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4 NBA players suspended.....


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It's to be expected, it's stevestojan but to be expected.  The only one to be suspended should be the man that started it all, Wallace.



Not to sound redundant....but Ben Wallace was not the only one at fault. Ben started the fight on the court. He should be fined/suspended for that but he is is no way responsible for what the fans do in the stands. Ron Artest should be the one that is suspended and fined the most. If he did not run into the stands and let security handle the fan, then the situation might not have happened. Steven Jackson was trying to help Artest after that, so his suspendson should be minimal. The one I feel sorry for the most is Jermaine O.Neal. He did punch that guy but that guy was on the floor and open season. After that he was just trying to leave with all the crap thrown on him. Hopefully, they arrest some fans and put higher security in the Palace from now on.....This is my opinion..

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Suspensions? Arrest Fans? You folks are nuts. Players can't go into the stands like that for any reason. One fan throws a cup at someone and that sets off a brawl like that? Indiana players should be arrested and thrown in jail.

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Suspensions? Arrest Fans? You folks are nuts. Players can't go into the stands like that for any reason. One fan throws a cup at someone and that sets off a brawl like that? Indiana players should be arrested and thrown in jail.



but but but....they threw a plastic cup........ :lol:


Jail........they'll be there soon enough.

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Suspensions? Arrest Fans? You folks are nuts. Players can't go into the stands like that for any reason. One fan throws a cup at someone and that sets off a brawl like that? Indiana players should be arrested and thrown in jail.



Not that I am agreeing with BF, but are you saying that the "fans" that were on the court shuld not be arrested. They were trespassing and assulting players. Also, throwing any object like a chair or plastic cup is assault. Ron Artest should be suspended from the NBA for the year and charged with assault just like the fans. Any fan caught on the court or throwing objects at players (including dumping beer) should be banned from the Palace for life and arrested for trespassing or assault depending on their actions.

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posted this in another thread, but this seems to be the main one, so... let's all cheer up and love one another, pistons, pacers, dolph- never mind.


alright. everyone calm down.


1 - Artest's foul was NOT HARD at all. quit calling it a hard foul.

2 - Wallace is a punk, who should have put his head down and shot his FTs. Instead, he made a big scene out of nothing. Even a little shove on the shoulder would have been fine... but... don't two-hand a dude to the face b/c he fouled you when you're down by 15.

3 - People keep saying that Artest was acting so "cocky" and superior and acting out of spite towards Big Ben by laying on the scorers table. Look... for Artest, that's a big step up from how he usually acts. Maybe he was trying to be a jackass about it, but that's much, much better than the usual throwdown that would have happened directly after the shove.

4 - Whoever threw that beer is an idiot, and they SHOULD NOT have thrown it.

5 - Artest was obviously NOT in danger from a cup of beer. He was NOT defending himself. But at the same time... no one knew what these guys were thinking. Both teams were obviously fired up (both for the game (finals rematch) and because of the fight). Plus... obviously Artest is an exciteable dude. What he did, whether or not we choose to believe it, was probably either ingrained or an uncontrollable response. Why? I don't know. Maybe he went to school where you always had to be on the defensive (or offensive). Maybe he had bad parents. Maybe he just likes to fight. But believe me... it's real easy for all of us (myself included) to say "he shouldn't have gone into the stands" when we're not Ron Artest. That being said... he shouldn't have gone into the stands. But, I will give him the benefit of the doubt in saying that I'm 100% positive he wouldn't have had he thought the Detroit Riots: 2k4 would have broken out.

6 - Artest did not "tackle" the dude. If he did, it's because he missed big on two haymakers and fell on the guy (who did not actually throw the beer, coincidentally).

Note: Hands down, funniest part of the night: That same guy was yelling and cheering and whatever else at Artest until the last second - so right as Artest gets up to his row and pulls his fist back, this guy's face goes from "When does Ben get to shoot his free throws" to "How soon can I get a load of laundry done... because I'm all out of clean underwear." Watch for this the next time you see the tape. You won't regret it, I promise.

7 - How fuggin' nuts of a fight did that have to be when RASHEED WALLACE, of all people, was one of the only ones trying to break it up! Awesome.

8 - The two fans in Pistons jerseys that got jacked by Artest and then O'Neal (shot of the night) deserved it. Stay off the court. In that atmosphere, if you saw a big dude in a Pistons jersey charging at you, you would do something similar. It's human nature.


