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Found 24 results

  1. Ah - lol - remember the reaction from the right when I repeatedly said Trump knew in November 2019? https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?q="November 2019"&author=BillStime&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and DR - this doesn’t help your case
  2. You’re kidding - right? The right is the leader of manufacturing issues that ONLY the cult can solve - lolz GAY!!! Don’t say GAY - lmao CRT - been around 45 years and it is all of a sudden a problem for the cult? Trans - been around almost 60 years and now it’s a problem? Books - go ban more book Pandemic? Who was POTUS and ignored his intelligence in November 2019? And I thought it would just go away lol - right Trump?
  3. Ghouls lolz If only your man took the threat seriously in November 2019 instead of wishing it away.
  4. Not at all - Trump knew as early as November 2019 that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region.
  5. Let's see - I wouldn't have destroyed our pandemic infrastructure like Trump did the past three years. I would have jumped on this threat so quickly once my intelligence suggested (in November 2019) there was even a remote problem brewing; something Trump did not do. I would have let the scientists and medical professionals drive/implement the solution. This half a$$ed approach is clearly not working - just look at the infection rates and the economy. We are the only western civilized country NOT fully open for business because this pandemic is out of control in the US. What would you do?
  6. Um I didn’t hire the guy - I’m just telling you what Fauci said. He also reports to Trump. Don’t get all pissy with me when Trump ignored the intelligence in November 2019.
  7. Good call, Jim. Trump actually destroyed and dismantled our pandemic infrastructure way before November 2019: * In 2018 Trump fired Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossart, whose job was to coordinate a response to global pandemics. He was not replaced. * In 2018 Dr. Luciana Borio, the NSC director for medical and bio-defense preparedness left the job. Trump did not replace Dr. Borio. * In 2019 the NSC’s Senior Director for Global Health Security and bio-defense, Tim Ziemer, left the position and Trump did not replace the Rear Admiral. * Trump shut down the entire Global Health Security and Bio-defense agency. * Amid the explosive worldwide outbreak of the virus Trump proposed a 19% cut to the budget of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention plus a 10% cut to Public Health Services and a 7% cut to Global Health Services. Those happen to be the organizations that respond to public health threats. * In 2018, at Trump’s direction, the CDC stopped funding epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries including China. * Trump has on multiple occasions sowed doubt about the severity of the virus even using the word hoax at events and rallies. He even did it at an event where the virus was being spread. Trump has put out zero useful information concerning the health risks of the virus. * Trump pretended the virus had been contained. So you’re right Jimmy - Trump sucks
  8. Trump, Fox News and all you freaks turned yourselves into pretzels defending TRUMP on the use of this drug. THERE ARE 46 PAGES on this website ALONE. And what's my plan? First off, I wouldn't have destroyed our pandemic infrastructure. There is a reason why you invest in insurance like this... Second, I would not have ignored my own intelligence reports on this virus in NOVEMBER 2019. It is clear TRUMP does NOT have a plan.
  9. Imagine if the SOB took this virus seriously and did something in November 2019?
  10. Maybe if Trump shared his intelligence from November 2019 others would have a better understanding of the severity of the issue and make better decisions. Oh, and Trump *IS* a racist - and that’s probably why you Trumpholes support him.
  11. Brietbart - I follow that schitt too. As a matter of fact I’m listening to Sirius XM Brietbart News Saturday right now while I head to Wegmans. LiteBreit is the biggest chearleader for Trump - can only share sugar coated Trump news. Only news you freaks can swallow. That’s why it’s the medias fault per Trump. If you’re not blowing Trump you’re not winning. They have zero cred. And I addressed the Nunes BS - I’m not a revisionist like you. The GOP strategy is clear as day - sink Biden via Obama. Good luck w that - it will only resonate w freaks like you. You blaming Obama won’t take a way the fact that we have over 15% of our country unemployed; millions of jobs lost; 90,000+ Americans dead because of Trumps denials since November 2019; and we will never let up on Russia (cuz it pisses off Trumps fixer (aka @Deranged Rhino); we just might see Trumps taxes; and the RAPE DNA case is still pending. #MAGotts lmao
  12. Except a Dem wouldn’t ignore their daily intelligence briefings and warnings as early as November 2019 like this POS did: 👆🤡 - from the F your feelings crowd still whining about a speech that clearly hit a nerve with the cult. Love it
  13. Delusional af Trump denied and ignored the COVID warnings in November 2019. Trump lost the trade war with China. Trump gave the rich a ginormous tax cut and grew the deficit - something he promised he would cut. Trump literally handed Syria and Afghanistan to terrorists. You are a mess - as usual.
