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  1. Not attacking Ukraine for 4 years under Trump "doesn't show he waited"? LOL! Yes, I'm the one not making sense... And don't be silly with the rest of what you wrote. Trump strengthened NATO by scaring them into contributing their fair share. And if Trump wouldn't have lifted a finger (maybe true) and/or was/is a Putin puppet, why didn't Putin invade? So far none of you have given a serious answer to that question.
  2. That doesn't show he waited. You are making no sense. Are you saying he was scared of Trump? Trump praised the invasion. Heck, he's inviting Putin to attack NATO. Biden's the one that ignored the nuclear blackmail and has aided Ukraine. ("Expert" posters on this board said we were going to have a nuclear war if we aided Ukraine, lol) Putin should have invaded under Trump, he would have won, as Trump would never had lifted a finger to save that republic What are you trying to say, Putin fears Trump, or they are such good friends that Putin wanted to help Trump by not ruffling any feathers. You support a really screwed up person
  3. Ukraine Rejects Putin's Peace Terms JAZZ SHAW There isn't going to be a deal made between Israel and Hamas any time soon, but at least we can hope for a peace settlement in Ukraine, right? For a brief moment this week, it began to look as if that might be a possibility. A group of world leaders are preparing to convene in Switzerland to discuss the terms of a possible ceasefire. When Vladimir Putin was asked about the meeting, he gave a rather surprising answer, saying that he was prepared to "immediately" order a ceasefire in Ukraine if certain conditions could be met. That hopeful state of play didn't last very long, however. As soon as he was informed of Putin's comments, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Foreign Minister immediately shot the proposal down, labeling it as "absurd" and "manipulative." So it appears that we are back to the drawing board and there may not be any point to holding a peace conference in Switzerland. (NBC News) https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/06/15/ukraine-rejects-putins-peace-terms-n3790325 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-pledges-truce-ukraine-exits-occupied-areas-drops-nato-bid-rcna157146 .
  4. 2014 western backed Euromaidan revolution/coup. 2014, disputed regions counter revolution as the population of those regions are 75+% Russians. Disputed region has election. people choose to not be part of Ukraine. But the only peace deal can be the Non-Democratic Ukraine joining NATO even though they have never been able to meet the basic requirements for it. And Russia abandoning the Russians, Energy lines/sources/ strategic port of Crimea. So, until Russia and its citizens go back to the pre-2014-euro maiden border, No deal. Would probably require a mass evacuation of all the Russian citizens, as they would be free game. But for real, Ukraine couldn't meet the requirements for NATO in 2012, How do they now?
  5. So Russia's "peace" plan is concede all of Russia's current gains, and concede collective security via NATO as preconditions for starting negotiations? Man, it's like this plan is designed to be rejected...
  6. It's a preposterous proposal. We keep all of the land. You don't join NATO. Kind of like the Third Reich proposing to the Allies that they will agree to a ceasefire on June 10 1944 if the Allies cede all lands gained to them to date, and refuse to engage in further alliances that make them one unified force. Sure.
  7. This would be a blow to Russia, especially if Armenia decides to put in for NATO
  8. I have no special knowledge of Putin’s goals, just what is publicly available. Which includes invading NATO countries because he believes most Americans are like you and will fold, allowing him to take what he can without existential repercussions.
  9. And you know better than anyone that Putin will invade a NATO country? Looks like I'm not the only one who should sign up for the CIA...
  10. How? L Ron is saying that Russia is losing troops at a "staggering" rate. You posted above that Ukraine is destroying Russian war machinery. Where are they getting the replacements to take on all of NATO, after the war in Ukraine ends (whenever the hell that happens)?
  11. ...but they'll still be able to take on a NATO country after they're done with Ukraine, right?
  12. Because Putin is gonna invade a NATO country next! It's going on 2-1/2 years with Ukraine, who has minimal support from NATO but, by golly, Putin's going to take over Europe!
