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HS Prom cancelled

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Why should they even have to defend themselves? It's their choice, why judge them for it? Smoking's a gray area because there's the potential for hurting other people...but if you do it in the comfort of your home, car, personal space...why hassle the smoker?





Of course I was being somewhat facetious, but....



You can't get away with discriminating against fat people anymore, but you can abuse smokers all you want.


i have no problem with people smoking, getting fat, or even screwing picnic tables behind closed doors. or in the case of smokers, outside of closed doors :D


heck, im a smoker myself. some could argue the MOST discriminated against kind.


im very laissez faire, libertarian when it comes to people and their individual beliefs and practices. it's when they think they have a RIGHT to blow smoke in your face while im trying to eat, or squeeze their fat ass into ONE narrow airplane seat, or make out with my patio furniture, that pisses me off.

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so depressingly true. in High School one of my good friends was gay and pretty obvious about it in this weird goth/metal way (I don't know, it was the mid 90s--people took marilyn manson serious back then). anyway, I've been forced into a few fights in my time...but every single one of them involved keeping the basketball team from beating him unconscious.

they just saw something different and attacked.


this poor girl is in for a very unpleasant experience. unfortunately she is part of the only minority that is allowed to be victimized by institutional bigotry.

That pretty much sums up what the gay crowd went through in my highschool. Same era in fact, because I met Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids at the HOG. :devil: The good news is, I think kids are becoming more and more tolerant with each generation. My fiance's brother is gay and he came out in junior high. He recently graduated highschool and was definately one of the more well liked kids. His graduation party had every click imaginable, including jocks and all the alpha males of the school. Pretty cool to see, considering what many of us probably witnessed.

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That pretty much sums up what the gay crowd went through in my highschool. Same era in fact, because I met Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids at the HOG. :devil: The good news is, I think kids are becoming more and more tolerant with each generation. My fiance's brother is gay and he came out in junior high. He recently graduated highschool and was definately one of the more well liked kids. His graduation party had every click imaginable, including jocks and all the alpha males of the school. Pretty cool to see, considering what many of us probably witnessed.


one thing to remember though, this story is in Mississippi...yikes!

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While it is somewhat comical, It's hard to fathom they would cancel the entire deal for a couple of lesbians. Its pretty pathetic actually that with all the openly gay people in the world, its still deemed socially and morally wrong. The people running this school must agree with the people that think same sex marriage is kinda like someone marrying their dog.


What happens if a straight couple comes with the guy wearing the dress and the girl wearing the tux?

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How is it that smokers are abused?


They aren't allowed to smoke in restaurants and ruin peoples meals, they can't smoke near hospital buildings or other buildings that don't want them to, they can't smoke in bars and make every other person's clothes stink. It's a sad commentary when people aren't allowed to share their disgusting habit with anyone in the general area.


If I have fresh air setting open in my car I can tell you if the person in front of me is smoking with their window down by smell alone. I can do that traveling 60mph. Smokers don't realize how disgusting their clothes and cars smell.

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They aren't allowed to smoke in restaurants and ruin peoples meals, they can't smoke near hospital buildings or other buildings that don't want them to, they can't smoke in bars and make every other person's clothes stink. It's a sad commentary when people aren't allowed to share their disgusting habit with anyone in the general area.


If I have fresh air setting open in my car I can tell you if the person in front of me is smoking with their window down by smell alone. I can do that traveling 60mph. Smokers don't realize how disgusting their clothes and cars smell.



You mean the restaurants, hospitals and bars that are private property and should be able to decide for themselves what legal activities occur on that property without governmental interference? And that the government just outlawed an otherwise legal activity on private property? You sure you really want to go there? Didn't we have a revoultion a few hundred years ago over, among other things, tyrannical government ignoring private property rights of its citizenry?

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You mean the restaurants, hospitals and bars that are private property and should be able to decide for themselves what legal activities occur on that property without governmental interference? And that the government just outlawed an otherwise legal activity on private property? You sure you really want to go there? Didn't we have a revoultion a few hundred years ago over, among other things, tyrannical government ignoring private property rights of its citizenry?

Amen, brother. Amen.


When we used to go out to dinner a lot, we'd always let the establishment know that we wouldn't be returning until they figured out how to keep the smokers completely separate. We voted with our dollars.

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Amen, brother. Amen.


When we used to go out to dinner a lot, we'd always let the establishment know that we wouldn't be returning until they figured out how to keep the smokers completely separate. We voted with our dollars.



Exactly. I'm willing to bet in NYC if the smoking ban was repealed, 75% of the bars and restaurants would still be smoke-free. The other 25% would cater to smokers and everyone would be happy. Thats how private property righst are supposed to work.

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As any parent can tell you, if you ignore childish behavior designed to get a reaction, NOTHING happens.


I completely agree with you. But also, it is childish to cancel an entire prom for a poor reason.


As for smoking, Florida has it right. Bars (at least most on the Treasure Coast as far as I know) permit smoking as long as nothing more than finger-foods are served. If people are out to eat more than they are going to drink then yeah, smoke outside. However if people are going to get drunk chances are a high percentage want to be able to have a smoke without getting up.

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and smoking is a choice, not who a person is.


if we're going to defend smokers (fart) then we might as well defend fat people too.

technically smokers are protected by the constitution, as they should be. Must we forget that this country ascended to greatness with great help from the tabacco plant? When we let special interests and gov't roll over one group of people it only creates a slippery slope until it affects you.


You mean the restaurants, hospitals and bars that are private property and should be able to decide for themselves what legal activities occur on that property without governmental interference? And that the government just outlawed an otherwise legal activity on private property? You sure you really want to go there? Didn't we have a revoultion a few hundred years ago over, among other things, tyrannical government ignoring private property rights of its citizenry?

+1. IT should be owners choice. Your $ makes a difference. If you want to smoke at a restaraunt it should be up to the owner if he/she wants to have a smoking section, or a smoker's restaraunt.

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I suppose, but no one ever died from second hand lesbian


Never seen Basic Instinct, have you?



As for the school...I'll say this for them, at least they're not discriminatory. Rather than treat someone differently, they just up and !@#$ed everyone over.

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