I could write more... but, most of all... the whole thing was stupid. You could blame everyone. I didn't even mention Stephen Jackson, who probably went up there to "defend" Artest (I use quotes because Artest didn't need to be defended, but I'm sure Jackson thought he might). The fans who jumped on Artest could be blamed, but can you blame them for defending one of their own fans? The point is... if you're a Celtics fan, the whole thing, as sad, ridiculous, and stupid as it was... well, it was kinda funny. Actually... if you can make yourself ignore how stupid it was and watch all the white guys faces in the stands around the fight... it was hilarious.


Lastly, thank goodness Minnesota wasn't in town. If Latrell had gotten suspended, his poor family might not have been able to eat a square meal until at least February.


EDIT: When I said Artest was not in danger from a cup of beer, I should have mentioned this: a half full cup of beer is not a big deal. But that cup of beer could have (and in a couple ways did) turned into a plastic bottle of beer; then a glass bottle of beer; then a CHAIR; then a set of keys, etc. No one's mentioned that; certainly I don't think Artest was thinking that when he went into the stands. But that is something to think about.

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To me the only player who should be suspended is Ben Wallace he started the whole thing and all Artest did was defend himself along with other Indiana players they should be fined but not suspended cuz some punk ass fans took cheap shots at them you get hit with a full cup of beer in your face from about 30 feet away and see how you would react, there are two opinions to this all the punk ass kitty repirters that have never played organized basketball say its terrible supend him for the season and people who have played organized basketball that say they would have done the same exact thing so fine him but a indefinite suspension isa kitty thing to do by the NBA andis gonna just kill what could have been a great NBA season by alot of punk ass thug detroit !@#$s

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posted this in another thread, but this seems to be the main one, so... let's all cheer up and love one another, pistons, pacers, dolph- never mind.


alright. everyone calm down.


1 - Artest's foul was NOT HARD at all. quit calling it a hard foul.

2 - Wallace is a punk, who should have put his head down and shot his FTs. Instead, he made a big scene out of nothing. Even a little shove on the shoulder would have been fine... but... don't two-hand a dude to the face b/c he fouled you when you're down by 15.

3 - People keep saying that Artest was acting so "cocky" and superior and acting out of spite towards Big Ben by laying on the scorers table. Look... for Artest, that's a big step up from how he usually acts. Maybe he was trying to be a jackass about it, but that's much, much better than the usual throwdown that would have happened directly after the shove.

4 - Whoever threw that beer is an idiot, and they SHOULD NOT have thrown it.

5 - Artest was obviously NOT in danger from a cup of beer. He was NOT defending himself. But at the same time... no one knew what these guys were thinking. Both teams were obviously fired up (both for the game (finals rematch) and because of the fight). Plus... obviously Artest is an exciteable dude. What he did, whether or not we choose to believe it, was probably either ingrained or an uncontrollable response. Why? I don't know. Maybe he went to school where you always had to be on the defensive (or offensive). Maybe he had bad parents. Maybe he just likes to fight. But believe me... it's real easy for all of us (myself included) to say "he shouldn't have gone into the stands" when we're not Ron Artest. That being said... he shouldn't have gone into the stands. But, I will give him the benefit of the doubt in saying that I'm 100% positive he wouldn't have had he thought the Detroit Riots: 2k4 would have broken out.

6 - Artest did not "tackle" the dude. If he did, it's because he missed big on two haymakers and fell on the guy (who did not actually throw the beer, coincidentally).

Note: Hands down, funniest part of the night: That same guy was yelling and cheering and whatever else at Artest until the last second - so right as Artest gets up to his row and pulls his fist back, this guy's face goes from "When does Ben get to shoot his free throws" to "How soon can I get a load of laundry done... because I'm all out of clean underwear." Watch for this the next time you see the tape. You won't regret it, I promise.

7 - How fuggin' nuts of a fight did that have to be when RASHEED WALLACE, of all people, was one of the only ones trying to break it up! Awesome.

8 - The two fans in Pistons jerseys that got jacked by Artest and then O'Neal (shot of the night) deserved it. Stay off the court. In that atmosphere, if you saw a big dude in a Pistons jersey charging at you, you would do something similar. It's human nature.


I could write more... but, most of all... the whole thing was stupid. You could blame everyone. I didn't even mention Stephen Jackson, who probably went up there to "defend" Artest (I use quotes because Artest didn't need to be defended, but I'm sure Jackson thought he might). The fans who jumped on Artest could be blamed, but can you blame them for defending one of their own fans? The point is... if you're a Celtics fan, the whole thing, as sad, ridiculous, and stupid as it was... well, it was kinda funny. Actually... if you can make yourself ignore how stupid it was and watch all the white guys faces in the stands around the fight... it was hilarious.