  13. More like sacrificing them in a proxy war while paying off their political leaders and oligarchs. The standard blood for money arrangement. The question is how far are we willing to go? Are they going to "green light" bombing raids on Russia to be flown out of NATO country bases? And if the Russians consider those bases "fair game" and attack them to destroy those aircraft then what? Article 5? So then NATO forces attack Russia with overwhelming conventional forces and Russia rather than lose the battle and territory deploy tactical nuclear weapons? Are they bluffing about their will to do this? What if they're not? Will we respond? And then they launch ICBM's on cities like NY and Washington. EMP discharges take out electric grids and the world plunges into darkness. And we respond back and its lights out for the human race and civilization for a few hundred years or more. Are western leaders willing to risk the end of the world and my life and the lives of the people I'm responsible for and everyone else on the planet along with almost all animal and plant species in order to "save Ukrainian democracy"? In the context of that cost I suggest your democracy at all costs looks like an expensive proposition. Because this is ultimately where we're headed and if anyone things otherwise, well, they might be the one's on drugs.
  14. NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump again said Wednesday that if he returns to the White House, he would not defend NATO members that don’t meet defense spending targets, days after he set off alarms in Europe by suggesting he would tell Russia to attack NATO allies he considered delinquent. Speaking at a campaign rally in South Carolina, he retold the story of his alleged conversation with the head of a NATO member country that had not met its obligations. This time, though, he left out the line that drew the most outrage — encouraging Russia “to do whatever the hell they want.”
  15. I'm glad you found it worthwhile. Ward Carroll is excellent and gets excellent guests. He is an ex F-14 RIO, (backseater), Naval Academy Professor and ex editor of Military.com. He gets the real guys, like both Commanders Naval Forces Pacific and Atlantic, Commander Naval Air and a host of others who are front line operators, not media pukes. He gets information on what is going on, ie Houthi missile firings and how they were defended way before the news media, because he "know guys." This guest, Dr. Justin Bronk is, in my view, the most knowledgeable and informative source on NATO air forces and the Ukraine conflict. He was a pilot wannabe, but has a physical issue that disqualified him, so he got into the intel world and now works in the Royal United Services Institute. No bs, just realistic appraisals from guys who know the business and its' challenges.
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/07/trump-phoenix-campaign-rally/ The 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday provided the contrast that should define the election. President Biden went to Normandy and spoke about American greatness. Donald Trump went to Phoenix and called the United States a “failed nation” and a “very sick country.” Sign up for the Prompt 2024 newsletter for opinions on the biggest questions in politics In France, Biden rhapsodized about “the story of America” told by the rows of graves at the Normandy America Cemetery: “Nearly 10,000 heroes buried side by side, officers and enlisted, immigrants and native-born, different races, different faiths, but all Americans.” In Phoenix, Trump, invoked the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory, saying Biden had orchestrated an “invasion” at the border as part of “a deliberate demolition of our sovereignty” because “they probably think these people are going to be voting.” Biden hailed NATO, the “greatest military alliance in the history of the world,” and vowed to defend Ukraine: “To bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable. Were we to do that, it means we’d be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches.” Trump hailed a modern-day tyrant, Hungary’s Viktor Orban (“strong man, very powerful man”), complained about “endless wars” and “delinquent” Europeans, and vowed to “spend our money in our country” — including by “moving thousands of troops, if necessary, currently stationed overseas to our own borders.” Follow Election 2024 Biden honored the heroes of Operation Overlord, who launched an invasion to liberate a continent knowing “the probability of dying was real.” Trump promised the “largest domestic deportation operation” in U.S. history. Biden spoke powerfully about the threat to democracy then, and now: “In their hour of trial, the Allied forces of D-Day did their duty. Now, the question for us is, in our hour of trial, will we do ours? We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than at any point since the end of World War II, since these beaches were stormed in 1944. Now, we have to ask ourselves: Will we stand against tyranny? … Will we defend democracy? Will we stand together? My answer is yes, and only can be yes.” And Trump? Though he posted on social media about the “immortal heroes who landed at Normandy,” his message in Phoenix was full of self-absorbed thoughts on his “rigged trial in New York” and nihilistic commentary: “It’s all fake. Impeachment is a fake. The court cases are a disgrace to our country. Everything is fake.” He went on: “I don’t like using the word ‘bulls---’ in front of these beautiful children, so I will not say it.” The crowd struck up a chant: “Bulls---! Bulls---! Bulls---!” Trump laughed. Biden’s speech was an important attempt to rally Europeans, and Americans, against the far-right nationalists who threaten the free world. “Isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago, and it’s not the answer today,” he warned. “The autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen. To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable.”
