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They have NO knowledge of economics. I only had a half year in Senior year of HS and I know that what he's doing is exactly what FDR did , which caused the Depression to last until WWII started revving up.

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To further show you that they have no !@#$ing clue in how to get the economy going:




Here is what BO said

“Ninety-eight percent of all American companies have fewer than 100 employees. Over half of all Americans work for a small business. Small businesses are the backbone of our nation's economy and we must protect this great resource…..Helping American small business is part of our movement for change and the end of politics as usual.”


yet he does this:




Facing rising unemployment rates and having seen uncertain results from the stimulus bill, President Obama is hosting a "jobs summit" at the White House Thursday that will be packed with business leaders and economists supportive of White House policies but lacks a diversity of opinion, several analysts say.


Missing from a partial list of attendees released by the White House are the self-proclaimed voices of business - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business - both of which have been critical of Mr. Obama's proposed health care overhaul.


yet he invites:

Confirmed attendees include liberal economists credited with shaping the $787 billion stimulus package, union leaders, environmental advocates and executives from Google and other blue-chip firms.


Which of course the Chamber of Commerce and NFIB are two of the largest organizations that lobby for and represent small businesses. :censored:

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If you call low taxes and less intrusive legislation Republicans


Even with me editing out half your statement, you still managed a few stupid things. I appreciate your pithy idiocy.


Less intrusive Republicans. That's awesome. Weren't you just in the homo's wedding party in the other thread?


(Damn me for feeding the troll.)

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Even with me editing out half your statement, you still managed a few stupid things. I appreciate your pithy idiocy.


Less intrusive Republicans. That's awesome. Weren't you just in the homo's wedding party in the other thread?


(Damn me for feeding the troll.)


Is it being intrusive when you are intruding to protect our rights?

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The unions, who will be heavily represented at the event, want something much bigger. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is proposing a plan that would extend jobless benefits, send billions in relief to the states, open up credit to small businesses, pour more into infrastructure projects, and bring throngs of new workers onto the federal payroll -- at a cost of between $400 billion and $500 billion.


And how is this different from the original $787 Billion Bill?


My guess is that some sort of bill will come out, without using the name "Stimulus" because of the stigma it carries with it. I will also make a prediction that it will cost somewhere between $275-$375 Billion and that they will also add the STOCK Tax in it as well and probably try to use some of the un used TARP funds.

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