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  1. This is beautiful. We have, in just a few short pages, the classic Trump Descending Scale of Excuses. First: he didn't do it! He doesn't even know her! She wanted fame and to ruin Trump and a bunch of activists put her up to this. Second: he didn't "rape" her! He was found not liable for rape!! [upon being reminded that he was found liable for sexual assault by fat finger] Third: NY jurors are a bunch of Democratic Trump haters!! They'd find him guilty of anything put in front of them, regardless of the evidence!! Fourth: But Hillary! But Bill!! Finally (after NC Lab Tech finally fesses up that he is performatively "ignoring" me): You're a Commie !@#$ stain groomer pedo!!
  2. …..and who was an invited guest at Chelsea’s wedding in 2010 ? Hillary was SoS and Epstein by then was convicted in 2008 of soliciting a child for prostitution. The Clinton’s flaunted their association with them.
  3. Any guy married to Hillary gets a pass from me. And Lib's should be smart enough to remain silent on the topics as their lot endorse all kinds of sexual depravity and perversions. Like pedophiles that simply have "different" urges. Hide your dogs and cats from these people.
  4. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for oppo research. When they came up with the Steele dossier, the Clinton campaign attempted to bury it. That is obviously very different than people saying “hey, I work for the Russian government and I want to help you win the election” and the campaign responding with “sounds good!”
  5. Hillary literally paid for the Steele Dossier, which is Russian disinformation, and you think Trump was the new "scale and willingness"? Secondly acceptance of foreign interference is applauded when it is believed to help liberals, such as foreign nationals whom work in Hollywood praise them.
  6. Most of this is actually covered in the Mueller Report. I cannot emphasize enough that people should actually read it if they want to talk about it correctly. It's not that long and you can always just start with the Executive Summaries. "Collusion" is not a term in federal law. The media is really bad at covering law stuff and even worse when it involves politics. Politicians also use incorrect or inflammatory language when it benefits them. That's why Mueller looked at the investigation through the lens of conspiracy law, not collusion. The report also notes that the origin of the Russia investigation was the FBI learning of George Papadopoulos's claim that the Trump Campaign had been told that Russia wanted to assist it by damaging Clinton. As to the idea of the origins being the Carter Page FISA, not only is that debunked by Mueller in the above link, but the report from Trump's DoJ reviewing the origins and appropriateness of the investigations also agrees that Crossfire Hurricane was started because of Papadopoulos in July 2016. It also notes that the first Page FISA was applied for in October 2016, several months after Crossfire Hurricane had already started. As to what some Dems are saying, unfortunately, I do not control the Democratic Party. If I did, Hillary wouldn't have been the nominee in 2016 and Schiff would be losing to Katie Porter right now. Alas, I lack the power to make people say what I want them to say.
  7. I do have a question for you- how was the interference in 2016 any different than the interference in every election since at least Reagan? The only major difference I see is that one of the campaigns was dumb enough to get hacked with classified information. Russians lied about Trump in the Steele Dossier, Russians lied about Hillary also.
  8. So you're saying both Trump and Putin worked independent of each other, had no formal arrangement, but shared the same goal which was to get Trump elected. And worked in separate and independent "swim lanes" to make it happen? You should run this theory by people like Adam Schiff and Hillary Clinton who to this day are still peddling the belief that Trump colluded with the Russians and by default Putin himself to steal the election. In their minds the Mueller report "proved" they colluded but there wasn't evidence beyond a doubt required to bring charges. This is still the prevailing Democrat narrative 7 year later. What's missing from the explanation is the prequel, how it all began. Skipping to the critical point in time, agents at the FBI filed an application for a FISA warrant under false pretense and committed a Federal crime in the process in order to eavesdrop on Cater Page. A person that was suggested to the FBI was working with Russians to dig up dirt on the opposition. They knew he was a CIA asset while leaving that detail out of the warrant application (because that detail likely would result with the judge denying the application). One thing Page was doing was de-briefing his CIA contacts on Russian activities. That was left out of the warrant too. As a result of acquiring the warrant, they could spy on Page and anyone he spoke to in the Trump campaign. You might want to ask 1) why did the FBI knowingly file a FISA warrant application under false pretense?, 2) following up the chain of command where did this order originate? What Mueller's team didn't investigate or report is more telling than what it did. You see the real collusion wasn't between Trump and Putin. It was between the DNC (Clinton campaign) and the FBI. They totally ignored this connection for reasons that are painfully obvious.