  14. Biden wouldn’t have destroyed our pandemic infrastructure and ignored his intelligence in November 2019.
  15. Close to 10,000 dead. That's ok for you? 10,000 Americans? Trump knew about this in November 2019. Trump has completely dismantled our ability to handle pandemics - here and across the globe. You want me to focus on those numbers? Explain to me why the US is so ill prepared to handle this mess? All Trump cares about are his ratings, his stock market (which is shot) and himself. Not YOU.
  16. You don’t think the United States - who invests more on intelligence and spends way more than any other country on defense - didn’t know in November 2019 what China was doing? They did. Or were they tooo focused surveilling US news reporters? Trump knew and did jack. And lastly - this BS about Trump stopping travel from China? 1) Not true - air travel still commenced 2) Trump never once shared the severity of the virus and then out of the blue “shuts down” air travel? This, after a Muslim ban - that administration lost all credibility. But yea - 500,000 people died on Trumps watch because Trump - the master manipulator and marketer - controlled everything - including Fauci. Bulllllllllllllllllllllllchit
  17. Finally - Trump can take pride in sharing his COVID intelligence with Israel back in November 2019 - his magnificent foresight finally paid off. ? Meanwhile, 122,067 Americans have died because Trump denied. ? Thank you Trump voters!
  18. That’s because he knew it was coming in November 2019... Trump said, 'yeah, okay' and hung up the phone when his health secretary warned him about the coronavirus in January 2020
  19. Funny, you didn't want to highlight this Tweet from Andre. If only King Trump didn't ignore his intelligence briefings. Remember when you freaks DENIED reports that the US knew the virus was already spreading in November 2019? This guy says it started earlier. Idiots
  20. Woodward is a violent left wing extremist who wants to destroy suburban housewives and a loser journalistic lightweight. And his claim that he has Great Trump on tape admitting this - half of these tapes are fake, created by violent left wing pedophile politicians to try and throw shade on Great Trump and the other half our Great Leader is actually speaking in code to alert QAnon to his plans to destroy more angry violent leftists. Remember, everything you read and hear is not real. #fakenews Right Qfreaks? Woodward book: Trump says he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ and worse than the flu while intentionally misleading Americans Of course Trump knew - and he knew in November 2019.
  21. If only Trump didn’t absolutely destroy our pandemic infrastructure. If only Trump didn’t ignore his own intelligence in November 2019. Thanks Trump voters
  22. If only Trump was forthcoming with his intelligence in November 2019 150,000+ Americans wouldn't be dead. Trump's incompetence, lack of leadership, and dereliction of duty has led to so many unnecessary pain and suffering. Thank you for his support - all these dead people appreciate it. Who are these submissive red state governors looking to appease? YOU TOOL!
  23. Still waiting for you to define TRUMP policy. Was it to cozy up with dictators? Was it to destroy our alliances? Was it to pit Americans against each other? Was it to give air to white supremacists and Nazis? Or most importantly - was it to loot our treasury and fill the coffers of the Trump family and org? 1) Infrastructure - who was President from 2017 - 2020 and promised to deliver an Infrastructure bill every two weeks? You’re blaming Biden for actually delivering on Trumps broken promise? And yes - infrastructure impacts ALL of us - thanks for agreeing. 2) Trump promised better, cheaper and “beautiful” healthcare. He failed and ObamaCare couldn’t be more popular - lmao - idiots Meanwhile - you’re blaming a vaccination policy on Biden - so freaking shortsighted of you (but expected). Imagine if Trump read his intelligence briefings back in October - November 2019 - where Trump was warned about COVID. Instead, the MFer denied and lied to the American people because he knew the severity but also put getting re-elected over American lives. And save your anti Fauci bulllllshit - you freaks all need a scape goat and you prove it is NEVER Conald Trump. 3) So you admit the Trump tax policy f’d over Americans - nice 4) Yes - the Trump-China trade war 100% negatively impacted Americans. Farming, manufacturing and shipping all negatively impacted the US, us and prices. https://www.moodysanalytics.com/-/media/article/2019/trade-war-chicken.pdf You can sugarcoat the Trump tenure all you want - but it won’t work. If Trump were amazing as you say - he would be POTUS today. Instead - he was slaughtered in a landslide.
  24. Yeah - keep crying. Too bad Trump didn’t do his f’n job - like read his daily security briefings in November 2019 - maybe things could have been different.
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