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Is Abortion in the HC Bill?

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Peggy Noonan in her article today says that federally funded abortion in on page 2,069 of the bill, yesterday Stupak said it is in there as well.


Also yesterday, Pelosi and Obama said that there is nothing about federally funded abortion in the bill.


I honestly want to see who is right, and am trying to find the bill online but can't find it, anybody have a link?


With Stupak and his followers, this detail could be what brings down the bill, so would like to read for myself.

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Also yesterday, Pelosi and Obama said that there is nothing about federally funded abortion in the bill.


Link, citation or something to corroborate this please? I googled and didn't find anything. Frankly it does not sound believable (it reads like a lie Glen Beck would make up).

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I honestly want to see who is right, and am trying to find the bill online but can't find it, anybody have a link?

Sorry, Obama wants a 'straight up or down vote' right now. No time to actually read the bill. :thumbsup:


Just amazing that one of two group can flat out lie about words on a page yet somehow no one seems to be able to verify who is lying.

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Link, citation or something to corroborate this please? I googled and didn't find anything. Frankly it does not sound believable (it reads like a lie Glen Beck would make up).

you're an idiot. :thumbsup:




The speaker had just talked about areas of disagreement between the House and Senate bills that are being worked on as leaders iron out legislative language for a comprehensive package that Congress can pass. But she omitted abortion.


“I will not have it turned into a debate on (abortion),” she said, when asked a follow-up question about Stupak. “Let me say it clearly: we all agree on the three following things. … One is there is no federal funding for abortion. That is the law of the land. It is not changed in this bill. There is no change in the access to abortion. No more or no less: It is abortion neutral in terms of access or diminution of access. And, third, we want to pass a health care bill.”

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So now when Pelosi speaks, it counts as "Pelosi and Obama"? Find me a quote where Obama said that, or stop making stuff up about the guy.


I do understand why you people hate him, it's because nothing you know about him is true. If I had the "facts" about Obama that you people did, I would hate him also.

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So now when Pelosi speaks, it counts as "Pelosi and Obama"? Find me a quote where Obama said that, or stop making stuff up about the guy.


I do understand why you people hate him, it's because nothing you know about him is true. If I had the "facts" about Obama that you people did, I would hate him also.



Dude who blames all Republicans for fear mongering.

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Sorry, Obama wants a 'straight up or down vote' right now. No time to actually read the bill. :thumbsup:


Just amazing that one of two group can flat out lie about words on a page yet somehow no one seems to be able to verify who is lying.


What's even more amazing is that the two groups are from the same political party. :wallbash:

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Link, citation or something to corroborate this please? I googled and didn't find anything. Frankly it does not sound believable (it reads like a lie Glen Beck would make up).

You should probably know that Stupak and his 11 pals are Democrats who voted yes on the House bill. You think people are just making up stories that these 12 Democratic congressman plan to kill the Senate bill in the house because of some obscure statement buried in a place little old Conner can't find with a Google search?




Stupak has been yelling about this since yesterday. Good interview here from last night.


What's amazing is that, according to Stupak, this is very easy to fix to get the 12 votes back. What I don't know is if fixing it means putting the Senate bill back on the floor, as there is talk about a second bill specifically to address this issue. However, I don't think they can pass a second bill based on the first bill until the first bill is passed.


What a mess.

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Peggy Noonan in her article today says that federally funded abortion in on page 2,069 of the bill, yesterday Stupak said it is in there as well.


Also yesterday, Pelosi and Obama said that there is nothing about federally funded abortion in the bill.


I honestly want to see who is right, and am trying to find the bill online but can't find it, anybody have a link?


With Stupak and his followers, this detail could be what brings down the bill, so would like to read for myself.


The rub on this is that the bill provides health coverage for everyone, much of it coming at taxpayer expense. And one of the things that a person covered by public insurance could do is get an abortion. The issue is with the versions of the bills--they had different approaches.


So the abortion debate is that there is a block of Dems who refuse to vote for the bill unless there is language in it stating that no federal funds will cover abortions. Why? Their constituents will go crazy knowing that they are paying for even any health coverage related to abortions.


The House responded by adopting Stupak's amendment, although it was opposed by most Democrats. It says no health insurance plan receiving federal subsidies can pay for abortion, except under the three exceptions already allowed by federal law. Women who want insurance coverage for abortion would have to buy a separate policy.


The Senate bill took a different approach. It says health insurance plans operating in a new consumer marketplace can cover abortion, but may be paid for with private premiums. Money from federal subsidies would have to be strictly segregated from any funds used to pay for abortion. Consumers would have to write two checks to their insurance plan, one for the regular premium, the other for abortion coverage.


Leading abortion opponents — including the nation's Catholic bishops — say the Senate language is a fig leaf, opening the way for government subsidies for abortion. They're urging defeat of the health care bill unless it takes Stupak's approach.

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Hey Conner, I know you think the world is one, big Glenn Beck conspiracy to thwart the efforts of your moderate centrist president, but here is Stupak referencing specific pages in the bill that, despite Stretch Pelosi's best lies, show that government-paid abortions are in the bill they're being asked to approve.


Stupak also fired back at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, disputing her claims at a news conference three hours earlier that the Senate health bill won’t allow federal funding for abortion.


“She’s incorrect,” he said. “I’d ask the speaker to direct her attention to page 2069 through page 2078. There are two ways in those pages where you pay for abortion. Number one, you get tax breaks that subsidize your insurance policy that will pay for abortion. Number two, when you read the legislation, one dollar per month for all enrollees, must go into this fund for ‘reproductive care,’ which includes abortion coverage.”

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Note to connor: Don't bother with rescinding anything for me; I now think Obama is just another liberal, self-aggrandizing politician, although early on I was a supporter.... He had me at transparency; he lost me at the lack thereof.

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Note to connor: Don't bother with rescinding anything for me; I now think Obama is just another liberal, self-aggrandizing politician, although early on I was a supporter.... He had me at transparency; he lost me at the lack thereof.


I was not a supporter but was eager to see see transparency, closing of Gitmo, and stopping wars.



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Fair point. I'll rescind that if you admit that Obama is a moderate centrist and is not much of a Liberal at all.

There's nothing to be rescinded. You're a pathetic partisan hypocrite who's been exposed yet again.


That bruise on your melon is from my paw continuously thwacking you.

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You should probably know that Stupak and his 11 pals are Democrats who voted yes on the House bill. You think people are just making up stories that these 12 Democratic congressman plan to kill the Senate bill in the house because of some obscure statement buried in a place little old Conner can't find with a Google search?




Stupak has been yelling about this since yesterday. Good interview here from last night.


What's amazing is that, according to Stupak, this is very easy to fix to get the 12 votes back. What I don't know is if fixing it means putting the Senate bill back on the floor, as there is talk about a second bill specifically to address this issue. However, I don't think they can pass a second bill based on the first bill until the first bill is passed.


What a mess.


I don't argue. I just took offense to the original post attributing quotes to Obama that he didn't make.

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