  9. Something that has become pretty common is to set a baseline on an issue that is either incorrect or exaggerated because it allows you to make the point you want to make. It's just strawman stuff all the way down. For the Russia investigation, many on the Right assume the narrative of far-Left loonies was the basis of the investigation (think Occupy Democrats, Krassenstein grifters, and even Hillary, etc.) who said things along the lines of Trump taking orders from Putin. That way, when there's a lack of evidence to disprove the extreme position, they can claim victory over the entire issue, ignoring the reality of the situation. What the Mueller Report found is that Russia tried to interfere in the election to Trump's benefit and that the Trump Campaign was open to (or even welcoming of) that support. It also detailed several crimes committed by Russians, members of the Trump Campaign, and by Trump himself. But because it didn't prove the extreme / exaggerated claim that Trump and Putin were working hand-in-hand, the Right declared victory, completely ignoring anything else discovered in the investigation. The idea that Trump and Putin had entered into a conspiracy was always way out there. There wasn't any need for an agreement between the parties: they wanted the same thing and they were going to act to achieve it. Why would they need a formal agreement on it when they were going to do it anyway? If Mueller was telling the truth when he said there wasn't an agreement between Trump and Putin (he was), then why do they think basically everything else in the report is a lie (it isn't)? In the end, you get people stupidly using the Mueller Report to disprove the Mueller Report either through a lack of reading comprehension or a malicious desire to mislead.
  10. Look, obviously the Russia investigation was a hoax. There was no evidence or anything to suggest that Russia was trying to interfere in the election or that the Trump Campaign was open to or welcoming of help from Russia. I mean, sure, Yevgeniy Prigozhin had Russia's Internet Research Agency (IRA) start targeting the US in 2014, and yeah, it created a bunch of accounts pretending to be US people and organizations, and Michael Cohen restarted negotiations on Trump Tower Moscow after an earlier attempt never materialized, and the IRA began organizing dozens of political rallies inside the US, and Trump signed a new letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow with I.C. Expert, a company represented by Felix Sater, and sure, in 2016 the IRA began having its accounts support the Trump Campaign and disparage the Clinton Campaign, and members of the Trump Campaign and family cited, posted, and responded to posts from IRA-controlled accounts such as TEN_GOP, and during the campaign, Michael Cohen spoke to the personal assistant of Russia's press secretary Dmitry Peskov about Trump Tower Moscow, meanwhile the IRA was actually purchasing social media ads opposing Clinton and promoting rallies it organized within the US, around the same time the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) hacked into the computers and email accounts of organizations, employees, and volunteers supporting the Clinton campaign, and then it hacked into the DCCC and DNC, stealing hundreds of thousands of documents, and then the GRU leaked stolen information from the Clinton Campaign to cutouts "DCLeaks", "Guccifer 2.0", and WikiLeaks, at the same time that Trump Campaign staffer George Papadopoulos was informed that the Russian government had dirt on Clinton in terms of thousands of emails, and Trump and campaign officials met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at a private event, while Paul Manafort (who had a history working with oligarch Oleg Deripaska to install friendly political officials where Deripaska had business interests but was embroiled in litigation after the relationship soured) told Risk Gates to provide Konstantin Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign (including internal polling data) because he believed Kilimnik would share it with Deripaska, and then Roger Stone met with Henry Oknyansky (AKA Henry Greenberg) and Alexei Rasin who claimed to have information on Hillary Clinton, around the same time Michael Cohen accepted an invitation to travel to Russia and meet with Dmitry Peskov (and potentially Putin and/or Medvedev) before backing out of the trip, and then the GRU began targeting state and local computer networks and was able to compromise the Illinois State Board of Elections and gain access to a database of millions of registered Illinois voters, around the time that Emin Agalarov (son of oligarch Aras Agalarov) had Robert Goldstone contact Trump Jr. about incriminating info on Hillary, so Trump Jr. repeatedly told senior campaign staff that he had a lead on negative info about Clinton, after which Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner met with Goldstone, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and others at Trump Tower hoping to get dirt on Clinton, and Roger Stone told the Trump Campaign that he knew that WikiLeaks had the Clinton emails before it was public and he told Manafort that he was in contact with someone connected to WikiLeaks, and the GRU sent hacked materials to WikiLeaks which then released them three days before the Democratic Convention, and within hours of Trump's statement asking Russia to find the 30,000 missing Clinton emails, the GRU began targeting Clinton's personal office for the first time, meanwhile a senior campaign advisor for the Trump Campaign diluted a proposed amendment to the GOP platform supporting "lethal" assistance to Ukraine to only "appropriate" assistance, and Donald Trump posted about an IRA-organized political rally in Miami, and Dmitry Simes of the Center for the National Interest (CNI) provided Jared Kushner with information about Bill Clinton, around the time that Manafort met with Kilimnik who personally delivered a message from Vikto Yanukovych about a peace deal that would allow for Russia to control Eastern Ukraine, and Manafort told Gates that his work from