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Petition to bench Larry Johnson for using "fag"

John Adams

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Who was against the Dixie Chicks and boycotted them for their unpatriotic stance and thinks LJ should be left alone? Anyone?


I think LJ should be left alone, and I'm still boycotting the Dixie Chicks.


Of course, I don't give two ***** about their politics, I'm boycotting them because their music sucks moose ****.

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Someone needs to ban this homo!!! <_<




yeah you fag!


**fake outraged cries of "oooooohhh my!!! I can't believe he just said THAT!! He needs to be banned for life!! Oh Jasper, catch me while I faint...""



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yeah you fag!


**fake outraged cries of "oooooohhh my!!! I can't believe he just said THAT!! He needs to be banned for life!! Oh Jasper, catch me while I faint...""



<_< Are you talking to moi?? Watch it, I'll hit you with my man purse.....I mean satchel!!!

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Let's see - you believe in the 1st Amendment, but want to materially punish those that use it in a fashion disagreeable to you.


You'd fit right in, in 1917 Moscow and 1933 Munich... :thumbsup:

? - Benching him hardly violates the first amendment. He's working for a private organization, and the private organization can do almost whatever it wants, essentially, when it comes to speech issues. The state isn't involved here, and therefore this has nothing to do with the first amendment in any way whatsoever.

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I was going to rent a train to paradise for all those who have always lived strictly by christian values. People who never had malicious of thought, or fornication, or jealousy, or pride, or gluttony, nothing. Law abiding, prayerfully disciplined, never loaned or borrowed money. Never stole, lied, or cheated. You know, the good old boys, never falsely accused, never judged his fellow man, never scorned another. Then I realized a train was too big, so I thought I'd rent a bus. Funny thing happened on the way to pick up passengers, There were none...even the driver had to get off the "holier than thou" bus.

What's wrong with loaning or borrowing? Aside from those two I'm waiting for my ride. :thumbsup:

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Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable.


Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say.




Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments.

Seems like a double standard to me. What about team names? Redskins, Chiefs.....

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Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable.


Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say.




Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments.



OJ was found not guilty, what was an icon before he got of accused of killing is ex-wife who was living in his house with some other dude and driving his cars around

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My dear friend, I am thinking that saying "fag" is not akin to murdering someone. This being said. I have no issue with gays and hetros petitioning for action against this long term moron.


PLEASE be advised that I think that he is a proven p.o.s., but I do have issues wrt rights/freedom as you well know. I guess I need to think your post over just a bit more.


My post may be misconstrued. What LJ said makes him a bit of a dick but nothing more.


My point was to contrast the fans there holding their team to some standard while I have to go see OJ's name on the wall every time I see the Bills. It's disgusting to walk into RW and see a woman beating double murderer's name up there. Someday I'll take my daughter to RWS and she'll be (rightly) disgusted to see his name up there.


It should be down. Now.

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? - Benching him hardly violates the first amendment. He's working for a private organization, and the private organization can do almost whatever it wants, essentially, when it comes to speech issues. The state isn't involved here, and therefore this has nothing to do with the first amendment in any way whatsoever.


Er...I was addressing a poster's words, who demanded material punishment while at the same time wrapping himself in the 1st Amendment.

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