not been answered. Where is funding coming from? Why that location? Why was it given the name "Cordoba house" initially?


The planning commission certainly was aware of the controvery that's ensued and could have done a better job in vetting the project and had they done that, would be in a better position to defend their decision. Still I think the best thing to do would be to find an alternate location. If not, there will be protest after protest during construction (if they can find workers to build it). The first time that anyone associated with terrorism is seen or heard from at that location will be a BIG problem.

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We're at war with radical muslims. I don't trust muslims for that reason alone. If there is a faction of moderate muslims who want to fully assimilate into the American fabric then they've remained awfully quite for the last decade. I see their silence as a sign of support and approval. You want sharia law, then don't come here. You think American women are evil because of the way they dress, then don't come here. You think that we should all convert or be killed, then don't come here.


Even liberal France has had enough of their non-assimilating crap.


Moderate muslims do remain silent and it's not because we support the disgraceful events that transpired on that very tragic day of 9/11. The silence, in my case, is more of a feeling that I don't have to apologize for everything that someone or some group may do just because we share some of the same beliefs.


Me and my family and friends have all assimilated to American culture and very much love this country.


If we start taking away people's rights than the terrorists truly did win on 9/11. People should back the proposed mosque near ground zero for that very same reason. We can not allow the terrorists to win. We can not allow 9/11 to divide us as a people. That's what the crazies want and I'm not willing to give it to them. They (the terrorists) would like us to turn on one another so they can have more soldiers for their cause.


Furthermore, suicide and any form of suicide is forbidden in Islam. Killing of innocent people is forbidden. Abuse of women is not tolerated and forbidden in Islam. Making someone convert by force is also forbidden.


Just because some people practice these awful atrocities doesn't make it the rule in Islam. It is the exception. No people, race, creed, or gender is perfect and never will be. We must not allow the actions of few to represent a people as a whole.


Personally, I have friends of all races, creeds, and color. I do not hate anyone and I do not hold groups of people responsible for the actions of few and I suggest you do the same.


The cycle of hate must end or it will lead to the demise of the HUMAN race. Let the hate go, man, it's not worth it.

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Moderate muslims do remain silent and it's not because we support the disgraceful events that transpired on that very tragic day of 9/11. The silence, in my case, is more of a feeling that I don't have to apologize for everything that someone or some group may do just because we share some of the same beliefs.


Me and my family and friends have all assimilated to American culture and very much love this country.


If we start taking away people's rights than the terrorists truly did win on 9/11. People should back the proposed mosque near ground zero for that very same reason. We can not allow the terrorists to win. We can not allow 9/11 to divide us as a people. That's what the crazies want and I'm not willing to give it to them. They (the terrorists) would like us to turn on one another so they can have more soldiers for their cause.


Furthermore, suicide and any form of suicide is forbidden in Islam. Killing of innocent people is forbidden. Abuse of women is not tolerated and also forbidden in Islam.


Just because some people practice these awful atrocities doesn't make it the rule in Islam. It is the exception. No people, race, creed, or gender is perfect and never will be. We must not allow the actions of few to represent a people as a whole.


Personally, I have friends of all races, creeds, and color. I do not hate anyone and I do not hold groups of people responsible for the actions of few and I suggest you do the same.


The cycle of hate must end or it will lead to the demise of the HUMAN race. Let the hate go, man, it's not worth it.

+1000, my friend. You hit the nail on the head. I am proud to call you a fellow american. Unfortunately, this country bears no resemblance to what the Founding Fathers set up- it is a nation of hate and fear- which reduces us to nothing more than a bunch of cowards.


The transition of this country to what I said it the reason that the war on terror was a failure- we have become so fearful that we turn our backs on each other and become exactly what it is we fear.


Nobody asked christians to apologize for the terrorist that assassinated the abortion doctor in Kansas City (I think that is where it was, but beside the point). Yet people constantly hold innocent people of the muslim faith accountable for the act of madmen.


There is a reason that I no longer partake in organized religion- I don't know if I am strong enough to resist the temptation of hating my fellow man. I can worship god in my own way, without others telling me how to do it and I don't have to bow down to hate.


I can't tell you how happy I was to see your post- it leaves a little bit of hope. On rare occasions, both Presidents Bush and Obama came out and said that muslims are not the enemy, terrorists are. I don't understand why those ocassions were so rare. I apologize to you for that.

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+1000, my friend. You hit the nail on the head. I am proud to call you a fellow american. Unfortunately, this country bears no resemblance to what the Founding Fathers set up- it is a nation of hate and fear- which reduces us to nothing more than a bunch of cowards.


The transition of this country to what I said it the reason that the war on terror was a failure- we have become so fearful that we turn our backs on each other and become exactly what it is we fear.


Nobody asked christians to apologize for the terrorist that assassinated the abortion doctor in Kansas City (I think that is where it was, but beside the point). Yet people constantly hold innocent people of the muslim faith accountable for the act of madmen.