the Trump Campaign would be a way to be made whole for his current issues with Deripaska, and then the GRU sent additional hacked materials to WikiLeaks, which then released them, and WikiLeaks began communicating directly with Trump Jr., providing him with info and a password for an anti-Trump website that was about to launch, and then, less than an hour after the publication of the Access Hollywood video, WikiLeaks released the first set of emails that the GRU had stolen from John Podesta, and in the lead-up to the election, the GRU gained access to the network of at least one Florida county government, and in November 2016, Kislyak met with Kushner and Michael Flynn at Trump Tower to discuss US-Russian relations and floated the idea of a secure communication link with the transition team, and Kislyak also set up a meeting between Kushner and Sergey Gorkov, head of the government-owned VEB who had a direct line to Putin, and after Putin met with his oligarchs, Russian oligarch Petr Aven attempted to meet with Kushner to establish a secret channel with the Trump people, and Carter Page (who had previously formed a relationship with Victor Podobnyy, a Russian intelligence officer working covertly in the US) traveled to Moscow telling people that he was still working on behalf of the Trump Campaign (even though he was no longer employed there). While in Moscow, Page met with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich who wished to connect with the Trump transition team, and in December 2016, when the US looked like it would allow a vote on a UN resolution against Israeli settlements, Michael Flynn contacted Kislyak to let him know that Trump opposed the resolution, and also Flynn called Kislyak to discuss sanctions imposed on Russia by the Obama administration, and George Nader arranged a secret meeting in the Seychelles between Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev (head of the Russian sovereign wealth fund), and later on Facebook testified that it had identified 470 IRA controlled Facebook accounts that had collectively made 80,000 posts reaching as many as 126 million people and Twitter testified that it had identified 3,814 IRA controlled Twitter accounts that had been in contact with 1.4 million Twitter users... But aside from that, what evidence is there that warranted looking into Russian efforts to interfere in the election and/or the Trump Campaign's willingness to accept such help?
  11. It's essentially the Russia Russia Russia strategy. Accuse your opponent of what you're doing. Hillary was taking heat in the primaries due to her Russia connections. So she came up with Steele Dossier and accused Trump of being a Russian stooge. They fell for it and are this time too.
  12. Whatever your politics, you have to admit that Trump was exceptionally lucky to get 3 Supreme Court appointments in 4 years. Part of that is Ginsburg hanging on too long, which is probably a consequence of overconfidence that Hillary would win. And part is McConnell running out the clock on Garland's nomination. Biden is looking like he'll get just 1 appointment in his 4 years.
  13. On April 16th, the Supreme Court will hear a case to determine whether the Biden Justice Department misused a federal criminal obstruct-of-justice statute to arrest and imprison Trump supporters on January 6th. https://scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/fischer-v-united-states/… The Supreme Court will almost certainly reverse over 300 January 6th criminal charges or convictions before the end of June. But the damage is done: The Biden Justice Department has already wrongfully charged or imprisoned these January 6th protesters under its bogus, politicized, and malicious application of this post-Enron criminal statute. They’ve lost their reputations, jobs, livelihoods, fortune, liberty, friends. families, and even lives. Jack Smith also misused this post-Enron statute for half of his bogus and political January 6th case to arrest and charge Trump for objecting to the 2020 presidential election, an objection which is allowed by the Electoral Count Act of 1887 and the First Amendment. (Why didn’t Democrats—including Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton—go to prison for objecting to Republican wins in 1968, 2000, 2004, and 2016?) So half of Jack Smith’s January 6th case against Trump will almost certainly disappear before the end of June. And the week April 22nd, the Supreme Court will decide whether the President of the United States—like federal judges and Members of Congress—are immune from criminal prosecution for their official acts. https://supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/022824zr3_febh.pdf… This is a very easy answer: Yes. Otherwise, the Court will allow the destruction of the presidency—and the country. Should Obama face execution for capital murder for ordering the drone strike on 2 Americans—including a minor? Should David Barron, Obama’s legal advisor and now a federal appellate judge, join Obama’s fate? Should Biden face criminal charges for his illegal release of violent criminal migrants into America—and their natural and probable rapes, murders, and other violent crimes? Should the Biden Justice Department prosecutors, along with partisan Democrat and cowardly Republican judges, go to prison for falsely charging and imprisoning January 6th protesters under a malicious reading of the post-Enron obstruct-of-justice criminal statute? Bottom Line: This is republic-ending lawfare. Let’s hope the Supreme Court has the wisdom and courage to stop it. Before it’s too late.
  14. I’ve said what I continue to say: the reason Biden, Hillary, and Pence were not prosecuted is because their cases differ significantly from Trump’s and would almost certainly lose in court. I’m sorry that reality doesn’t match your narrative but that’s just how it works sometimes. But to bring it back to the topic of the thread, if Trump is right about presidential election immunity, then Biden can’t be prosecuted anyway even if he decides to just start selling our secrets, so long as the Dems don’t vote to impeach him.
