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Michael Vick Quote

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I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend a couple years in a federal prison.


No offense, but he spent a year and a half, more than likely in Protective Custody just like Plaxico is now. And from someone that works in prison, PC is a joke. Think of it this way, house arrest with less amenities.

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Lets get this straight. Michael Vick did not have to do anything. He chose to endure this through decisions he made. His offender rehab evidently was not very comprehensive. He has no empathy (in this comment) toward his victims - the dogs and fans. It was a thoughtless statement from someone who did not learn the lesson that our justice system desired of him.


I am not looking to string him up for a disembowelment at high noon braveheart style nor am I going to send him a Christmas card. I am simply saying, Michael Vick is another example the rehabilitation system failing. He evidently needed a tougher lesson to learn that he did not have to endure anything. For the same matter, an enlisted soldier in the military chooses to serve his country and does not have to endure anything.


Where has the responsibility gone in our society? According to the Bubba Army, this statement is right in there with the pussification of our country.


(disclaimer: I am a commercial beef farmer and not a crazy fanatical animal lover. I cannot stand PETA, the HSUS or other similar terrorist groups, therefore do not view me as someone attacking him based on an affinity for animals or dogs. While I do love nature, the outdoors and all living things I understand where my food must come from.)


I agree with your post up until the military comment. Please don't compare serving your country to what that piece of sh@t scumbag Vick did.

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I think his statements pretty much confirm what seemed to be true already - Michael Vick is an idiot.


Oh, but he has been through sooo much hardship... more than 95% of the world's population. What a douche.


It was self-induced. Nobody forced him to drown dogs in a 5 gallon bucket, electrocute dogs with jumper cables and throw a family dog into a ring of vicious pit bulls just to watch those pitbulls rip that dog to shredds. He was one of the highest paid (if not the highest) QB's in the NFL, endorsement deals, fame...etc, and he screwed it up on his own.

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There was a time when I would have loved Vick as a Bill. Not now. Too much baggage. Let's remember that Vick served his time. What he did is horrible and sickening, but the man paid the price for what he did. I never have understood how people cry about animal torture (those people should be locked away) but killing humans is by far more horrible that killing animals. If the NFL had banned Vick from playing, I would have been fine with that. Whether or not you all like it, according to out laws, Vick was found guitly, served his time in a federal jail, and has a right to earn an income.

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Our society thinks so little of animals that they DO sympathize with this guy. The technology is there to end suffering for all animals, even for the animals destined for our dinner table, and the only reason none of it is being implemented, or even talked about in the lawmaking circles, is because we as a society don't give a rat's ass about the suffering of anyone besides ourselves and the few humans we depend on for sex, mothering, or financial support (and for most of you a ride to the liquor store).


Mahatma Ghandi was quoted as saying: "A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members. ... and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."


America has a LONGGGGGGG way to go.

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Worse criminals?


There are all shades of "domestic violence". Two elderly folks overheard by a neighbor who then calls the police - no physical harm, but in today's intolerant society, the policeman has to haul one off to jail. Pick your shade of grey...


Vick. Man has dominion over the animals. They are at our mercy, even things as dangerous as a Pit Bull or a Rottweiler (bred by man for their traits, sadly). So you treat them well.


But to use them - domestic animals - for sport, for gain via violence, training them to do such things...yet evidently tolerated, explained away by several.


Your two dogs, if Vick and his crowd got hold of them, well, they would have been useful training flesh while his moneymakers chuckled at the terror in their last moments, and roared when they were ripped to shreds.


Vick lied, avoided, and only admitted when he was cornered.


And it's fine with you if he's hired... :rolleyes:


I wouldn't care to have the likes of a Vick anywhere around me. He hasn't a stitch of common humanity about him.



WOW. WTF are you talking about???? You obviously do not know ANY LEO's, because that's the furthest thing from the truth.



BTW, I'm sure the person who posted about Domestic Violence meant in regards to ACTUAL abuse, not some random arguement.

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I dont understand what people want from vick...you say he hasn't done enuff what the hell more can he do?...what do people want from him...he lost everything....i mean damn what else is there????

He lost everything???


Has he lost his freedom?


Has he lost his job as an NFL QB?


Has he lost his current million dollar contract?


Has he lost the adoration of football fans?



Look, he may have lost these things temporarily (and by choice, you should be reminded), but he's got them all back now. His bizarre comments after receiving this bogus "honor" reveal a guy who hasn't learned much.


I think he may be retarded---if so, then he would have my sympathy.


Otherwise, Mike Vick should just STFU.

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I dont understand what people want from vick...you say he hasn't done enuff what the hell more can he do?...what do people want from him...he lost everything....i mean damn what else is there????


and you think that would be a lesson in humility! HA! He is a self righteous loser with a God complex. Is he really trying to make a Lifetime Movie out of his pitiful, self proclaimed hard luck story! "F" you Vick, the NFL is/was better off with you locked up! I gues those who overcome starvation, poverty and disease don't compare to you, right? If he were standing right in front of me, I would piss on his leg, cause he's about as useful as a toilet! :rolleyes:

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Certainly not a fan of Vick but I don't hate him either in fact I try not to judge.

As a QB I feel he tends to lock in on a receiver. If the receiver is not open he takes off. Will he develop as Randall Cunningham or Donavan McNabb. It remains to be seen. If he can add value lets bring him in. If not lets leave him.


It always amazes me how self righteous people are when discussing the dog fighting issue. When they are only using it as a guise to express their hate. Lets face it I do not feel as though dogs have the same rights as humans but I do respect the living. A couple of questions for the so called animals loving posters

- Do you feel its okay for a dog to be confined to a back yard for years or to be fed table scrapes.. If you treated a

human this way you would be imprisoned.