There is a reason that I no longer partake in organized religion- I don't know if I am strong enough to resist the temptation of hating my fellow man. I can worship god in my own way, without others telling me how to do it and I don't have to bow down to hate.


I can't tell you how happy I was to see your post- it leaves a little bit of hope. On rare occasions, both Presidents Bush and Obama came out and said that muslims are not the enemy, terrorists are. I don't understand why those ocassions were so rare. I apologize to you for that.


I am proud to be called a fellow American, thank you, that is a compliment.


BTW. No need for apologies, brother. Peace!!!!!

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I am proud to be called a fellow American, thank you, that is a compliment.


BTW. No need for apologies, brother. Peace!!!!!


you seem like a fairly down to earth moderate muslim and that is what America is about...people having the freedom to follow whatever God they want and to pursue happines within the confines of American culture and laws, so all the power to you.


like it love it or hate it, America as a country is founded and continues to be shaped by Judeo-Christian values and it ought to continue as such. America as a country should not change and cater to others for political correctness from vocal minority groups. The beliefs and being an american respect deceny and allow for your neighbors to peacefully practice whatever faith they desire as long as it coincides with american law.


however I feel very strongly that PARTICULAR mosque should be re-located elsewhere. there are too many questions that have not been properly addressed and i have a hard time accepting that a mosque is being built and funded by a mysterious group in the footsteps of the former world trade centers. Without a question every radical extremist can claim victory... "look how weak america is, we attacked their city and with the blessing of Allah we have built a mosque complex near our achievement" it's a huge propoganda coup


And on that... i have no problem what so ever with moderate peaceful Islam so please don't confuse what i am about to say.


America and Sharia law are completly incompatible. There is no place in Amercian culture and law for Sharia law now or ever and it can never be allowed to take hold.

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you seem like a fairly down to earth moderate muslim and that is what America is about...people having the freedom to follow whatever God they want and to pursue happines within the confines of American culture and laws, so all the power to you.


like it love it or hate it, America as a country is founded and continues to be shaped by Judeo-Christian values and it ought to continue as such. America as a country should not change and cater to others for political correctness from vocal minority groups. The beliefs and being an american respect deceny and allow for your neighbors to peacefully practice whatever faith they desire as long as it coincides with american law.


however I feel very strongly that PARTICULAR mosque should be re-located elsewhere. there are too many questions that have not been properly addressed and i have a hard time accepting that a mosque is being built and funded by a mysterious group in the footsteps of the former world trade centers. Without a question every radical extremist can claim victory... "look how weak america is, we attacked their city and with the blessing of Allah we have built a mosque complex near our achievement" it's a huge propoganda coup


And on that... i have no problem what so ever with moderate peaceful Islam so please don't confuse what i am about to say.


America and Sharia law are completly incompatible. There is no place in Amercian culture and law for Sharia law now or ever and it can never be allowed to take hold.

What is being lost, is that the mosque is meant to be a small part of the proposed multi purpose facility.


I feel there is a lot of positive symbolism to be found in the location. But current america is built on negativity and misses that completely

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What is being lost, is that the mosque is meant to be a small part of the proposed multi purpose facility.


I feel there is a lot of positive symbolism to be found in the location. But current america is built on negativity and misses that completely


i'm still not sure why this muslim mosque/complex should be built...


so let me get this straight... a group of radical muslims orchestrate a massive terrorist plot the likes that the modern world has never seen and unleash an increadibly destructive attack aimed primairly at civilians, business, the american way of life and our economy in the name of Allah, but it's a good idea to open a massive muslim complex run by an imam who is questionable at best, funded by a shadow group who most likely have another agenda to promote radical sharia law all within a stones throw of the primary target where the 2 massive trade towers once stood and thousands died in cold blood, and thats positive symbolism?


i'm seriously not trying to give you a hard time but i must be missing why this is a good idea?

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i'm still not sure why this muslim mosque/complex should be built...


so let me get this straight... a group of radical muslims orchestrate a massive terrorist plot the likes that the modern world has never seen and unleash an increadibly destructive attack aimed primairly at civilians, business, the american way of life and our economy in the name of Allah, but it's a good idea to open a massive muslim complex run by an imam who is questionable at best, funded by a shadow group who most likely have another agenda to promote radical sharia law all within a stones throw of the primary target where the 2 massive trade towers once stood and thousands died in cold blood, and thats positive symbolism?


i'm seriously not trying to give you a hard time but i must be missing why this is a good idea?


That will never happen here, never. So don't worry about it.

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i'm still not sure why this muslim mosque/complex should be built...


so let me get this straight... a group of radical muslims orchestrate a massive terrorist plot the likes that the modern world has never seen and unleash an increadibly destructive attack aimed primairly at civilians, business, the american way of life and our economy in the name of Allah, but it's a good idea to open a massive muslim complex run by an imam who is questionable at best, funded by a shadow group who most likely have another agenda to promote radical sharia law all within a stones throw of the primary target where the 2 massive trade towers once stood and thousands died in cold blood, and thats positive symbolism?


i'm seriously not trying to give you a hard time but i must be missing why this is a good idea?

