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Last Year, There Were 12 TVs in the Freaking Weight Room!!&#33

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Did you see this article from the front page? http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/03/30/1004...-weightier.html


And here's another one: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/201...m-overhaul.html


I STILL can't get over it!!


Reports differ over whether the 12 TVs were on the walls of the weight room or whether some were in the locker room, and I've also seen reports that five of the TVs were on the front panel of treadmills.


But I don't freaking care.


Televisions in the weight room of a pro team are SO WRONG!!


Thank God Alllare is gone, though it's hard to know how much was Allaire and how much was Jauron.


I've been saying for months that three years in a row of huge amounts of injuries isn't coincidence, that something was wrong with the S&C program. Here's the evidence!


EDIT: Sorry, I tried to delete this thread when I realized that I couldn't see the video linked in the "NO MORE CLUB MED" thread. If that video goes over the same ground, I'd suggest that you use that thread.

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Guys were breaking their arms, legs and otherwise getting injured because there were TVs in the weight room?


I say they should just cut it down to one 25" Zenith up on some cinder block-wood plank stand. And have it tuned to PBS all times. That would be real old school. Guys would get the message about how important lifting weights in season is.

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Guys were breaking their arms, legs and otherwise getting injured because there were TVs in the weight room?


I say they should just cut it down to one 25" Zenith up on some cinder block-wood plank stand. And have it tuned to PBS all times. That would be real old school. Guys would get the message about how important lifting weights in season is.


When the muscles and joints aren't strong, yes other things break.

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Rusty Jones would never have allowed this to happen. I've heard that Jones has never even seen a TV and that the only sleep he gets is between his football player's lifting sets. His plyometrics routine is so cutting edge that it is rumored to be picked up by the military soon and could spell the end of Kevlar and body armor.

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Weight rooms should smell like sh*t, be poorly lit, and have metal blasting on a cheap azz stereo constantly.

Don't forget scalding hot pipes that can be used for wide-grip pull ups. Clubber Lang whipped Rocky with this training method and you could make a case that it had a hand in Mick's heart attack.

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So you guys don't approve of Gailey's changes.


This quote doesn't make you angry at what happened last year, "No TVs, and that was one of the things he said to us yesterday. He kind of felt like it was a spa in there," said running back Fred Jackson. "He wants us to go in there and work out ... and I think that a lot of guys are buying into that."


You figure three years in a row of huge numbers of injuries probably had nothing to do with the kaffeeklatsch going on in the weight room?


It's better to just make jokes about it? Well, to each their own.

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Rusty Jones would never have allowed this to happen. I've heard that Jones has never even seen a TV and that the only sleep he gets is between his football player's lifting sets. His plyometrics routine is so cutting edge that it is rumored to be picked up by the military soon and could spell the end of Kevlar and body armor.


There's a rumor out there that Rusty Jones trained Chuck Norris just once. Norris begged for mercy and left crying.

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So you guys don't approve of Gailey's changes.


This quote doesn't make you angry at what happened last year, "No TVs, and that was one of the things he said to us yesterday. He kind of felt like it was a spa in there," said running back Fred Jackson. "He wants us to go in there and work out ... and I think that a lot of guys are buying into that."


You figure three years in a row of huge numbers of injuries probably had nothing to do with the kaffeeklatsch going on in the weight room?


It's better to just make jokes about it? Well, to each their own.


Coach Dick had the same injury issues in Chicago. Weaker athletes who are poorly prepared will play out of position causing injuries. This is one fan glad to see "The Spa of Orchard Park" shut down

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The 12 televisions were in a repeating loop of Jauron saying "It's hard to win in the NFL". That explains a few things. :thumbsup:


Funny. I could picture it too! A pale, emotionless, "skeletored" face, on all 12 tvs repeating over and over, "it's hard to win in the NFL. It's hard to win in the NFL. It's hard to win in the NFL.." While a black and white swirly, vertigo pattern, continuously spins in the background. Hahaha.

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Baltimore Ravens New Facility


Raven's new facility. State of the art, with a golf course, video games, spa and gasp at least 8 tvs in their weight room. One of the toughest and hardest hitting teams in the league. In fact, those facilities help bring in FAs as well.


But, the TVs are why the Bills haven't been in the playoffs. Got it.


The reason why you can have 8 tvs in that weight room is because the Ravens have Ray Lewis and Ed Reed on their team - true, fiery leaders. You have no one like that on the Bills, so it's easy to joke and play around while you watch "One Life To Live" on one of the 12 tvs. There is no one in that weight room to enforce, or hold teammates accountable..

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So you guys don't approve of Gailey's changes.


This quote doesn't make you angry at what happened last year, "No TVs, and that was one of the things he said to us yesterday. He kind of felt like it was a spa in there," said running back Fred Jackson. "He wants us to go in there and work out ... and I think that a lot of guys are buying into that."


You figure three years in a row of huge numbers of injuries probably had nothing to do with the kaffeeklatsch going on in the weight room?


It's better to just make jokes about it? Well, to each their own.


Window dressing. You have no idea of what was going on in the weigh room during Jauron's tenure nor what's going to happen with training & conditioning under Gailey, other that the TVs are gone.

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I love Gailey's attitude, but let's get real here: If you're lifting heavy, you're taking a few minutes between sets. Who the hell cares if there are a few TV's in the weight room? What if they played NFL films videos of Jack Lambert and Jack Ham? I would be cool with that. Like I said though, change is good and I love everything I've heard from the new regime so far. Let's just not pretend that this is news.

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The reason why you can have 8 tvs in that weight room is because the Ravens have Ray Lewis and Ed Reed on their team - true, fiery leaders. You have no one like that on the Bills, so it's easy to joke and play around while you watch "One Life To Live" on one of the 12 tvs. There is no one in that weight room to enforce, or hold teammates accountable..

But a TV isn't going to change that here, if that's the case. Ipods, phones, etc all have video capability and if a guy is screwing around, who's going to call them out now? Poz? Nelson? Jackson?


To me the article creates a Straw Man that leads to the fans saying "Hurrah! We are finally working hard!" We don't know what they were doing in there to begin with.

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Big noise over nothing. This is just PR spin coming out of one Bills drive. There are TV's all over the gym I go to. If you are into what you are doing they just blend intro the background. The bigger issue is what are you doing and what are you being coached to do.

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