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South Park creators threatened over depiction of Muhammad in recent ep


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You're probably right, but the Christian wackos don't seem as wacko as the islamic wackos. Wow, so many wackos. They'll kill you just for drawing a picture of mohamad (seems a bit more extreme).


That's the problem with how people see Islam though. There are Muslims, who are usually regular people who practice a religion that is MAINLY about peace and then there are the EXTREMISTS - absolute wack jobs who follow the word of the Koran to the letter and make the entire religion look bad.


We have Christian extremists too - usually they're driving trucks into Oklahoma buildings or shooting abortion doctors. HOWEVER, there are far less Christian extremists than there are Muslim ones so hence the perception.

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You're probably right, but the Christian wackos don't seem as wacko as the islamic wackos. Wow, so many wackos. They'll kill you just for drawing a picture of mohamad (seems a bit more extreme).


Islamic wackos just get more press. You think Scott Roeder is any less whacked in the head?


Islam is a religion of peace, just like Christianity is a religion of tolerance. The real problem is that both religions need to be rescued from their followers.

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it is a key belief that muhammed should never be shown, which is why they put him in the bear suit. I think these guys have their turbans in a bunch over nothing. South Park did not mock muhammed, or depict him. Hell they showed Buddha doin coke, where's the uproar from the Buddhist community?

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it is a key belief that muhammed should never be shown, which is why they put him in the bear suit. I think these guys have their turbans in a bunch over nothing. South Park did not mock muhammed, or depict him. Hell they showed Buddha doin coke, where's the uproar from the Buddhist community?


Good question...I don't think I've ever heard of a Buddhist extremist....maybe they truly are the religion of peace....


...nah, I'm sure we can find a wacko.

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Good question...I don't think I've ever heard of a Buddhist extremist....maybe they truly are the religion of peace....


...nah, I'm sure we can find a wacko.


Buddhist Extremist


The only religion I can think of that didn't have extremists is the old Mongol shamanistic beliefs - the Mongols themselves were violent !@#$s, but not religious extremists - their beliefs w/r/t other religions were basically "We already believe in three thousand different gods, what's one more?"

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Islamic wackos just get more press. You think Scott Roeder is any less whacked in the head?


Islam is a religion of peace, just like Christianity is a religion of tolerance. The real problem is that both religions need to be rescued from their followers.

I would suggest that if they're intolerant or waging war, then they're not followers. But, rather, bitter people that are good at manipulating others and using Islam and Christianity as tools to control others.

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I would suggest that if they're intolerant or waging war, then they're not followers. But, rather, bitter people that are good at manipulating others and using Islam and Christianity as tools to control others.


I would suggest that too...but in the meantime, they're suggesting they are, and waging Holy Wars, and have God and Jesus and Allah and whomever standing up there in Heaven/Paradise/wherever saying "For !@#$'s sake, will you lunatics stop claiming to represent me already?!?!?!"

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It really does seem more wacko, you do have a point.


They get all up in arms over Mohammed in a freaking bear costume? I wonder what it feels like to have zero sense of humor...


But how do you know that was really Mohammed in a bear costume? Huh? Huh? Huh?

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Islamic wackos just get more press. You think Scott Roeder is any less whacked in the head?


Islam is a religion of peace, just like Christianity is a religion of tolerance. The real problem is that both religions need to be rescued from their followers.

I would expect a world wide organization that routinely kills hundreds of people at a time with explosives would get more attention then a lone gunman.

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Buddhist Extremist


The only religion I can think of that didn't have extremists is the old Mongol shamanistic beliefs - the Mongols themselves were violent !@#$s, but not religious extremists - their beliefs w/r/t other religions were basically "We already believe in three thousand different gods, what's one more?"


I can't recall any violent Quaker or Amish extremists, but maybe you can dig up a few.

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