Lastly, thank goodness Minnesota wasn't in town. If Latrell had gotten suspended, his poor family might not have been able to eat a square meal until at least February.


EDIT: When I said Artest was not in danger from a cup of beer, I should have mentioned this: a half full cup of beer is not a big deal. But that cup of beer could have (and in a couple ways did) turned into a plastic bottle of beer; then a glass bottle of beer; then a CHAIR; then a set of keys, etc. No one's mentioned that; certainly I don't think Artest was thinking that when he went into the stands. But that is something to think about.



This is on the money. Some random thoughts


Everyone lost on this one.

My punishment which would be over the top harsh.


I would cut beer sales off to every NBA weekend game at halftime.

I would watch the tape of where the fans were sitting that were involved in the altercation. Those were corporate seats. I would revoke those fans season tickets.

I would suspend Wallace and Artest 10 games.

I would fine Artest and Jackson some obsene amount of money in addition to their suspension.


For those who say Wallace did not start it. He starting throwing things at Artest. Yes it was only his wrist band and a towel. But to idiot drunks it gave them ideas..


No excuse for Artest and Jackson going into the stands. Jackson has zero excuse. I could at least argue Artest reacted to getting hit with a beer as we all would. If you were at a bar and you got hit with a beer intentionally you would probably react as well. Jackson. What a punk!


I actually have no problem with hitting fans that came on the court. The fans came on the court to fight. The fan that got hit made an attacking motion towards Ron. When you do that. It is fair game in my mind..


Jermaine getting suspended is a bit surprising to me.


Ron Artest is an idiot.. That will be my last random thought.

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A Boy from the hood:



I think you taking it as a racist comment is what makes it racist.



I’d rather not get into the whole racist thing here, because it generally opens a whole sh!tcan of flames but...


One has to be incredibly KzooMike of recent American history to not understand that the term "boy" was a derogatory remark that whites openly used against blacks as recently as 40 years ago (hell, in certain parts of the country its still used). If he didn't mean it as racist, why didn't he call him "man" or "guy". Sure, the term "boy" might have been incidental, but it can very easily be construed as a derogatory remark as well (particularly when one uses the word “hood” in the same sentence). When throwing around terms like that, one has to be careful because people are bound to take it the wrong way, particularly if they don't know the person saying it. Personally, I don’t give the above poster the benefit of the doubt, it would seem that it was purposely intended as racist. Perhaps I’m wrong, I’ve been known to be on occasion.


This incident (the NBA fight) has caused quite a few posts which purposely throw around borderline racist statements, and when somebody calls them on it (usually a “Guest” because I guess people don’t want to stand up to it with their “real” username) they defend it by saying, “how was that racist” or “I didn’t mean it that way” or “it only became racist once you took it that way”, or, my favorite, "I'm not PC!" The posters who make the boarderline racist remarks purposely make the meaning ambiguous to cover their asses, but anybody with half a brain knows the intent.


Earlier there was a post that stated, “A fight in the NBA and one at the VIBE music awards, coincidence?” Hmm, what do these two events have in common that could make it a "coincidence"? Basketball players like music? Musicians like basketball? Famous people? Yeah, that’s it, famous people! <_< The fact that one can point out that there are white R&B musicians as well as white basketball players doesn’t cover the intent of the post.


Anyway, I’m done with this rant. I just felt compelled for someone other than a damn guest to stand up to some of this crap instead of everybody turning a blind eye to it as if it didn’t exist.


footnote: I had no idea that the word !gnorant got translated as Kzoomike...guess I missed that one. How'd this one start?

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1) saying a boy from the hood isn't racist imo, there was a f'ing moving called that. I use the term "my boy from boston" or whatever all the time.


2) If anyone thinks it's a black thing have a look at the baseball players over the past 3 years who have done the same thing.

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indefinately per Fox News alert. 3 Pacers and 1 Piston.





I think that the Three Pacers will be suspended for the remainder of the entire season. Ben Wallace could be out as many as 10 games. All will receive multiple fines.

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Not that I am agreeing with BF, but are you saying that the "fans" that were on the court shuld not be arrested.  They were trespassing and assulting players.  Also, throwing any object like a chair or plastic cup is assault.  Ron Artest should be suspended from the NBA for the year and charged with assault just like the fans.  Any fan caught on the court or throwing objects at players (including dumping beer) should be banned from the Palace for life and arrested for trespassing or assault depending on their actions.



What do you do if the melee forces you onto the floor?... The stands are packed, something goes down?... Where do the innocent bystanders go to get away from the mess or from being trampled?


NO... NO... People! Go back to you seats, nothing to worry about!


Haven't we been down this road before?

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