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Someone brought up awarding DePelle (?) John King of All Religious Posters. Sounds good. Others come to mind.


King of Arrogance--(too easy)

King of All Racists--(too easy)

King of Unions--(too easy)

Queen of Liberals--(too easy)

King of Smokers--(too easy)


King of Gay Gyms--!


Maybe we don't need an award process after all.


One thing's for sure, we need a larger selection of lefties here. The current crop here continually supports that the liberal left are out of their mind in a "I need professional help" kind of way. Somewhere there must be some liberals that are capable of making a reasonable defense of their ideology and engaging in sound debate of their position.

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One thing's for sure, we need a larger selection of lefties here. The current crop here continually supports that the liberal left are out of their mind in a "I need professional help" kind of way. Somewhere there must be some liberals that are capable of making a reasonable defense of their ideology and engaging in sound debate of their position.


What, referring to everyone who disagrees with you as a "Republican teabagger" isn't a reasonable defense?

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One thing's for sure, we need a larger selection of lefties here. The current crop here continually supports that the liberal left are out of their mind in a "I need professional help" kind of way. Somewhere there must be some liberals that are capable of making a reasonable defense of their ideology and engaging in sound debate of their position.


It takes someone with a disconnect to reality to subscribe to the liberal viewpoint in the first place. That disconnect prevents them from making a reasonable defense of their ideology. All they can do is chant, repeat slogans and dream about unicorns because they have nothing else. No ideas, no clear convictions but an immense sense of entitlement.

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One thing's for sure, we need a larger selection of lefties here. The current crop here continually supports that the liberal left are out of their mind in a "I need professional help" kind of way. Somewhere there must be some liberals that are capable of making a reasonable defense of their ideology and engaging in sound debate of their position.


Johnny Coli, where are you?

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One thing's for sure, we need a larger selection of lefties here. The current crop here continually supports that the liberal left are out of their mind in a "I need professional help" kind of way. Somewhere there must be some liberals that are capable of making a reasonable defense of their ideology and engaging in sound debate of their position.

Tom is a liberal, he just plays a centrist on the message boards.

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It takes someone with a disconnect to reality to subscribe to the liberal viewpoint in the first place. That disconnect prevents them from making a reasonable defense of their ideology. All they can do is chant, repeat slogans and dream about unicorns because they have nothing else. No ideas, no clear convictions but an immense sense of entitlement.

As much as I disagree with the current idiot trifecta of Obama/Reid/Pelosi, I can take a little comfort in knowing that their collective behavior over the past 14 months all but assures that we may not see liberals (or even the Republicans for that matter) rule as a majority again in at least my lifetime, and possibly my child's. These dolts put their own legacy before the people, and blew a ridiculously incredible opportunity.

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As much as I disagree with the current idiot trifecta of Obama/Reid/Pelosi, I can take a little comfort in knowing that their collective behavior over the past 14 months all but assures that we may not see liberals (or even the Republicans for that matter) rule as a majority again in at least my lifetime, and possibly my child's. These dolts put their own legacy before the people, and blew a ridiculously incredible opportunity.


The problem to overcome is the damage that they have done. I'm not talking the damage from just the last 14 months or so, but the damage done with their crooked dealings in the financial/housing industry. The "Stimulus" Bill aka Supporter Payback Bill is just a total slap in the face to not only us but our children.

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The problem to overcome is the damage that they have done. I'm not talking the damage from just the last 14 months or so, but the damage done with their crooked dealings in the financial/housing industry. The "Stimulus" Bill aka Supporter Payback Bill is just a total slap in the face to not only us but our children.

Oh, that's nothing that a VAT can't fix. :lol:

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Holy shite. I'm no bleeding heart liberal, though I certainly lean to the left.


The thing about Republicans is that they're selfish. You can't adopt that kind of mentality without being completely self-centered and having an utter lack of empathy toward the plight of less fortunate people. Every man for himself. That said, neither extreme is very appealing. One shouldn't strive to rely on others if they are able to take care of themselves. At the same time, these self-proclaimed Christians should be the last people to turn their backs on their fellow man.


In the end, it's the utter hypocrisy and backward-thinking of the Republican party that really tips the scales for me.

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Holy shite. I'm no bleeding heart liberal, though I certainly lean to the left.


The thing about Republicans is that they're selfish. You can't adopt that kind of mentality without being completely self-centered and having an utter lack of empathy toward the plight of less fortunate people. Every man for himself. That said, neither extreme is very appealing. One shouldn't strive to rely on others if they are able to take care of themselves. At the same time, these self-proclaimed Christians should be the last people to turn their backs on their fellow man.


In the end, it's the utter hypocrisy and backward-thinking of the Republican party that really tips the scales for me.


You miss the point. Many on the right (on social welfare issues) believe that we've created a welfare state where many people don't work and just live off the system by choice and that's unfair. Further, there is the problem that by taxing at such high rates to support the lazy, we remove incentives for people to spend their money on social issues however they want, ie, on programs that might work instead of government handouts that probably don't.

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Holy shite. I'm no bleeding heart liberal, though I certainly lean to the left.


The thing about Republicans is that they're selfish. You can't adopt that kind of mentality without being completely self-centered and having an utter lack of empathy toward the plight of less fortunate people. Every man for himself. That said, neither extreme is very appealing. One shouldn't strive to rely on others if they are able to take care of themselves. At the same time, these self-proclaimed Christians should be the last people to turn their backs on their fellow man.


In the end, it's the utter hypocrisy and backward-thinking of the Republican party that really tips the scales for me.


That's bull ****. I know plenty of selfish, self-centered Democrats and Republicans. Selfish people are selfish.

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Holy shite. I'm no bleeding heart liberal, though I certainly lean to the left.


The thing about Republicans is that they're selfish. You can't adopt that kind of mentality without being completely self-centered and having an utter lack of empathy toward the plight of less fortunate people. Every man for himself. That said, neither extreme is very appealing. One shouldn't strive to rely on others if they are able to take care of themselves. At the same time, these self-proclaimed Christians should be the last people to turn their backs on their fellow man.


In the end, it's the utter hypocrisy and backward-thinking of the Republican party that really tips the scales for me.

Just like a liberal to see people embracing personal accountability and mistake it for being self-centered and lacking empathy for the less fortunate. To once again paraphrase Dennis Miller, we don't mind helping the helpless. It's the clueless we get tired of helping all the time.


Even a liberal has to explain that liberals are tightwads.


Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.


Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.


But if you need to make stuff up to make yourself feel better, have at it. Or maybe you don't think being charitable counts toward helping the plight of less fortunate people.

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You miss the point. Many on the right (on social welfare issues) believe that we've created a welfare state where many people don't work and just live off the system by choice and that's unfair. Further, there is the problem that by taxing at such high rates to support the lazy, we remove incentives for people to spend their money on social issues however they want, ie, on programs that might work instead of government handouts that probably don't.

I don't disagree with any of that. I simply stop way short of where most Conservatives line up on how far we should go with these programs. No matter what the system, a certain percentage of people will abuse it. That doesn't mean the system is bad as a whole.

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