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Chinese pollution


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Some things I saw when with a tour group in China, two years ago this month....


1) Smog - we were told that's fog, not smog. Uh, fog eventually burns off as the day goes on, this stayed in the air all day


2) Nuke plant - We were told by our guide it wasn't a nuke plant. Funny, I know what a cooling tower looks like and there was even a sign on the highway exit that said Nuclear Plant


3) The river water in Shanghai was brown. Pity, would have been a really nice waterfront area except for that

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I was flying back from Hawaii a couple of years ago and the sky was full of brown smog. Not sure if it was from China but I wouldn't be surprised.



Nah, it was probably about 8 hrs after Lana had taco bell.

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I had a job working security at Love Canal in 1990 while I was in college. Spooky neighborhood with all those empty houses--and the occasional occupied one because a few (insane) people refused to leave.


We actually lived in the heart of the neighborhood -- in the area that was so bad, they crushed the houses into the basements, capped them off, and then put up a fence around the entire area. :lol:


The worst part is that I didn't seem to even get any super powers from living on a landfill! :lol:

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great link Bills_fan....

I have a close friend who travels to China monthly to purchase clothing from factories. She says it is like hell as soon as you get out of the big city downtowns.Unbelievable poverty and pollution.


Jesus Christ, wouldn't it be cheaper for her just to hit the outlet malls?

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