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Holmgren wants to coach on the east coast


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I am not seeing the pattern or any indicators in RW's history that lead me to believe he will hire any of the big name/big $$ coaches that will be available next year. Does anyone really believe that his is going to pry open his wallet now and try and land a big fish.


I would anticipate that we will hire a successful coordinator at around a million per. Or, he may go even cheaper and do the "in-house" which will be extremely frustrating.

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I am not seeing the pattern or any indicators in RW's history that lead me to believe he will hire any of the big name/big $$ coaches that will be available next year. Does anyone really believe that his is going to pry open his wallet now and try and land a big fish.


I would anticipate that we will hire a successful coordinator at around a million per. Or, he may go even cheaper and do the "in-house" which will be extremely frustrating.


bringing in holmgren is like bringing in chuck knox 25 years ago. ralph has done this and hopefully will do it once more.

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I would agree with the Skins comment .... Snyder is likely to throw a significant paycheck his way.



But would Holmgren want to go to a place where if things are going bad he would get the rug puled out from under him? Not like that would ever happen to a coach like him tho. I also think Holmgren would do a good job if he had complete control of the team.

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I am not seeing the pattern or any indicators in RW's history that lead me to believe he will hire any of the big name/big $$ coaches that will be available next year. Does anyone really believe that his is going to pry open his wallet now and try and land a big fish.


I would anticipate that we will hire a successful coordinator at around a million per. Or, he may go even cheaper and do the "in-house" which will be extremely frustrating.


If he was going to go "in-house", I think he would have done that already.

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I am not seeing the pattern or any indicators in RW's history that lead me to believe he will hire any of the big name/big $$ coaches that will be available next year. Does anyone really believe that his is going to pry open his wallet now and try and land a big fish.


I would anticipate that we will hire a successful coordinator at around a million per. Or, he may go even cheaper and do the "in-house" which will be extremely frustrating.

This is not a pattern but he did shock the hell out of us when he hired Knox in '78.

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I would agree with the Skins comment .... Snyder is likely to throw a significant paycheck his way.



One of the "insiders" (can't remember who now) said that Snyder was going to push hard for Shanahan.


I can't say that Holmgren would be my first choice of available guys, but I would be very happy if Ralph could get anyone with a decent track record interested in coming to WNY... but Holgren was kind of a failure as a GM...would still be an improvement over the guys sinking the ship right now...


Hell, I think Ralph shold lure Parcells to Buffalo...it would be the last AFC East team he hasn't been invoived with... he is on record of saying that Buffalo was one of his favorite places, in his coaching days, to take his team, because it "was all about football"... so what if he runs off in a year or two..I bet he would bring in football players...

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One of the "insiders" (can't remember who now) said that Snyder was going to push hard for Shanahan.


I can't say that Holmgren would be my first choice of available guys, but I would be very happy if Ralph could get anyone with a decent track record interested in coming to WNY... but Holgren was kind of a failure as a GM...would still be an improvement over the guys sinking the ship right now...


Hell, I think Ralph shold lure Parcells to Buffalo...it would be the last AFC East team he hasn't been invoived with... he is on record of saying that Buffalo was one of his favorite places, in his coaching days, to take his team, because it "was all about football"... so what if he runs off in a year or two..I bet he would bring in football players...

I'd imagine Belicheck would say the same thing now as well. But I'm not sure that translates into willingness to coach here as much as it is willingness to come here and win a football game.



I'd take a credentialed guy like Holmgren any day. Not so much because it means we win (or even have a shot at winning) the Super Bowl, but because it could bring us back into relevancy, i.e. the playoffs. After a couple of playoff seasons then we could discuss is he the guy to get us to the SB. Small steps.

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Buffalo is not exactly the definition of east coast, but you could say that it pushes Buffalo up on his list a little bit.

Better than Jauron, but you could say that about a lot of coaches. Not the answer IMO, but I'd take Holmgren over what we have now. Who wouldn't?

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I was thinking of Parcells as more a GM... but, in reference to Buffalo, in his book (the one he wrote when he "retired" from the Jets) he said that Buffalo, for him, was the ideal place for football. He loved the kind of ball that is played in cold weather, and, most importantly, he said that he would test the metal of his teams, when they played in Buffalo. Win or lose, if they were flat, heads would role. He said something like "if you can't get up to play a game in Buffalo, you don't belong on my team"... he cited the great game day atmsophere, and fewer numbers of distractions that WNY offered to players.. I always liked that notion... it is a far cry from what we have now...


I'd imagine Belicheck would say the same thing now as well. But I'm not sure that translates into willingness to coach here as much as it is willingness to come here and win a football game.
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My guess is the Redskins is his team of choice. Though Buffalo fits his fortay of bringing a team back out of the shadows an into the sun.
I would agree with the Skins comment .... Snyder is likely to throw a significant paycheck his way.

Maybe not.



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My guess is the Redskins is his team of choice. Though Buffalo fits his fortay of bringing a team back out of the shadows an into the sun.


Not as per the football stations down here in DC.


They see this article as Holmgren stating that he does NOT want to be involved with the Redskins. HE accurately sees Vinny Cerrato and Daniel Snyder as responsible for hiring the offensive consultant/ turned coordinator.


The same stations are stating that Cowher is also out as a potential coach of the 'Skins because of comments he made after the Zorn issue. His statements also came as a shot at Zorn, for why he would still want to coach for someone who clearly is trying to unseat him.


DC stations see Shanahan as the only solution.

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I was thinking of Parcells as more a GM... but, in reference to Buffalo, in his book (the one he wrote when he "retired" from the Jets) he said that Buffalo, for him, was the ideal place for football. He loved the kind of ball that is played in cold weather, and, most importantly, he said that he would test the metal of his teams, when they played in Buffalo. Win or lose, if they were flat, heads would role. He said something like "if you can't get up to play a game in Buffalo, you don't belong on my team"... he cited the great game day atmsophere, and fewer numbers of distractions that WNY offered to players.. I always liked that notion... it is a far cry from what we have now...


That is really a beautiful thing to say.


I have read a book by Parcells, back when he was coach of the Giants. What book is this that you speak of where is so kind to my beloved City of Buffalo?

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