  17. Makes you wonder. Sweden, Poland, Finland, Japan, Korea...these are all countries that are our Allies and could perform Nuclear breakouts in a short length of time. Russia has done the Lord's work in convincing Europe that it is a credible threat, and that Europe needs to re-arm and re-evaluate its security decisions. If strategic mastermind Donald Trump wins the election and pulls us out of NATO. Or curtails our participation in NATO to such a degree no one trusts us, you'd have to think that Nuclear non-proliferation takes it right up the ass. No nuclear armed country has ever been invaded. If Poland doesn't trust us to get nuked to defend Warsaw, then the only way to defend Warsaw is with Polish nukes. Additional Nuclear powers don't add up to a safer human race, even if they do mean safer countries.
  18. His foreign policy was a joke and deliberately isolated us from our allies in Europe, such as his constant banter against NATO.
  19. Interesting article on drones in the war https://www.yahoo.com/news/robot-wars-ukraine-puts-faith-184759449.html No doubt, murderous Putin's best hope in Ukraine is getting the scum bug Trump elected Donald Trump risks being a “loser president” if he wins November’s election and imposes a bad peace deal on Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said, saying it would mean the end of the US as a global “player”. In an interview with the Guardian in Kyiv, Zelenskiy said he had “no strategy yet” for what to do if Trump returned to the White House, and that the former British prime minister Boris Johnson had approached him on his behalf. If Trump beats Joe Biden, he is widely expected to cut off US military support to Ukraine. Last year Trump boasted he could end the war in “24 hours”. Trump’s aides have previously sketched out a possible plan that would involve giving Ukraine’s eastern regions to Russia, as well as Crimea. But Zelenskiy made clear that “Ukrainians would not put up with that”. Nor would they accept a Russian “ultimatum” that forced Ukraine to abandon integration with Europe and future membership of Nato, he said .https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/02/zelenskiy-trump-risks-being-loser-president-if-he-imposes-bad-deal-on-ukraine
  20. Anyone who doesn't understand the injustice of the events and blindly follows the political parties they feel tribally attached to does not deserve liberty they're blessed to have. They're too confused with their head up their ass to understand this isn't about blowhards mean tweets, his sophomoric skill level of articulation, his playboy past lifestyle, his complete nonsense of a character, his bad business history. This show trial was everything about a political attack of someone that is such a threat to the Republican Democracy in which we live that a completely blatant political warfare hack job was done to try and stop him. And this isn't the end. He will win appeal. But it will be too late to matter, just like the election fraud cases which died the moment 2am hit. The media won't be honest, too much money to be made. The courts will be declared illegitimate when they overturn the rulings but it'll be too late. But not before January when the inauguration comes for Alzheimer Bidens second term. People will protest and be set up to again be politically persecuted. Another step will be made to outlaw the Republican party. SCOTUS will do it's job but be declared illegitimate and ignored. The GOP won't have the balls, should they win the house or Senate to do anything about it... So we wait until 2028 with an economy crumbling, Russia winning Ukraine and on the footsteps of the pathetic NATO org & ***** hole EU. We have a division being sewn between us by political discourse, redefinitions of words, growing immigrantion issue, Chinese fent overtaking our streets. Russia and China are licking their chops as they have fully entrenched Africa already. Yeah, there is nothing good to come of this but completely low IQ folks like @muppy, @Roundybout @Joe Ferguson forever @4th&long (who is absolutely pathetic) continue to bust nuts all over their trousers thinking they're winning something because "their" side won. All sides lost. Of course like usual Democrats are far too stupid to have foresight. Lucky for them, they aren't responsible enough to take responsibility for their actions when they get backed into a corner. What was the crime you sniveling vermin? He has to have a crime to have committed the crime he was charged with ... Don't bother responding because I know you're intellectually unable to respond with anything more than a double dumbass take.