This is exactly what the terrorists want- mistrust and ill feelings. If that is how it is to be, they have already won the war on terror against us.


I was always brought up to believe that people are innocent until proven guilty- not just by law, but by the way we live.


Just because some muslims are bad, does not make the majority bad. Same for christians. Islam is not the enemy- some people are blind to that. Those blind people fight at the side of the terrorists but don't realize it.

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This is exactly what the terrorists want- mistrust and ill feelings. If that is how it is to be, they have already won the war on terror against us.


I was always brought up to believe that people are innocent until proven guilty- not just by law, but by the way we live.


Just because some muslims are bad, does not make the majority bad. Same for christians. Islam is not the enemy- some people are blind to that. Those blind people fight at the side of the terrorists but don't realize it.


I never said peaceful Islam is the enemy? but on the other hand radical Islam is the enemy. there is a big difference.


If there were radical christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists orchestrating mass attacks on Americans in the names of their God i would have just as much a problem with those radical sects.


The people who fight at the sides of terrorists are the people who are too worried about political correctness to stand up for their beliefs. I'm not afraid of being politically incorrect. and if more people are like me than the whole idea of political correctness will fade over time.

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That will never happen here, never. So don't worry about it.


I sure hope your right but i have my doubts...


look at parts of Europe there are already starting to have a lot of culture tension between the fundamentalist Muslims and the non-muslims. there is real tension. a few years ago there were big riots in France.

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you seem like a fairly down to earth moderate muslim and that is what America is about...people having the freedom to follow whatever God they want and to pursue happines within the confines of American culture and laws, so all the power to you.


like it love it or hate it, America as a country is founded and continues to be shaped by Judeo-Christian values and it ought to continue as such. America as a country should not change and cater to others for political correctness from vocal minority groups. The beliefs and being an american respect deceny and allow for your neighbors to peacefully practice whatever faith they desire as long as it coincides with american law.


however I feel very strongly that PARTICULAR mosque should be re-located elsewhere. there are too many questions that have not been properly addressed and i have a hard time accepting that a mosque is being built and funded by a mysterious group in the footsteps of the former world trade centers. Without a question every radical extremist can claim victory... "look how weak america is, we attacked their city and with the blessing of Allah we have built a mosque complex near our achievement" it's a huge propoganda coup


And on that... i have no problem what so ever with moderate peaceful Islam so please don't confuse what i am about to say.


America and Sharia law are completly incompatible. There is no place in Amercian culture and law for Sharia law now or ever and it can never be allowed to take hold.



I can contend that those values are also shared by muslims, as well. Our religions are so similar to one another, yet no one really knows just how similar our religions really are.


Here are some examples, the virgin Mary is mentioned in 23 chapters in the Koran. We believe in the immaculate conception. The stories about Abraham, Moses, Adam & Eve, Kane & Abel, and Jesus, just to name a few, are also in the Koran. The list goes on and on. I can go on all day.


I do realize this is a Judeo-Christian Society, here in the US, but you can not ignore the fact that Islam is the second largest religion in the WORLD. You may not like us, but we aren't going anywhere.


Let's learn to live with each other in harmony. Any other way and the terrorists win.


As far as your second point that I highlighted goes, what would be considered a greater victory for the radicals, that we are taking away rights and liberties for people of all faiths or a mosque is being built close by to ground zero? If you ask me, I'd say the former, because rights are being taken away and that will in turn cause animosity between our faiths. We shouldn't have to alter our ways for anyone.


Besides, those that attacked us on 9/11 didn't need a close by mosque to cause death and destruction. Most of them (terrorists)are of Saudi Arabian decent (our buddies) and yet we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. Go figure!!

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I never said peaceful Islam is the enemy? but on the other hand radical Islam is the enemy. there is a big difference.


If there were radical christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists orchestrating mass attacks on Americans in the names of their God i would have just as much a problem with those radical sects.


The people who fight at the sides of terrorists are the people who are too worried about political correctness to stand up for their beliefs. I'm not afraid of being politically incorrect. and if more people are like me than the whole idea of political correctness will fade over time.

Radical Islam is not the enemy- that is a misconception. Radicalism is the enemy and it exists in all religions and politics. Many americans have radicalized against the terrorists and take it out on innocent people- both muslims and people who defend them.


People really need to step back and take an objective look at things. It would help break the cycle of hate that the radicalists continue to perpetuate. A cycle that will gain nothing positive regardless of outcome.

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I sure hope your right but i have my doubts...


look at parts of Europe there are already starting to have a lot of culture tension between the fundamentalist Muslims and the non-muslims. there is real tension. a few years ago there were big riots in France.



Really?? You really think Sharia Law will be in effect here in the USA??? Really???? You can't be serious.


Look man, ain't nobody taking away our bars, strip clubs, and casinos here in the US. I'll be one of the first to strap up arms and fight against that!!!!! :devil:

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