  15. The reason Hillary, Biden, and Pence weren’t charged but Trump was is because that’s what the law and case law called for given the facts of the cases.
  16. Can’t prosecute when people are being protected by the authorities… Theres a reason why they didn’t charge Hillary and Biden for crimes regarding documents, yet they have no trouble charging Trump- because people in the Establishment have immunity to commit crimes… I don’t mind politicians being charged for crimes (they should be), but ALL need to be charged, especially when authorities admitted crimes were committed…👍 Otherwise, people will not agree with the reasons Trump is being charged…And this is why, despite his court troubles, Trump remains the presidential front runner- because people can see through the BS… It would have destroyed any other candidate, and the Establishment was hoping it destroyed Trump, too…But people are hip to what’s going on, and he will only get stronger, to the dismay of the Left and the Establishment…👍
  17. Well, the Hillary hoax was, literally, a conspiracy amongst several actors in the government… obama’s chef dyingin his backyard did happen…whether or not it was a conspiracy remains to be seen… But that why I said anything is possible- because things that no one ever expects to happen, do happen sometimes…👍
  18. Context? Hillary was never POTUS and Obama wasn’t POTUS when his chef died. What would conspiracies do without you?
  19. Well, JaCrisp - you mysteriously left out your inferences of: 1) Hillary 2) Emails 3) Russia 4) Accusing Obama of killing his Chef (fkn pathetic) All you do is deflect.
  20. I have no idea what you are talking about…Hillary DID destroy emails…Why does it matter where facts came from? The real question should be why was there a cover up of this? And why would I be looking forward to Biden murdering people?
  21. Nice deflection - but since you went there - Trump campaign colluded with Russia - met with them +140 times - coordinated Wikileaks dumps of stolen Hillary emails, etc etc. Now, back to the question - are you looking forward to Biden having SEAL Team Six take out Trump and May as well take out the six right wing Supreme Court judges - and getting away with it?
  22. If Hillary can get away with falsely accusing someone of colluding with a foreign government, to rig an election, and Obama can get away with a dead chef in his back yard, then anything is possible…😉
  23. Remember they already did this in June 2020 via the "Transition integrity Project." Tell us useful idiots, how many many dems would go to jail under this scenario? Heck, by useful idiot standards, the people involved in even planning this type of scenario are insurrectionists. This is why people should be prepared now: They simply will not allow Trump to be POTUS again under any circumstances. Seriously, compare this ridiculous dem scenario to what Trump tried to do in reality. And this wasn't a fringe group...Podesta, Brazille and other noteworthy dem names were involved. The final scenario was the only one that posited a clear Trump victory. Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, won the popular vote (in this case, the margin was a decisive 52% to 47%). But Trump won the Electoral College victory with 286 electoral votes. In other words, Trump was the clear winner of the presidency. Biden conceded defeat on election night but then withdrew his concession as Democratic anger grew over another election in which the winner lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. The Biden campaign pushed the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin to disregard Trump’s victory, overrule their state legislatures, and send Biden electors to Washington. House Democrats refused to recognize Trump’s Electoral College victory. The Biden campaign also came up with what appears to be a demand for concessions in exchange for recognition of Trump’s victory: Trump could take office if the Electoral College were eliminated, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico were given statehood, and California was divided into five states to create more Democratic senators. Otherwise, California, Oregon, and Washington state would secede from the union. In the end, the standoff “remained unresolved,” and Inauguration Day “arrived without a single president-elect.” The scenario ended with: “It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.” So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won’t-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.
  24. Wonder why no one talks about how Mr. Hillary opened the door to the Ukraine for Putin?
  25. How the hell can you come to that conclusion ??? It's been proven that Hillary bought and paid for it to try to assure that she would win the election & what exactly happened ?? The American people saw through her BS or they decided like i did to vote for the lessor of 2 evils . And seeing as you believe the BS & given your reply more than likely voted for her because you were drinking the Kool-aid . To if the same people that perpetrated & then continued to investigate the lies in the Dossier for 4 years are the same people that are investigating the allegations against the man that was the VP at the time the phony FISA warrants to investigate a American citizen because of a bogus dossier i think that would be enough to have some one some where make up some other excuse for those deposits . https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html https://www.axios.com/2022/03/30/fec-clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-funding This is why i continue to bring up the dossier because it's BS you know it I know it but even though you read this which you won't you won't admit it because of the hate that you & others here have for the man & your dilusion that Hillary & any of those involved in this were in any way telling the truth . Just saying - BRUH .
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