- Do you feel its okay for a dog to be walked with a leash with a choker collar around its neck.

- Have you taken in a dog from the streets because you care so much. The answer is probably hell no.

- Do you feel castration, oh excuse me spading or neutering of animals is okay to control animal population because if

I was given a choice to fight some one else or be castrated, I would fight...what would you choose?

- Do you care when humans are being treated unfairly in this country or other parts of the world and trust me there is a

lot of torture going on. Children are being killed every day in S. America..wanna help them out?

- For you military buffs. Is killing an animal for sport less moral than killing or torturing a human for your country.

- Is killing an animal worse than continual domestic abuse?

- Have any of you ever made a mistake.

People make mistakes, All of you have made mistakes...hypocritical members of society are so unforgiving until they get caught making a mistake. Then they want forgiveness. They are FOS. Hopefully people learn from their mistakes.

I have owned dogs and I love animals and what Vick did was wrong but it wasn't the worst crime or an unforgivable act and he has done his time.

For those of you questioning intellegence...If you want to be impressed intellectually you should not watch football. Don't watch post game interviews or the pregame show for that matter... He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but are most of your good football players?

I don't want the Bills to exclude any option that may help this team because we have clearly gone down the wrong path this decade. When I sit down to watch football I really don't care if the players are !@#$s, or if they have lied to there wives, or are banging better looking chicks than me or if they wake in the moring singing "we are the world", I just want to see the Bills win fair and square.

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Worse criminals?


There are all shades of "domestic violence". Two elderly folks overheard by a neighbor who then calls the police - no physical harm, but in today's intolerant society, the policeman has to haul one off to jail. Pick your shade of grey...


Vick. Man has dominion over the animals. They are at our mercy, even things as dangerous as a Pit Bull or a Rottweiler (bred by man for their traits, sadly). So you treat them well.


But to use them - domestic animals - for sport, for gain via violence, training them to do such things...yet evidently tolerated, explained away by several.


Your two dogs, if Vick and his crowd got hold of them, well, they would have been useful training flesh while his moneymakers chuckled at the terror in their last moments, and roared when they were ripped to shreds.


Vick lied, avoided, and only admitted when he was cornered.


And it's fine with you if he's hired... :(


I wouldn't care to have the likes of a Vick anywhere around me. He hasn't a stitch of common humanity about him.



VERY well said!

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Wow! Is he still that dumb and unable/unwilling to learn?

Stay as far away from him as possible Buffalo!

JK would not take him ever so hopefully he has Ralph's ear in regards to this.


Vick created his own problems. He made a conscious calculated decision for years that it was okay to torture and kill animals doing it himself for sport. That is one sick individual. Don't want him here at all.


He has paid his debt to society in terms of his jail time and his further debt is realizing he has to live with the consequences and part of that is people not wanting him around. That quote shows he is still an arrogant jerk

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Lets get this straight. Michael Vick did not have to do anything. He chose to endure this through decisions he made. His offender rehab evidently was not very comprehensive. He has no empathy (in this comment) toward his victims - the dogs and fans. It was a thoughtless statement from someone who did not learn the lesson that our justice system desired of him.


I am not looking to string him up for a disembowelment at high noon braveheart style nor am I going to send him a Christmas card. I am simply saying, Michael Vick is another example the rehabilitation system failing. He evidently needed a tougher lesson to learn that he did not have to endure anything. For the same matter, an enlisted soldier in the military chooses to serve his country and does not have to endure anything.


Where has the responsibility gone in our society? According to the Bubba Army, this statement is right in there with the pussification of our country.


(disclaimer: I am a commercial beef farmer and not a crazy fanatical animal lover. I cannot stand PETA, the HSUS or other similar terrorist groups, therefore do not view me as someone attacking him based on an affinity for animals or dogs. While I do love nature, the outdoors and all living things I understand where my food must come from.)


his debt to society is paid. and then some. he's broke and alone.. for what? doing something that he grew up with, was tolerated all around and taken for granted? I'd take him over anyone we have now. thats for sure. these are football players, not rhodes scholars. lets go win some games.

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People make mistakes, All of you have made mistakes...hypocritical members of society are so unforgiving until they get caught making a mistake. Then they want forgiveness. They are FOS. Hopefully people learn from their mistakes.

I have owned dogs and I love animals and what Vick did was wrong but it wasn't the worst crime or an unforgivable act and he has done his time.


Vick has done his time, but let me just say this: the big, bad world doesn't owe Mike anything. Everything that has befallen Michael Vick is a direct result of Michael Vick's own actions. Try as he and his apologists may, there is no one else to blame. Everyone deserves a second chance and he got his the moment he stepped out of prison. Beyond that, if he wants forgiveness and respect, he's going to have to earn it. When I think he shows some real remorse for what he did, then I might cut him a little slack, but to this point, I haven't seen it.


In no case would I have reinstated him into the NFL. Goodell should have made an example of him as a lesson for current and future players of how *not* to conduct yourself if you wish to play in the NFL.

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Well at least Vick doesn't lack confidence. In receiving his bravery award he was quoted as saying:


"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."




its amazing how he acts like something happened to him and thats the reason he is in the position he is instead of the actual reason which is that he is a freakin idiot

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I dont understand what people want from vick...you say he hasn't done enuff what the hell more can he do?...what do people want from him...he lost everything....i mean damn what else is there????



He's a millionaire felon. He will continue to acrue wealth being a felon. I get that rap and I'm living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

Put a bandaid on that bleeding heart of yours.

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