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and, as a parting shot prior to my travels ...

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so, what's everyone think about the Michael Vick talk?

been at least a day since someone posted a topic on that.




off to Vancouver.


Have some fun in Vancouver. All work and no play means no drinking time.


Would love to see Vick.

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He sucks. He never was a good QB, just another 'athlete' put in the QB position. Now that he isn't that great of an athlete any longer he is no better than the trash we already have on this roster.


Look the best QB's in the game still just sit in the damn pocket and deliver the football. Until Young quit running around like a dumb ass he didn't win a superbowl neither die Elway.


Get a QB that can stand tall, and deliver in the face of pressure and quit looking to gimicks to try and get us where we want to to.

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I hear Both Vicks are available Marcus and Mike run the wildcat!!!!!



FYI THIS has to be the last post cause there was a post yesterday about not posting or talking abuot Vick sooo... :thumbdown:

yea didn't you see "major" said no more posting about Vick JW...wtf :worthy:

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Have fun in Vancouver - Go Miller!


I think Vick is done. I don't think he has the desirable traits necessary to be a good every down QB in this league. You can only run around some much befor eyou get caught and when that happens when you're on the wrong side of 30, you get hurt. That said, if they brought him in, and used him correctly, I could see how we might have a pretty good running game. We would definitely need a speedier back on the team to take advantage though. Maybe we could run the option...

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Strangely enough, I just added http://twitter.com/AP_WinterGames to my list. Enjoy the trip, JW. (Or, more likely, enjoy the interior of the media workroom there...)

thanks for reminding me. :lol: ... i just signed up to follow AP twitter myself.


I hear that Vancouver is the last stop on the American Idiot pre-Broadway previews. You should check it out while there.


Does this Vick guy play NT or ILB?

right on it. :thumbdown:

i hope they don't parade out brian (i'm now living in england, but used to be from vancouver) adams. will keep an eye open for the dummies, though. :worthy:


Have some fun in Vancouver. All work and no play means no drinking time.


hey, let's not get too far. i am a pro remember.




yes, Bastard of Young!


yea didn't you see "major" said no more posting about Vick JW...wtf :D


i did, thus the post. :lol:


Whatever you do...don't eat the brownies the townies offer you.


thanks but i know my way around. spent 12 years living out there. hoping to hit the No. 5 Orange for old times sake.




by the way, has anyone seen the Hitler T.O. video? i know it came out back in March, but i've looked back several pages, and didn't see anything posted about it.

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When not filing reports for the AP during the Winter Olympics, JW can be found headlining at the Vancouver Funny Bone Feb. 12-19.


A regular comedian, this guy! :thumbdown:


(Safe travels and enjoy the curling!)

Curling. Eh. Must be a Canuck thing. :worthy:


(Before anyone takes offense, I'm kidding with the "Canuck thing." Our part of the family has been down here for a couple of generations now, but I still have plenty of cousins north of Lake Ontario ...)


Another link people might find of interest in the next few weeks: http://wintergames.ap.org/

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