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Game Management at the End

Dr. Trooth

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When Jax got the first down at the 4 with 1:17, Jax ran a play and the Bills called a TO with 1:12 left. At that time, I was astonished that they didn't just let Jax score,... the worst that could have happened was exatly what did happen... they get a TD and a 2pt. conversion, but the Bills have all three time outs. Obviously, the Bills chose not to do that. The net result was losing 16 seconds and wasting 2 timeouts. Instead of the two spikes inside the last minute, they could have used timeouts. Keep in mind... all they had to do was get in field goal range to send the game into OT.... but they also had enough time to score a TD. Whether the Bills could have made the necessary completions or get a break with a pass interference, we'll never know. The game management at the end of the first half was also lame... a TD at that point, in hind sight, would have been enough to win the game as it turned out.

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Amazing. I was yelling at the TV and my two uncles to "let them score". Save the time outs, save some time on the clock and worse case scenario, send it into OT with a field goal. Ray Charles could have seen that!


On the bright side, I honestly Billieve that a new head coach in the likes of Gruden, Shanahan, Cower or Holmgren will provide enough guidance, leadership and foresight to right this ship.

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Just stop with the "letting them score" business. Do you really think a 1st game head coach who is also a D-coordinator is going to let the other team score?? add the fact that our offense has not been able to do ANYTHING in the last minute of crunch time all year and clearly the best chance to win the game was stopping them on the goal line. Besides, it took Jax until 3rd down to get the TD. YOu never know what could happen, they could have dropped that pass or got a holding penalty or something. It's not a given that they were going to score. We had plenty of time on the clock, at our own 40 to get into FG range. Just like New England (and Cleveland?) though, the O can't get it done. There are too many posts in this forum about why not let them score? it amazes me.

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I'd like to think that this was at least considered by the coaches, but in this case I'm not sure it's such a slam-dunk as is being suggested.


Conceding anything to the Jags offense is dicey, and on balance I'm not sure I trust our offense to drive the field for a FG more than I trust our D to come up with a goal line stand.


However, you'll likely draw out several posts arguing to NEVER let a team score, and those posts are incorrect.

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Amazing. I was yelling at the TV and my two uncles to "let them score". Save the time outs, save some time on the clock and worse case scenario, send it into OT with a field goal. Ray Charles could have seen that!


On the bright side, I honestly Billieve that a new head coach in the likes of Gruden, Shanahan, Cower or Holmgren will provide enough guidance, leadership and foresight to right this ship.

In this case, why let them score when you have a 5-point lead? You can still stop them and win the game right there. I understand the thinking, but I wouldn't have done it then. With this offense (even though they were better yesterday), what makes you think they'd be able to drive into FG position?


The Jets tried to let them score last week and MJD took a knee at the 1 - when they were still behind. Jacksonville knows how to manage the clock. The best thing to do was to try and stop them.

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The Jets tried to let them score last week and MJD took a knee at the 1 - when they were still behind. Jacksonville knows how to manage the clock. The best thing to do was to try and stop them.


Off-topic, but I had to chuckle when I saw that ... with memories of Pillsbury doughboy calling a sideline run/sweep when we're trying to run clock, and Marshawn then trumping the stupidity by dutifully running right out of bounds.

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So much for Fitz being the better QB...


The game management sucked at the end of the half.


The game management sucked at the end of the 4th.




Let them score then get the ball back with close to 2 minutes not 50 seconds!!!!


A FG ties the game a TD wins the game.

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I don't think I've ever seen a football team willingly let another team score EVER? Can someone point me to an example of where this has happened?


If I remember correctly the Bills were up by 5 at the time. If they stop them they win, if they don't it's game over. The Bills offense has been anemic the entire season. Letting them score and assuming they could mount a 60 yard drive is insane.

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I don't think I've ever seen a football team willingly let another team score EVER? Can someone point me to an example of where this has happened.


If I remember correctly the Bills were up by 5 at the time. If they stop them they win, if they don't it's game over. The Bills offense has been anemic the entire season. Letting them score and assuming they could mount a 60 yard drive is insane.

Logic will not work here.

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They didn't let them score and they had the ball with about a minute left and 1 timeout to try and send the game into overtime...which would've happened had Fitzpatrick been able to throw an accurate pass to TO when he was open on the last two pass plays.


I have no problem with not letting them score, but a more accurate QB would've sent that game into OT and given the team another chance to win the game.

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I don't think I've ever seen a football team willingly let another team score EVER? Can someone point me to an example of where this has happened?


If I remember correctly the Bills were up by 5 at the time. If they stop them they win, if they don't it's game over. The Bills offense has been anemic the entire season. Letting them score and assuming they could mount a 60 yard drive is insane.


Green Bay v. Denver Super Bowl. Holmgren allowed Denver to score TD (T. Davis) to get the ball back with time on the clock. It didn't work as GB failed to convert on 4th down in the last series.

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You point at Fewell for bad clock management but then suggest we let the Jags score a TD????? You are out of you mind!! All you would get is an extra 12 seconds. Here's why:


1st and goal on the 4. Bills stop them and call time out. 1:12 left

2nd and goal...Bills stop them again and call time out: 1:08 left.

3rd and goal the score...Jax scores...Bills get the ball with 1:04 and one timeout.


The worst that could happen is the Bills stop them on 3rd and Jax scores on 4th down. Bills get the ball back with 1:00 left and no time outs. In the meantime you have 4 chances to win the game on defense. So explain to me again why giving them a TD is good clock management? Doing what you suggested would be the height of bone-headedness.


Yes, they botched the end of the first half but Fewell nailed it at the end of the game. No question. Too bad Fitz can't hit anyone on target.



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I don't think I've ever seen a football team willingly let another team score EVER? Can someone point me to an example of where this has happened?


If I remember correctly the Bills were up by 5 at the time. If they stop them they win, if they don't it's game over. The Bills offense has been anemic the entire season. Letting them score and assuming they could mount a 60 yard drive is insane.


It's the Bills we are talking about. Kings of the 4th QRT Collapse. Did anyone really believe the Bills would stop them?

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