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I was happy for Losman when he signed with the Raiders this week. In honor of his signing, I wore my Bills Losman jersey. I started to wonder why it is fans like me still like the guy. I guess it's because I know he has a lot of potential and the fact that he went through a ton of coaching changes while in Buffalo. That being said, he still holds on to the ball too long. Regardless, it's funny that a lot of fans, like me, still like the guy. Trust me, I never break out the Rob Johnson jersey.

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I was happy for Losman when he signed with the Raiders this week. In honor of his signing, I wore my Bills Losman jersey. I started to wonder why it is fans like me still like the guy. I guess it's because I know he has a lot of potential and the fact that he went through a ton of coaching changes while in Buffalo. That being said, he still holds on to the ball too long. Regardless, it's funny that a lot of fans, like me, still like the guy. Trust me, I never break out the Rob Johnson jersey.



Biggest reason I think....besides the fact that he tried hard....he embraced Buffalo


He's a very good human being and I try to separate that from the player, especially after they leave the team.

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Guest dog14787
Embraced Buffalo, unlike Trent, and I think now we feel burned by Trent, so we harken back to JP


Let me add burned to the list, myself personally I love my football team and the QB is a big part of a Football team. Its harder for me to separate the two like some of you folks can. I'm a TE backer and I was a JP Losman backer and I really tried to get behind Ryan Fitzpatrick, but not at the expense of a good QB, no way. I like Ryan Fitzpatrick , but he's nothing but a career backup and that's exactly what he should be doing if this organization even had a clue.

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Agreed. JP was one of the few Bills players that acted like he enjoyed the city and wanted to be a part of it. But in the end you have to do the job you were hired for. Could he have been a success with better coaching? Maybe. But to me he lacked field vision and you can't coach that.



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Let me add burned to the list, myself personally I love my football team and the QB is a big part of a Football team. Its harder for me to separate the two like some of you folks can. I'm a TE backer and I was a JP Losman backer and I really tried to get behind Ryan Fitzpatrick, but not at the expense of a good QB, no way. I like Ryan Fitzpatrick , but he's nothing but a career backup and that's exactly what he should be doing if this organization even had a clue.



I agree Dog. Nothing against JP personally, he just didn't work out. I hope the best for him, but in the spirit of competition I hope that if he does play against the Bills in the future that he plays like he did in his last Jets game - I don't want him to prove that the Bills made a mistake in letting him go. TE could have worked out with the right OL, coaching, mentoring, etc. but looks like the train has left the station. Let's see what Brohm has, and go from there.


Good luck JP, I hope you need it when you play the Bills.

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I was happy for Losman when he signed with the Raiders this week. In honor of his signing, I wore my Bills Losman jersey. I started to wonder why it is fans like me still like the guy. I guess it's because I know he has a lot of potential and the fact that he went through a ton of coaching changes while in Buffalo. That being said, he still holds on to the ball too long. Regardless, it's funny that a lot of fans, like me, still like the guy. Trust me, I never break out the Rob Johnson jersey.

In answer to your question . . . I never really did develop a soft spot in my heart for Losman.


It's been said that Losman embraced Buffalo. That's one way of looking at it. Another is that he wanted to be liked by the fans of his new team. He gained social rewards for having bought that house near Elmwood Avenue, and for his neighborhood cleanup efforts. Would he have done those things if, instead, he had expected indifference or even social penalties?


On another thread, someone mentioned that he drank a number of shots of some expensive liquor, at $150 a shot. Maybe he just liked the taste, but maybe he was trying to impress people. If the latter is the case, it would argue that he's insecure.


Compare that to a guy like Jim Kelly. He snubbed Buffalo for a couple years, opting to play for the Houston Gamblers instead. Once he finally came to Buffalo--not by choice, incidentally--he was welcomed like a conquering hero. Now that he's retired, and can live wherever he feels like, he's opted to stay in Buffalo. His charity--Hunter's Hope--was created because of his son's serious illness. Jim Kelly's relationship with the city of Buffalo strikes me as being more genuine and sincere than Losman's.


In answer to your original question, I think that as Bills fans, we haven't had much to cheer about since the day Jim Kelly and his teammates hung up their cleats. That's caused an element of wanting to believe the best about current Bills players. Losman gave people that. They could see his physical gifts, and imagine how good a quarterback he could be if some combination of "coaching" "experience" and other factors allowed his mind to catch up to his body. They saw his cleanup efforts and his house as evidence that Losman had embraced Buffalo, just like Jim Kelly did (eventually).


Unfortunately, the hope Losman gave people was a mirage, both on and (probably) off the field. He was not the Jim Kelly people wanted him to be.

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In answer to your question . . . I never really did develop a soft spot in my heart for Losman.


It's been said that Losman embraced Buffalo. That's one way of looking at it. Another is that he wanted to be liked by the fans of his new team. He gained social rewards for having bought that house near Elmwood Avenue, and for his neighborhood cleanup efforts. Would he have done those things if, instead, he had expected indifference or even social penalties?


On another thread, someone mentioned that he drank a number of shots of some expensive liquor, at $150 a shot. Maybe he just liked the taste, but maybe he was trying to impress people. If the latter is the case, it would argue that he's insecure.


Compare that to a guy like Jim Kelly. He snubbed Buffalo for a couple years, opting to play for the Houston Gamblers instead. Once he finally came to Buffalo--not by choice, incidentally--he was welcomed like a conquering hero. Now that he's retired, and can live wherever he feels like, he's opted to stay in Buffalo. His charity--Hunter's Hope--was created because of his son's serious illness. Jim Kelly's relationship with the city of Buffalo strikes me as being more genuine and sincere than Losman's.


In answer to your original question, I think that as Bills fans, we haven't had much to cheer about since the day Jim Kelly and his teammates hung up their cleats. That's caused an element of wanting to believe the best about current Bills players. Losman gave people that. They could see his physical gifts, and imagine how good a quarterback he could be if some combination of "coaching" "experience" and other factors allowed his mind to catch up to his body. They saw his cleanup efforts and his house as evidence that Losman had embraced Buffalo, just like Jim Kelly did (eventually).


Unfortunately, the hope Losman gave people was a mirage, both on and (probably) off the field. He was not the Jim Kelly people wanted him to be.

Of course he wanted to be liked by the fans. When people say the City of Buffalo the people, including Bills' fans, are included. How many players try to do Clean Ups of their city just to gain the favor of the fans. JP did it because he made Buffalo his home and wanted to try and make a difference. He figured he'd be living there and he wanted to clean it up.

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Three concussions tend to do that to a person.

So does sucking.


As for clean up the city boy, I think some people like him because he embraced Buffalo. His strong arm did not hurt either. I'm not saying it is right or wrong. I think he still has his house doesn't he?

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