  21. Thread... TWITTER FILES - CIA The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the most famous of the 18 US government agencies that comprise the Intelligence Community (IC) of the United States of America. Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the law strictly prohibits CIA employees or contractors from spying upon or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil. But now, a new Twitter Files investigation reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of the CIA’s mission-driven venture capital firm and ostensibly “former” IC and CIA analysts were involved in a 2021-2022 effort to take over Twitter’s content management system. The effort also involved: — a long-time IC contractor and senior Department of Defense R&D official who spent years developing technologies to detect whistleblowers (“insider threats”) like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks’ leakers; — the proposed head of the DHS’ aborted Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, who aided US military and NATO “hybrid war” operations in Europe; — Jim Baker, who, as FBI General Counsel, helped start the Russiagate hoax, and, as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, urged Twitter executives to censor The New York Post story about Hunter Biden. x.com/shellenberger/… These existing or former IC employees, contractors, or intermediaries weren’t satisfied with simply controlling Twitter. They also wanted to use PayPal, Amazon Web Services, and GoDaddy in a totalizing effort to de-platform, de-monetize, and excommunicate from the Internet entirely those individuals that the IC et al. deems to be a threat. There is much that we still do not know about the effort. We do not know if officials within the CIA or any other IC organization ran the operation. It is possible that the only individuals involved in the effort were the ones we discovered. And none of the individuals involved responded to our request for information except for one. But thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents contained therein paint a clear picture of an organized operation by existing or former IC employees and contractors, using well-established IC tradecraft, to take control of Twitter’s content moderation. Our investigation comes at a moment when governments and intelligence agencies around the world are stepping up their efforts to monitor and censor their citizens. It thus has large implications for policymakers and the public in Western nations that look to the US as a model for free speech and citizen control of the military.
  22. JFC, we don't? Are you really this pathetic? (Stupid question - you are beyond pathetic). YOU WISH Trump had these accomplishments: Is Infrastructure still two weeks out? What about the CHIPS acts? Oh, Veterans, you know, those folks you call suckers and losers and the true patriots who fought Nazis in WWII, Biden signed the PACT Act - an expansion of benefits for toxic-exposed veterans to improve their health and lives. Inflation Reduction Act? You know - lowering drugs costs for Americans - caping insulin costs - every single cult member voted against it. Protecting Social Security and Medicare How's TrumpCare? Oh, that's right - doesn't exist. Meanwhile, Biden signed a law to protect ACA. Job Growth = all time high bro! More people working now than ever before... Stock Market = all time high bro! How's NATO looking these days? Stronger than ever. Democracy - Biden is protecting our DEMOCRACY with honesty and integrity.
  23. You mean his three day conquest of Ukraine? NATO united like never before, US chip industry fortified and Trump on trial? Ha, ha, Ya Putin's really doing great!
  24. I continue to stress the problem faced by Ukraine is a lack of troops for combat operations as a result of multiples of dead and wounded greater than the official government numbers report. You can't set up defensive lines and fall-back positions if you barely have enough soldiers to man the front lines. And going on the offensive would be next to impossible. No amount of weapons or money is going to solve the manpower problem. They need more soldiers, plain and simple. The cheerleaders can wave their pom-poms all they want but its becoming clear there's a need to negotiate or face defeat. The remaining option would be to directly intervene with US and/or NATO country combat forces. Something that would be immensely unpopular. Its certain the domestic propaganda machine will keep drilling the public with the "domino theory" narrative. My expectation is Washington would demand some European nation(s) sends their soldiers into the meat grinder rather than face the ire of US voters in November.
  25. According to statements from President Recep Erdogan,Turkey Treating Over 1,000 Wounded Hamas Members In Hospitals around the country. Unlike the US and many of our allies, Turkey, a NATO member does not consider Hamas to be a terrorist organization. To quote, "Hamas is a resistance organization whose lands have been occupied since 1947, and it has protected its lands after the occupation". Just how they got the wounded out of the West Bank is subject to speculation. Here's one for giggles. If Israel was to attack Turkey for their support and sheltering of Hamas, would the United States and NATO go to war against the Jewish state if Turkey invoked article 5? An attack on one is an attack on all.
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